Hermeneutics master list

Alternate Labels

  • Biblical Interpretation
  • Biblical Criticism
  • exegesis

Reading List

Introduction by Gemini chatbot

These terms are all connected to the act of understanding and explaining something, but with subtle differences in focus:

Hermeneutics is the broadest term. It refers to the entire field of study concerned with the theory and practice of interpretation. It asks questions about how meaning is created, understood, and communicated across different contexts.

Interpretation is the act of explaining the meaning of something, like a text, piece of art, or event. It’s the practical application of hermeneutical principles.

Criticism is a specific type of interpretation that involves careful analysis and evaluation. It can be positive or negative, but the goal is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of something based on established criteria. Literary criticism, for example, analyzes literature based on its form, style, and themes.

Exegesis is a close reading and analysis of a text, especially a religious text, to determine its original meaning in the context of its historical and cultural setting. It’s a specific type of interpretation focused on uncovering the intended meaning of the author.

Here’s an analogy:

Hermeneutics is like the study of maps – it explores different ways to navigate and understand a territory.
Interpretation is like following a specific map to reach a destination.
Criticism is like evaluating the map itself – is it accurate? easy to follow?
Exegesis is like deciphering an old treasure map to find its hidden meaning.

Seminal works of hermeneutics

History of hermeneutics
Top ten lists

These lists are drawn from chatbots

Gemini (9 June 2024)
  • De Doctrina Christiana (On Christian Doctrine) | (377 AD) by Saint Augustine
  • Philosophical Hermeneutics (1833) by Friedrich Schleiermacher
  • Hermeneutik (1922) by Wilhelm Dilthey
  • Truth and Method (1960) by Hans-Georg Gadamer | vote at Truth and Method by Hans-Georg Gadamer
  • Interpretation Theory: Discourse and the Surplus of Meaning (1971) by Paul Ricoeur
  • Organon (c. 330 BC) by Aristotle | Organon is the collection: 1. Categoriae 2. De Interpretatione 3. Analytica Priora 4. Analytica Posteriora 5. Topica 6.De Sophisticis Elenchis
  • Glose (Ordinary Gloss) (12th-13th centuries) anonymous
  • Canons of Interpretation (early 7th century) by Rabbi Ishmael
  • The Art of Interpretation (11th century) by Ibn Rushd (Averroes)
  • Muqaddimah (Introduction) (1377) by Ibn Khaldun
ChatGPT (9 June 2024)

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