1. Articles
1.1. In English Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
1.2. In Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
- “Peter, the Apostle.” Tyndale Bible dictionary.
- “Peter, The Apostle..” Baker encyclopedia of the Bible.
- “Peter.” New Bible dictionary. 3rd ed.
- “Peter.” Easton’s Bible Dictionary
- The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge: Peter (If you have this resource please create link)
- Donfried, Karl P. “Peter (Person)” Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary
- Michaels, J. R. “Peter” Dictionary of Paul and his Letters
- Pesch, R. “Πέτρος, ου” Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament
- Perkins, Pheme. “Peter” Harper Bible Dictionary
- Youngblood, Ronald F. “Peter, Simon” Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary
- Walls, A.F. “Peter.” New Bible dictionary. 3rd ed.
1.3. In Theological Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
- “Peter, St” Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church 3rd Ed.
1.4. In Theological Journals