Renovaré Reading List

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Reading List

25 Books Every Christian Should Read from Renovaré | available in book form; the associated website provides some extra features associated with the books

Renovaré Devotional Reading List (authors only) from NAVIGATIORS’ Glen Eyrie Christian Conference Center

Thomas à Kempis

Lancelot Andrews

John Braille

Benedict of Nursia

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

George A. Buttrick

Catherine of Genoa

Catherine of Siena

John Chrysostom

Jean-Pierre de Caussade

John Donne

Jonathan Edwards

Francois Fenelon

George Fox

Gregory of Nyssa

Jean Nicholas Grou

Madame Guyon

E. Stanley Jones

Julian of Norwich

Toyohiko Kagawa

Thomas Kelly

Søren Kierkegaard

Frank Laubach

William Law

C. S. Lewis

Thomas Merton

Henri Nouwen

Blaise Pascal

Isaac Penington

Richard Rolle

Sadhu Sundar Singh

Douglas V. Steere

Jeremy Taylor

William Temple

Teresa of Avila

Theologia Germanica

Friedrich von Hugel

Evelyn Underhill

Dallas Willard

John Woolman

Logos Topics

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