Rank | Title | Last Edit
Egyptian Literature
Egyptian Literature Alternate Labels Web Links Ancient Egyptian Literature | Wikipedia Key Passages Reading List Key Passages Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Egyptian Literature | The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary Egyptian Literature | The Lexham Bible Dictionary Egypt; V.Literature | The New Bible Dictionary, Third Edition Works in translation Hallo & Younger | The Context of Scripture, Volume One: Canonical Compositions from the Biblical World Lichtheim | Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms Lichtheim | Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume II: The New Kingdom Lichtheim | Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume III: The Late Period The Hebrew Bible and Egyptian Literature Commentaries Excursus on the Book of Proverbs and Amenemope | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 22: Proverbs Journals J.
HJ. van der Wal, 2013 June Rev #4
God’s Saving Righteousness to Faith (Romans 3:21-5:21) | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 38a: Romans 1-8 Chapters or Sections in Systematic Theologies Barth | Church Dogmatics, Volume IV, part 1–2 Bavinck | Reformed Dogmatics, Volume 4: Holy Spirit, Church, and New Creation Calvin | Institutes of the Christian Religion Grudem | Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Bible Doctrine Lloyd-Jones | Great Doctrines of the Bible, Volume 2: God the Holy Spirit Miley | Systematic Theology Monographs Berkouwer | Studies in Dogmatics: Faith and Justification Küng | Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection (not in Logos) McGrath | Iustitia Dei: A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification, 2 vols.
HJ. van der Wal, 2013 June Rev #9
The American Association of Lutheran Churches documents
The American Association of Lutheran Churches documents Alternate Labels Church documents: AAL AAL church documents Church documents: TAAL TAAL church documents Lutheran church documents Web Links Key Passages Reading List Organization documents The AALC Constitution and By-Laws (July 2005) Blue Ribbon Committee Report – Identity & Purpose of The AALC (1995) Declaration of Faith: Policy and Position Statements of The AALC (1987) The AALC Manual of Policy and Procedures (November 2009) Official documents Lutheran Distinctions About God The Church The Word The Holy Spirit Scripture and Confessions Regarding Marriage Regarding Marriage About Homosexuality TAALC and LC-MS Formal Agreements TAALC-LCMS Altar and Pulpit Fellowship Protocol (July 2007) TAALC-LCMS Operating Agreement I TAALC-LCMS Operating Agreement II TAALC and LC-MS Fellowship Talks Church and Ministry in The AALC The AALC and the Holy Spirit Concluding Affirmations
Mark Barnes, 2013 May Rev #4
Word-Study Fallacies
Word-Study Fallacies Alternate Labels Web Links Reading List Books Word-Study Fallacies | Exegetical Fallacies by D.
MJ. Smith, 2013 May Rev #9
Leithart, Peter J.
Letter & Spirit, Volume 7: The Bible and the Church Fathers: The Liturgical Context of Patristic Exegesis Logos monograph Deep Exegesis: The Mystery of Reading Scripture Reviews Review of Peter Leithart’s Deep Exegesis | Greg Peters in the Scriptorium: a blog by the Faculty of the Torrey Honors Institute Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth | blog Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth Deep Exegesis Reviewed | Aaron Taylor in the blog Logismoi Peter Leithart.
MJ. Smith, 2013 May Rev #11
Denver Seminary NT Exegesis Bibliography
Waco: Word, 1982
NB.Mick, 2013 April Rev #27
Abbott, Edwin Abbott
Abott Web Links Wikipedia: Edwin Abbott Abbott Key Passages Reading List Biographic Wikipedia: Edwin Abbott Abbott Religious books In Logos Johannine Grammar Johannine Vocabulary: A Comparison of the Words of the Fourth Gospel with Those of the Three Not in Logos The Anglican Career of Cardinal Newman Volume 1 (1892) The Anglican career of Cardinal Newman Volume 2 (1892) Apologia : an explanation and defence (1907) Bible lessons (1871) Cambridge sermons, preached before the University (1875) Clue; a guide through Greek to Hebrew scripture (1900) The common tradition of the Synoptic Gospels in the text of the Revised Version (1985) Contrast, or, A prophet and a forger (1903) The corrections of Mark adopted by Matthew and Luke (1901) Diatessarica; [a series dealing with the interpretation of the Gospels] (Volume 2) (1905) Diatessarica; [a series dealing with the interpretation of the Gospels] (Volume 3) (1905) Diatessarica; [a series dealing
MJ. Smith, 2013 February Rev #5
Fernando, Ajith
, Ajith Type: Person Alternate Labels Ajith Fernando Web Links Amazon author page Ministry Site for Ajith Fernando Key Passages Reading List Biographic Amazon author page Ministry Site for Ajith Fernando Biography – Fernando, Ajith (1948-): An article from: Contemporary Authors Online by Gale Reference Team (Dec 16, 2007) Books Acts (The NIV Application Commentary) | in Logos Acts: The Message of Jesus in Action (Bringing the Bible to Life) with Karen Lee-Thorp After the Hurricane An Authentic Servant: The Marks of a Spiritual Leader (Didasko Files) with Patrick Fung The Bible Study Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to an Essential Practice with Lindsay Olesberg The Call to Joy and Pain: Embracing Suffering in Your Ministry | in Vyrso Christian Mission in the Modern World (IVP Classics) with John Stott The Christian’s Attitude Toward World Religions Crucial Questions about Hell Deuteronomy: Loving Obedience to a Loving God (Preaching the Word
Rosie Perera, 2013 February Rev #5
Bible Word Study Linguistics
Bible Word Study Linguistics Alternate Labels root lemma Key Passages Reading List General references SIL: Glossary of linguistic terms Methodology In-depth word study: Introduction and Aids | William J.
MJ. Smith, 2012 December Rev #12
In Theological Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Midrash | New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology Midrash | Vine’s complete expository dictionary of Old and New Testament words Midrash | Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible Jewish Exegesis | Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible midrash | Pocket Dictionary for the Study of New Testament Greek midrash | Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies 1.4.
MJ. Smith, 2012 October Rev #15
Sons of God
In Commentaries James Boice, Genesis 6:1–4 | Genesis, Volume 1: Creation and Fall (Genesis 1-11): An Expositional Commentary Arthur Pink, Page 92 | Gleanings in Genesis Nahum Sarna, Genesis 6:2 | The JPS Torah Commentary: Genesis Gordon Wenham, Genesis 6:1 | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 1: Genesis 1–15 Jude 6 | Hebrews to Revelation: Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, Volume 4 Richard Bauckham, Jude 6 | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 50: Jude, 2 Peter Edwin Blum, Jude 6 | The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Volume 12: Hebrews Through Revelation Peter Davids, Jude 6 | The Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Letters of 2 Peter and Jude Michael Green, Jude 6 | 2 Peter and Jude: An Introduction and Commentary Douglas Moo, Jude 5–7 | The NIV Application Commentary: 2 Peter, Jude Thomas Schreiner, Jude 6 | The New American Commentary: 1, 2 Peter, Jude 3.1 Old Testament Examples 3.2 New Testament Examples 3.3 Pseudepigraphic and Rabbinic Literature
Douglas Van Dorn, 2012 May Rev #4
Purpose of Romans
Purpose of Romans Bible References Commentaries Page liv | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 38a: Romans 1–8 Page 10 | Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Romans Page 1 | Paul’s Letter to the Romans: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Page 22 | A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Volume 1 Dictionary Articles Purposes of Romans | Dictionary of Paul and His Letters Pauline Theology Web Resources
ClaytonH, 2012 May Rev #14
Logos Windows training videos
Featured Videos Introduction Overview of Logos Desktop Overview of Homepage Preferred Bible Home Page Passage Box Home Page Bible Study Bibles and Commentaries Passage Guide Exegetical Guide Bible Word Study Text Comparison Information Windows Tabs Library Prioritized Resources Basic Searching Bible Searching Camp Logos Invitation Logos 4.3 Tutorials Basics of Logos 4 Before You Install Logos 4 Bible Reading Plan Bible Word Study Guide Bible Text Only View Cited By Tool Clippings Command Bar Library Basics Layouts Layouts Management Set Program Scaling, Increase Font Size Logos 4 Advanced Copy Bible Verses Outside of Logos Visual Filter Word Tree Library: Advanced Features Customizable Guides Drag & Drop Shortcuts Drawing Mode Dynamic, Rule-based Collections Infographics Sync User Data Tags Using Logos 4 Biblical People I Biblical People II Biblical Places – Dynamic Map Biblical Places – Information Biblical Places – Maps
Fr Devin Roza, 2012 April Rev #6
With Special Reference to Mieke Bal and K.Ayyappa Paniker | Ayyanethumalayil Jose Bijimon The Bible as Literature: “Words of Delight”: The Bible as Literature (Part 1) | Leland Ryken from Wheaton College The Bible as Literature: “And It Came to Pass”: The Bible as God’s Storybook (Part 2) | Leland Ryken from Wheaton College The Bible as Literature: “I Have Used Similitudes”: The Poetry of the Bible (Part 3) | Leland Ryken from Wheaton College The Bible as Literature: “With Many Such Parables”: The Imagination as a Means of Grace (Part 4) | Leland Ryken from Wheaton College Bakhtin Revisits Deuteronomy: Narrative Theory and the Dialogical Event of Deut. 31:2 and 34:7 | David A.
MJ. Smith, 2012 January Rev #2
Many interesting insights into Jesus’s words and actions, obtained by relating them to rabbinical traditions and sayings.
MJ. Smith, 2012 January Rev #3
Roots of Christian Mysticism Reading List
(Elsevier, New York,1976) John Main Main, John: Christian Meditation: The Gethsemani Talks Main, John: Word into Silence Main, John: Community of Love Bede Griffiths *Griffiths, Bede: The Golden String.
fgh, 2011 December Rev #3
Top ten reading list for spiritual directors
Jean Pierre de Caussade Too Deep for Words: Rediscovering Lectio Divina, Thelma Hall De Sales, Francis.
MJ. Smith, 2011 December Rev #1
History of Preaching and Biblical Interpretation
Short list Sermons Old Testament Moses’ first speech (sermon) Deuteronomy 1:6-4:43 Abijah’s sermon 2 Chronicles 13:4-12 Psalm 37 New Testament Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:3-7:27 Peter’s sermon Acts 2:14-36 Biblical Sermons | A Treasury of Great Preaching, Volume 1 History of preaching Introduction | The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 1: The Biblical Period Chapter I: The Roots of the Christian Ministry of the Word in the Worship of Israel. | The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 1: The Biblical Period Chapter II: The Preaching of Christ and the Apostles | The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 1: The Biblical Period Long list History of preaching Introduction | A History of Preaching, Volume 1 Lecture I: Specimens of Preaching in the Bible | Lectures on the History of Preaching History of
Guest, 2011 November Rev #46
Early Church Fathers Index
CONCERNING THE TRINITY | Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers First Series, Volume VI Sermon 3: ON THE WORDS OF THE GOSPEL, MATT.
NB.Mick, 2011 November Rev #169
Grace Alternate Labels Favour Web Links Key Passages Ephesians 1:2 Reading List Introduction 5485. χάρις cháris | The Complete Word Study Dictionary, New Testament
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2011 August Rev #5
The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod documents
Excommunication” [April 2010] Response to Request for CTCR Opinion Concerning Article VI, Section 2 of LCMS Constitution [February 2010] Opinion on Consecration of Elements – A response to a request from a district president [February 2009] “DVD Consecration” - A response to a request from a district president [February 2006] Admission to the Lord’s Supper: Basics of Biblical and Confessional Teaching [1999] Response to “Concerns of South Wisconsin District Circuits 18 and 19 Regarding Infant Communion” [1997] A Model Communion Card Statement [1993] Theology and Practice of the Lord’s Supper [1983] Marriage and Human Sexuality The Creator’s Tapestry [December 2009] Legislation Regarding Same-Sex Civil Unions [2006] Divorce and Remarriage [1987] Human Sexuality: A Theological Perspective [1981] Policy for Responding to Expressions of Dissent Women in the Church The Creator’s Tapestry [December 2009] Authentein – Response to a Request from the Atlantic District on the word
John W. Schultz, 2011 July Rev #23
Romans Reading Outline
:A Word About The Book Of Romans | Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal Volume 9 An Alternative Suggestion for the Purpose of Romans | Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 145 Life Situation and Purpose of Romans | Review and Expositor Volume 73 Is Romans Really The Greatest Letter Ever Written?
spitzerpl, 2011 May Rev #23
Genesis Reading Outline
Nineteenth Century Concordism—Genesis 1 | Westminster Theological Journal Volume 49 The Old Testament Word: Creator et Redemptor?
spitzerpl, 2011 May Rev #31
In Commentaries Revelation 2:12–17 | A Handbook on The Revelation to John Revelation 2:12–17 | The Book of Revelation Revelation 2:12–17 | TNTC Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary Revelation 2:12–17 | The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Volume 12: Hebrews Through Revelation Revelation 2:12–14 | Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Revelation Revelation 2:12 | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5 Revelation 2:12 | An Exegetical Summary of Revelation 1-11 Revelation 2:12–17 | The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Book of Revelation Revelation 2:12–17 | Hebrews to Revelation: Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, Volume 4 Revelation 2:12–17 | Baker New Testament Commentary: Revelation Revelation 2:12–13 | Horae Homileticae Vol. 21: Revelation—Claude’s Essay—Indexes E.
Praiser, 2011 May Rev #9
Oakland County Bible Students documents
Oakland County Bible Students documents Alternate Labels Church documents: Oakland County Bible Students Church documents: Bible Today Bible student church documents Web Links website Reading List Bible study Why Is the Bible God’s Word?
MJ. Smith, 2011 May Rev #3
Life Changers International Church documents
Life Changers International Church documents Alternate Labels Church documents:Life Changers International Church Unclassified church documents Web Links website Reading List Creedal statements website Confessions Righteousness Job Confessions Grief and Mourning Addiction Confidence Divine Protection For Your Children Freedom of the MInd God’s Prosperity Healing I Am Marriage Power of Your Words Single Mother Victory Over Fear
MJ. Smith, 2011 May Rev #2
Jesus’ sinlessness
Jesus’ sinlessness Alternate Labels Web Links Key Passages Reading List Sinlessness | Concise Theology Jesus Christ, sinlessness of | Zondervan Dictionary of Bible Themes Mark 1:11–13 | The Bible Knowledge Commentary Page 274 | Great Doctrines of the Bible, Volume 1: God the Father, God the Son Page 823 | Holman Bible Handbook Hebrews 7:11–28 | Opening Up Hebrews Page 822 | Holman Bible Handbook 2 Corinthians 5:21 | Word Studies in the New Testament Page 167 | Willmington’s Book of Bible Lists The Impeccability of Christ | A Survey of Bible Doctrine Colossians 1:15–2:3 | Opening Up Colossians and Philemon Page 504 | The New Bible Dictionary, Third Edition Page 63 | Opening Up Philippians 1 Peter 2:21 | Word Pictures in the New Testament Sinlessness | New Nave’s Topical Bible 1 Peter 2:22 | Word Studies in the New Testament Volume 2, Page 443 | Systematic Theology (Charles Hodge) Page 335 | The Handbook to Bible Study Volume 2,
Debbie Reynolds, 2011 May Rev #7
Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East documents
“The words san-i-fan-shen in the Inscription on the Nestorian Monument at Hsian-Fu” in Journal of the American Oriental Society Vol. 58 (New Haven, 1938), 384-93.
MJ. Smith, 2011 May Rev #2
Orthodox Peace Fellowship documents
Orthodox Peace Fellowship documents Alternate Labels Church documents: OPF OPF documents Orthodox church documents Web Links website Key Passages Reading List Pro-Life Resources Abortion and the Early Church The Sacredness of Newborn Life The Bitter Price of Choice Many Offering Death Treehouse: Saving Lives One by One True Free Choice Zoe Means Life On Homicide The Troublesome Word “Murder” Victims and Heroes Changing a Society Which has De-Valued Women and De-Humanized the Unborn On Abortion and Over-Population Learning to Be Peacemakers The Other As Icon The Great Human Rights Issue of Our Time On Behalf of Unborn Children Cleansing By Tears We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us War & Peace Resources “For the Peace from Above”: An Orthodox Resource Book on War, Peace and Nationalism Nonviolence and Peace Traditions in Early & Eastern Christianity | by Fr John McGuckin Iraq War Articles and Essays For the Peace from Above: on
MJ. Smith, 2011 May Rev #3
Calvary Chapel documents
Calvary Chapel documents Alternate Labels Church documents: Calvary Chapel Calvary Chapel Outreach Fellowship documents CCOF documents Church documents: Calvary Chapel Outreach Fellowship Evangelical church documents Web Links website Key Passages Reading List Creedal statements: Calvary Chapel What We Believe Calvary Chapel Distinctives by Chuck Smith Creedal statments: Calvary Chapel Outreach Fellowship Mission and Purpose Statement of Faith Recommended readings and media available through The Word For Today Calvary Chapel Distinctives by Pastor Chuck Smith Living Water by Pastor Chuck Smith Why Grace Changes Everything by Pastor Chuck Smith Line Upon Line by Pastor Chuck Smith Essentials of Ministry by Pastor Brian Brodersen Excellence in Ministry by Pastor Brian Brodersen Optional Readings: Through The Bible C-2000 Series with Pastor Chuck Smith | MP3s The Ministry and The Church by Pastor Chuck Smith | DVD Calvinism,
MJ. Smith, 2011 May Rev #4
Augsburg Lutheran Church documents
Augsburg Lutheran Church documents Alternate Labels Church documents: ALC ALC church documents Lutheran church documents Web Links Key Passages Reading List Creedal statement Our Declaration Teaching documents The Ministry of Word and Sacrament, A Teaching Document of The Augsburg Lutheran Churches What’s Missing in the Augsburg Confession | by Regin Prenter, trans. by John Rasmussen
MJ. Smith, 2011 May Rev #3
Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference documents
Gottfried Herrmann, Evangelical Lutheran Free Church (Germany) The Holy Spirit Uses Word and Sacrament to Carry Out His Work !
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2011 April Rev #2
A Common Word documents
A Common Word documents Alternate Labels Church documents Interfaith documents Islamic documents Christian documents Web Links Key Passages Reading List Foundational document and responses A Common Word Between Us and You (English) A Common Word Between Us and You (Arabic) A Common Word Between Us and You (French) A Common Word Between Us and You (Italian) A Common Word Between Us and You (German #1) A Common Word Between Us and You (German #2) A Common Word Between Us and You (Indonesian) A Common Word Between Us and You (Spanish) A Common Word Between Us and You (Russian) A Common Word Between Us and You (Polish) Christian responses In English Response from Prof.
MJ. Smith, 2011 April Rev #17
Northside Independent Methodist Church documents
Northside Independent Methodist Church documents Alternate Labels Church documents: Northside Independent Methodist Church NIMC church documents Methodist church documents Web Links Key Passages Reading List Doctrinal statement Doctrinal statement Position papers The Word of God The Blood Atonement Separation The Charismatic Movement Contemporary Christian Music Cultural Mandate Environment Evangelicals and Catholics Together Islam Joint Services with Women Ministers and Homosexual Ministers Marketing the Church Marriage The Name “Methodist” The Primacy of Preaching in Protestantism
MJ. Smith, 2011 April Rev #2
The United Church of Christ (U.S.A.) documents
Andy Lang for Max Stackhouse against The Cambridge Platform Introduction Social and Spiritual Roots Relevance for Today Looking Back, Forward Just and Unjust Wars Radical trust in God No absolutes A final word Turning to Tradition Just Peace Sound Teaching John Thomas I John Thomas II Lydia Veliko Carl Rasmussen 1934 Barmen Declaration
MJ. Smith, 2011 April Rev #4
Lutheran Church of Australia documents
Principles for the words of hymns 13.
MJ. Smith, 2011 April Rev #7
Lost Tribes
In Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Lost Tribes, The | The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary Lost Tribes | A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature Judean Exiles in Babylonia | Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books China, Practice of Judaism in: The Biblical Period | Encyclopedia of Judaism lost tribes of Israel | The JPS Dictionary of Jewish Words British Israelites | New International Dictionary of the Christian Church 1.3.
Rosie Perera, 2011 January Rev #15
Spiritual Gifts
Dictionary of World Missions Gifts of the Spirit | New Dictionary of Theology Holy Spirit, Gifts of | Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology Spiritual Gifts | Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible Spiritual Gifts | Eerdmans Bible Dictionary Spiritual Gifts | Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible Spiritual Gifts | Harper’s Bible Dictionary Spiritual Gifts | Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary Spiritual Gifts | The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised spiritual gifts | Nelson’s New Christian Dictionary Spiritual Gifts | Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary Spiritual Gifts | The New Bible Dictionary, Third Edition Spiritual Gifts | New Dictionary of Biblical Theology Spiritual Gifts | Tyndale Bible Dictionary Spiritual gifts | The Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible, Volume 5, Q–Z Exegetical Dictionaries χάρισμα | The Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament χάρισμα | Theological Dictionary of the New Testament Spiritual gifts | Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words
Rosie Perera, 2010 November Rev #7
Bible Book Reading List FAQ
What do you mean by the words “article” and “heading”?      
Annie O'Connor, 2010 November Rev #17
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Vernon McGee Luke 18:9–14 | The Lectionary Commentary, Volume 3: The Gospels (The Third Readings) Luke 18:9–14 | The Bible Guide Luke 18:9 | KJV Bible commentary Luke 18:9 | Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary Luke 18:9 | Spirit Filled Life Study Bible Luke 18:11 | The Nelson Study Bible: New King James Version Luke 18:9 | Word in Life Study Bible Luke 18:10 | Woman’s study Bible Luke 18:9–14 | The Bible Reader’s Companion Luke 18:9–14 | Believer’s Bible Commentary Luke 18:9 | Evangelical Commentary on the Bible Luke 18:9 | Luke Luke 18:9 | New Testament Background Commentary: A New Dictionary of Words, Phrases and Situations in Bible Order Luke 18:12 | A Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Hebraica, Matthew–1 Corinthians: Volume 3, Luke–John The Pharisee and the Tax Collector | Interpreting the Parables Greek Text Luke 18:11 | A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, Second Edition Luke 18:9 | Word Studies
James Haak, 2010 October Rev #1
The Unjust Judge
Vernon McGee Luke 18:1–8 | The Lectionary Commentary, Volume 3: The Gospels (The Third Readings) Luke 18:1–8 | The Bible Guide Luke 18:1–35 | KJV Bible commentary Luke 18:1–34 | Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary Luke 18:1–34 | Spirit Filled Life Study Bible Luke 18:2 | The Nelson study Bible : New King James Version Luke 18:1 | With the word Bible commentary Luke 18:2 | Woman’s study Bible Luke 18:1–8 | The Bible Reader’s Companion Luke 18:1–8 | Believer’s Bible Commentary Luke Luke 18:1-8 | Evangelical Commentary on the Bible Luke 17:20–18:8 | The Teacher’s Bible Commentary §45 Parables on Prayer (Luke 18:1–14) | Luke Luke 18:2–12 | New Testament Background Commentary: A New Dictionary of Words, Phrases and Situations in Bible Order Greek Text Luke 18:1 | Word Studies in the New Testament Luke 18 | A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament Luke 18 | A Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Hebraica, Matthew
James Haak, 2010 October Rev #1
parabole | The Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament Parable | Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary Parable | Eerdmans Bible Dictionary Parable | Easton’s Bible Dictionary Parable | Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels Parable | The New Bible Dictionary, Third Edition Parable | Smith’s Bible Dictionary Parable | New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology Parable | Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words Jesus Christ, parables of | Zondervan Dictionary of Bible Themes The Parables of Jesus, Kafka, Borges, and Others, With Structural Observations | Semeia 2: The Good Samaritan 6.
James Haak, 2010 October Rev #9
Malachi Word Puzzle
Malachi Word Puzzle Word Find Puzzle | Malachi
Chris Greaves, 2010 September Rev #2
Elder in the OT
In Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Elder in the OT | The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised Elder | Easton’s Bible Dictionary Elder | Eerdmans Bible Dictionary Elder | Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible ELDER | Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary Elder | Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words: 200 Greek and 200 Hebrew Words Defined and Explained Elder | Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary Elder | Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible Elder | Tyndale Bible Dictionary Elder | The New Bible Dictionary, Third Edition Elder | Smith’s Bible dictionary Elder | Nelson’s New Christian Dictionary Elder | Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels Presbyter | New International Dictionary of the Christian Church Elder | Vine’s complete expository dictionary of Old and New Testament words 1.3.
MJ. Smith, 2010 September Rev #11
Elder in the NT
In Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Bishop | New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology Elder in the NT | The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised Elder | Easton’s Bible Dictionary Elder | Eerdmans Bible Dictionary Elder | Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible ELDER | Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary Elder | Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words: 200 Greek and 200 Hebrew Words Defined and Explained Elder | Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary Elder | Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible Elder | Tyndale Bible Dictionary Elder | The New Bible Dictionary, Third Edition Elder | Smith’s Bible dictionary Elder | Nelson’s New Christian Dictionary Elder | Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels Presbyter | New International Dictionary of the Christian Church presbyter | The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church Elder | Vine’s complete expository dictionary of Old and New Testament words 1.3.
MJ. Smith, 2010 September Rev #13
In Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Bishop | New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology Elder in the OT | The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised Elder in the NT | The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised Elder | Easton’s Bible Dictionary Elder | Eerdmans Bible Dictionary Elder | Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible ELDER | Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary Elder | Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words: 200 Greek and 200 Hebrew Words Defined and Explained Elder | Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary Elder | Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible Elder | Tyndale Bible Dictionary Elder | The New Bible Dictionary, Third Edition Elder | Smith’s Bible dictionary Elder | Nelson’s New Christian Dictionary Elder | Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels Presbyter | New International Dictionary of the Christian Church presbyter | The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church Elder | Vine’s complete expository dictionary of Old and New Testament
MJ. Smith, 2010 September Rev #13
In Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Predestination | Eerdmans Bible Dictionary Predestination | Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible Predestination | The New Bible Dictionary, Third Edition Election | The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary Predestination | Harper’s Bible Dictionary Predestination | Easton’s Bible Dictionary PREDESTINATION | Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary Predestination | Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary Predestination | Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible Predestination | Tyndale Bible Dictionary Predestined | New American Standard Updated Edition Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible B Predestined People | Collins Thesaurus of the Bible Predestine | Mounce’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words Predestination | The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised predestination | The Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible, Volume 4, M–P Predestination | The Encyclopedia of Christianity, Volume 4 1.3.
Praiser, 2010 August Rev #7
In Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Choice | New International Encyclopedia of Bible Words 1.3.
Praiser, 2010 August Rev #3
In Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Circumcision | Anchor Bible Dictionary Circumcision | The Encyclopedia of Judaism Circumcision | Tyndale Bible Dictionary Circumcision | The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised Circumcision | Eerdmanns Bible Dictionary Circumcision | Easton’s Bible Dictionary Circumcision | Harper’s Bible Dictionary Circumcision | Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible Circumcision | The New Bible Dictionary Circumcision | Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words: 200 Greek and 200 Hebrew Words Defined and Explained 1.3.
Praiser, 2010 August Rev #2
Master Learner Series
Master Learner Series Reading List Master Learner Core Package MLS 1001 – Survey of the Old Testament I – History: Genesis–Esther MLS 1002 – Survey of the Old Testament II – Poetry and Prophecy: Job-Malachi MLS 1003 – Survey of the New Testament: Matthew-Revelation Master Learner Prerequisite Series MLS 2001 – First Steps in the Christian Faith MLS 2002 – A Holy Life and How to Live It MLS 2003 – Memorize the Word MLS 2004 – God’s Will For Your Life MLS 2005 – Genesis MLS 2006 – John Advanced Learner Series MLS 3001 – Exodus MLS 3002 – Joshua MLS 3003 – Judges and Ruth MLS 3004 – Isaiah MLS 3005 – Daniel MLS 3006 – Hebrews MLS 3007 – James MLS 3008 – 1 and 2 Peter MLS 3009 – Revelation Sunday School Teacher Series MLS 4001 – The Life of Christ MLS 4002 – Basic Christian Doctrine MLS 4003 – Teaching with Results MLS 4004 – Understanding Students MLS 4005 – Psalms MLS 4006 – Proverbs MLS 4007 – I Corinthians Mission Worker Series MLS 5001 –
Lindsey Knight, 2010 June Rev #18
Quinisext Ecumenical Council
On Music and the Care of Souls | Classical Pastoral Care, Volume 2: Ministry Through Word and Sacrament IV.
MJ. Smith, 2010 April Rev #1
HCSD BP318P Resource Sites Class Resource Site | Password Protected Guide to Writing | Online Source Exegetical Assignments John 1 The Word of God and Creation (1:1–5) | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 36: John (Second Edition) I.
Dave Oursler, 2010 March Rev #18
Word Alternate Labels Logos Web Links Key Passages John 1:1-15 Reading List Introductory
Lindsey Knight, 2010 March Rev #4
| Basic Questions on Alternative Medicine Meditate | Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words: 200 Greek and 200 Hebrew Words Defined and Explained Meditation | Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary meditation | The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church Word Studies Chapter IV | Word Studies in the New Testament 467 הָגָה | Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament Web Links The Puritan Practice of Meditation The Works of the Right Reverend Joseph Hall Outside Resources Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritiual Growth by Richard J.
MJ. Smith, 2010 February Rev #3
Book of Ahiqar
Book of Ahiqar Type: Writing Subtype: Book Alternate Labels Ahikar, Book of Ahiqar, Book of Book of Ahikar Story of Ahiqar Words of Ahiqar Web Links The Holy Scriptures: Original Sources: The Book of Ahikar The Lost Books of The Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden: The Story of Ahikar, Grand Vizier of Assyria What’s in a Name?
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 January Rev #3
Gospel of John (Introduction)
Statements Jakob Lorber E-Books: The Great Gospel of John Key Passages John 1:1-21:25 Reading List Introduction John’s Gospel | New Testament introduction Chapter 9: The Gospel According to John: Following the One from Above | An Introduction to the New Testament: Contexts, Methods and Ministry Formation John | Introducing the New Testament John, Gospel of | Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible The Gospel According to John | The Open Bible John | The Bible Knowledge Commentary Introduction to the Gospel of John | Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: John John | Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on the Bible Introduction | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 36: John (Second Edition) Introduction to the Gospel According to Saint John | Daily Study Bible Series: The Gospel of John – Volume 1 Chapters 1-7 (Revised Edition) Introduction | The Gospel According to St.
Peter Jonas, 2010 January Rev #22
Bethel (Place)
We are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder | Amazing Grace—366 Inspiring Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions Word and Phrase Study | The Beloved Disciple’s Memoirs and Letters: The Gospel of John, I, II, and III John Chapter XVII | Bible History : Old Testament G. the Promises of the Covenant Confirmed At Bethel (28:10-22) | The Bible Knowledge Commentary Elijah and Elisha | A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament Hebrews 13:5 | Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament Bears Destroy the Children that Mocked Elisha | Holbein’s Bible Woodcuts
MJ. Smith, 2010 January Rev #5
7 Rules of Hillel
7 Rules of Hillel Alternate Labels Web Links Wikipedia: Talmudical Hermeneutics Hillel’s seven rules and the New Testament Rules of Jewish Hermeneutics Key Passages Reading List Introductory Hillel 2 | Eerdmans Bible Dictionary Hermeneutics | Harper’s Bible Dictionary 16.9 The Interpretation of Scripture | The New Testament Milieu Chapter 1: Jewish Hermeneutics in the First Century | Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period Application Hebrews 10:29 | Word Pictures in the New Testament
MJ. Smith, 2010 January Rev #5
Lex orandi, lex credendi
Peter Toon Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi: As We Worship, So we will Live by Deacon Keith Fournier Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi: The Word of God in the Celebration of the Sacraments by Fr.
MJ. Smith, 2009 December Rev #8
(Wikipedia) Dictionaries Culture and Hermeneutics | Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible Systematic Theology | Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible Histories Ratzinger, Joseph (b. 1927) | The Dictionary of Historical Theology Scripture Word and Phrase Study | The Gospel According to Peter: Mark and I & II Peter Word and Phrase Study | Jesus’ Half-Brothers Speak: James and Jude Other resources Current Issues | The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
MJ. Smith, 2009 December Rev #3
MJ. Smith, 2009 December Rev #2
Ab bet din
Ab bet din Alternate Labels vice-president of Sanhedrin judge below nasi Av Beit Din Av Beis Din Av Beth Din Web Links Wikipedia: Ab Beit Din Biblewiki: Sandedrin (Jewish Council) Jewish Encyclopedia: Ab Bet din Key Passages Reading List Introduction Word and Phrase Study | The Gospel According to Luke Word and Phrase Study | The Gospel According to Peter: Mark and I & II Peter Word and Phrase Study | Luke the Historian: The Book of Acts
MJ. Smith, 2009 November Rev #2
Concordance listings NASB Peace | New American Standard Updated Edition Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible Dictionary and Encyclopedia articles Peace | Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible Peace | The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary Peace (Old Testament) | Peace in the OT Peace (New Testament) | Peace in the NT Peace | Tyndale Bible Dictionary Peace | The New Bible Dictionary, Third Edition Peace | Relationship of Righteousness to Peace Peace | Eschatological aspects of Peace Greek εἰρήνη | A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, Third Edition Peace, Peaceable, Peaceably | Vine’s complete expository dictionary of Old and New Testament words εἰρήνη, εἰρηνεύω, εἰρηνικός, εἰρηνοποιός, εἰρηνοποιέω | Theological Dictionary of the New Testament εἰρήνη | Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains : Greek (New Testament) 1515 εἰρήνη | Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon Hebrew שָׁלַם | The Abridged Brown-Driver-Briggs
Ray Timmermans, 2009 November Rev #4
. | Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms Disperse, Dispersion | Vine’s Complete Expository of Old and New Testament Words 1.4.
spitzerpl, 2009 October Rev #5
Words of the Luminaries
Words of the Luminaries Type: Writing Alternate Labels Luminaries, Words of the Web Links Key Passages
Admin, 2009 August Rev #1
Word of the Lord
Word of the Lord Alternate Labels Web Links Key Passages
Admin, 2009 August Rev #1
Word of God
Word of God Alternate Labels Words of God Web Links Key Passages
Admin, 2009 August Rev #1
Implanted Word
Implanted Word Alternate Labels Web Links Key Passages
Admin, 2009 August Rev #1
Example Topic Page
Example Topic Page Alternate Labels Other words or phrases that are essentially equivalent to the topic title.
Bob Pritchett, 2009 July Rev #7

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