Workflows by author with sources
Assembly of God
- A/G Expository Sermon Preparation
- A/G Topical Sermon Preparation
Boa, Kenneth and John Alan Turner
Collins, Jack
- OT Exp. | Dr. Jack Collins’s Genesis 1-4: A Literary, and Theological Commentary.
Deane, Andy
- Andy Deane’s One at a Time | Deane, Andy. Learn to Study the Bible: Forty Different Step-by-Step Methods to Help You Discover, Apply, and Enjoy God’s Word. Maitland, FL: Xulon Press, 2009.
- Andy Deane’s Rethink and Restate | Deane, Andy. Learn to Study the Bible: Forty Different Step-by-Step Methods to Help You Discover, Apply, and Enjoy God’s Word. Maitland, FL: Xulon Press, 2009.
- Andy Deane’s Six Searches | Deane, Andy. Learn to Study the Bible: Forty Different Step-by-Step Methods to Help You Discover, Apply, and Enjoy God’s Word. Maitland, FL: Xulon Press, 2009.
- Andy Deane’s Timothy Method | Deane, Andy. Learn to Study the Bible: Forty Different Step-by-Step Methods to Help You Discover, Apply, and Enjoy God’s Word. Maitland, FL: Xulon Press, 2009.
- Andy Deane’s Translation Comparison | Deane, Andy. Learn to Study the Bible: Forty Different Step-by-Step Methods to Help You Discover, Apply, and Enjoy God’s Word. Maitland, FL: Xulon Press, 2009.
- Andy Deane’s Vantage Point | Deane, Andy. Learn to Study the Bible: Forty Different Step-by-Step Methods to Help You Discover, Apply, and Enjoy God’s Word. Maitland, FL: Xulon Press, 2009.
- Exploring Biblical Characters: A Comprehensive Study Guide | Deane, Andy. Learn to Study the Bible: Forty Different Step-by-Step Methods to Help You Discover, Apply, and Enjoy God’s Word. Maitland, FL: Xulon Press, 2009.
Duvall, J. Scott and J. Daniel Hays
- GGW Interpretive Journey | Duvall, J. Scott, and J. Daniel Hays. Grasping God’s Word: A Hands-on Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005.
- The Interpretive Journey Bible Reference Workflow | Duvall, J. Scott, and J. Daniel Hays. Grasping God’s Word: A Hands-on Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005.
Fields, Lee M.
- Psalm Genre Diagnosis (A Passage Workflow following Wendland) | Wendland, Ernest. Analyzing the Psalms, 2nd ed.; Dallas: SIL International, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2002.
Heiser, Michael
- Michael Heiser’s Bible Research Method
Hilgemann, Brandon
- Sermon Prep | Hilgemann, Brandon. Preaching Nuts & Bolts: Conquer Sermon Prep, Save Time, and Write Better Messages. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016)
Hyatt, Michael
- Sermon Exegesis & Preparation | Fee, Gordon D. New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors. Seoul: Christian Publishing House, 2003; Fuhr, Richard Alan, and Andreas J. Köstenberger. Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application through the Lenses of History, Literature, and Theology. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2016; Chapell, Bryan. Christ-centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2018; Akin, Daniel L., David Lewis Allen, and Ned Lee Mathews. Text-driven Preaching: Gods Word at the Heart of Every Sermon. Nashville, TN: B & H Academic, 2010.
Jewish Publication Society
Kaiser, Walter C. Jr.
- Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.’s Characteristics of a type/antitype | Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. The Uses of the Old Testament in the New. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001.
- Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.’s Interpretive issues for predictions and promises | Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. The Uses of the Old Testament in the New. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001.
Keller, Tim
- Expository Sermon Prep (Tim Keller’s Method) | Tim Keller’s Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism. The specific details of his method can be found in “Appendix: Writing An Expository Message” (pp. 213-240)
Klein, William W., Craig Blomberg, and Robert L. Hubbard
Logos staff
- Basic Bible Study
- Biblical Person Study
- Biblical Place Study
- Biblical Theme Study
- Biblical Topic Study
- Devotional
- English Word Study
- Expository Sermon Preparation
- Inductive Bible Study | see Irving L. Jensen and Kay Arthur’s works
- Lectio Divina
- Passage Exegesis
- Praying Scripture | from multiple resources
- Precept Chapter Study | from Precept Ministries International
- Theological Topic Study
- Topical Sermon Preparation
- Word Study (Original Language Study)
Luther, Martin (and Philip Melanchthon)
Packer, J. I.
- J. I. Packer’s Three Sets of Questions: Exegetical, Hermeneutical, and Practical | Packer, J. I. Engaging the Written Word of God. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers; Paternoster: Thinking Faith, 1999.
Richard, Ramesh
- Sermon Preparation Workflow | Ramesh Richard, Preparing Expository Sermons: A Seven-Step Method for Biblical Preaching (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2001).
- Ssp | Ramesh Richard, Preparing Expository Sermons: A Seven-Step Method for Biblical Preaching (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2001).
Robinson, Haddon
- Haddon Robinson’s Ten Stages for Preparing Expository Sermons | Robinson, Haddon. Biblical Preaching. 3rd edition.
Smith, Martha J.
- Martha J. Smith Label data workflow
- Martha J. Smith’s Visio Divina | Boyer, Lindsay, and Gail Fitzpatrick-Hopler. Centering Prayer for Everyone: With Readings, Programs, and Instructions for Home and Group Practice. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2020.; Calhoun, Adele Ahlberg. Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us. Revised and expanded. Downer’s Grove, IL: IVP Books, 2015.; Peacock, Barbara L. Soul Care in African American Practice. Westmont, IL: IVP Formatio, 2020.; Valters Paintner, Christine. Lectio Divina: Transforming Words & Images into Heart-Centred Prayer. Oxford, England: SPCK, 2012. USES Reading List “Visio Divina – instructions and art.”
Traina, Robert A
- Inductive Bible Study Workflow | Bauer, David R., and Robert A. Traina. Inductive Bible Study: A Comprehensive Guide to the Practice of Hermeneutics. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011.
- Robert A. Traina’s Inductive Bible study: Survey of books-as-wholes | Bauer, David R., and Robert A. Traina. Inductive Bible Study: A Comprehensive Guide to the Practice of Hermeneutics. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011.
- Robert A. Traina’s Inductive Bible study: Survey parts-as-wholes | Bauer, David R., and Robert A. Traina. Inductive Bible Study: A Comprehensive Guide to the Practice of Hermeneutics. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011.
Vines, Jerry and Jim Shaddix
Ward, Mark
Warren, Rick
- Harvest Hills Biographical Bible Study Method | Warren, Rick. Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods: Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God’s Word. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006.
- Harvest Hills Chapter Analysis Method | Warren, Rick. Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods: Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God’s Word. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006.
- Harvest Hills Chapter Summary Bible Study Method | Warren, Rick. Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods: Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God’s Word. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006.
- Harvest Hills Devotional Bible Study Method | Warren, Rick. Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods: Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God’s Word. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006.
- Harvest Hills Word Study Method | Warren, Rick. Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods: Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God’s Word. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006.
- Rick Warren’s Chapter summary study method | Warren, Rick. Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods: Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God’s Word. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006.
- Rick Warren’s Character quality study | Warren, Rick. Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods: Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God’s Word. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006.
- Rick Warren’s Devotional Bible study method | Warren, Rick. Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods: Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God’s Word. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006.
Witherup, Ronald D.
- Ronald D. Witherup’s Catholic Approach to Scripture (Little Rock Study Bible) | Upchurch, Catherine, Irene Nowell, and Ronald D. Witherup, eds. Little Rock Catholic Study Bible. Revised Edition. Little Rock, AR: Little Rock Scripture Study, 2011.
- Ronald D. Witherup’s How to study scripture (Little Rock Catholic Study Bible) | Upchurch, Catherine, Irene Nowell, and Ronald D. Witherup, eds. Little Rock Catholic Study Bible. Revised Edition. Little Rock, AR: Little Rock Scripture Study, 2011.
Whitney, Donald S.
Wilhoit, Jim and Leland Ryken
- Teen: Finding the Big Idea | Effective Bible Teaching by Jim Wilhoit and Leland Ryken, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1988.
- Teen: Narrative Study | Effective Bible Teaching by Jim Wilhoit and Leland Ryken, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1988.
- Teen: Proverbs | Effective Bible Teaching by Jim Wilhoit and Leland Ryken, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1988.
Traditional: Anglican, Catholic, Jewish, Lutheran, Orthodox
All Lutheran Church of Brussels
Jewish Publication Society
Kolel: The Adult Centre for Liberal Learning
Luther, Martin (and Philip Melanchthon)
Malaty, Reverend Father Tadros Y.
Smith, Martha J.
- Martha J. Smith’s Actualization of Sacred Scripture | “Actualization of Sacred Scripture According to the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s Document “The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church” as a New Way to Refer the Word of God to Life
- ChatGPT workflow | Pontifical Biblical Commission. The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1993.
- Martha J. Smith’s How to incorporate Catholic texts into your exegesis | inspired by How to Incorporate Extrabiblical Texts into Your Exegesis
- Martha J. Smith’s The Collect: Praying God’s Attributes | USES Highlight Palette “Prayer form: Collect”
- Martha J. Smith’s Visio Divina | Boyer, Lindsay, and Gail Fitzpatrick-Hopler. Centering Prayer for Everyone: With Readings, Programs, and Instructions for Home and Group Practice. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2020.; Calhoun, Adele Ahlberg. Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us. Revised and expanded. Downer’s Grove, IL: IVP Books, 2015.; Peacock, Barbara L. Soul Care in African American Practice. Westmont, IL: IVP Formatio, 2020.; Valters Paintner, Christine. Lectio Divina: Transforming Words & Images into Heart-Centred Prayer. Oxford, England: SPCK, 2012. USES Reading List “Visio Divina – instructions and art.”
Witherup, Ronald D.
- Ronald D. Witherup’s Catholic Approach to Scripture (Little Rock Study Bible) | Upchurch, Catherine, Irene Nowell, and Ronald D. Witherup, eds. Little Rock Catholic Study Bible. Revised Edition. Little Rock, AR: Little Rock Scripture Study, 2011.
- Ronald D. Witherup’s How to study scripture (Little Rock Catholic Study Bible) | Upchurch, Catherine, Irene Nowell, and Ronald D. Witherup, eds. Little Rock Catholic Study Bible. Revised Edition. Little Rock, AR: Little Rock Scripture Study, 2011.
Support for books not currently in Logos/Verbum
Original language support
Seminary support
Baptist College of Florida
Boone, Dan - Trevecca Nazarene University
- Dan Boone’s Preaching The Story That Shapes Us Method (Trevecca Nazarene University) | Brown, Dan. Preaching The Story That Shapes Us. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 2008.
Burer, Michael | Dallas Theological Seminary
- DTS NT5104 Exegetical Paper
Brock, Bryan – Maranatha Baptist University
Calvary Chapel Bible College
- TH416: Historical & Cultural Background Study
Crabtree, Dan – Faith Bible College International (via Billy Sudduth)
- Sudduth Narrative Sermon Workflow | Edwards, J. Kent. Effective First-Person Biblical Preaching. Zondervan, 2005.
Finlay, Tim
- Practice Inductive Workflow | GBBL 511
Grace Seminary
- Grace Seminary BIB4060/PM6210 Exegesis and Sermon Outline
Grow, Kyle for Dr. Baugh’s NTI requirements
Harmon, Jerry R. – Grace Bible Baptist Church
- A.R.R.O.W. – Sermon Building
Ingino, Steven
- Gospel-Centered Preaching, Ingino NEW Workflow Final 2022
Kentucky Mountain Bible College
- Basic Greek Word Study for KMBC Students
Knight, Josiah
- SSC (Synthetic Sermon Creator) | from Maranatha Baptist University’s Diamond Method, Dever and Gilbert’s method, and Robinson’s method
- LRBS Steps to Message Preparation
Miller, Joseph R.
- 5 Day Planner for Expository-Narrative Sermons
Murray, Jacob
- 15 Exegetical Steps #drMurray@JacobM
Neuma College
- Neuma-Biblical Interpretation 21- Exegetical Template | Blomberg, Craig L., and Jennifer Foutz Markley. A Handbook of New Testament Exegesis. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2010.
- Neuma-Theology21-Project1-(Doctrine)
Pack, Andrew – Western Seminary
- Andrew Pack – Hermeneutical Process | BT 501
Robinson, Haddon via Jud Lake – Southern Adventist University
- Haddon Robinson’s Ten Stages for Preparing Expository Sermons | Robinson, Haddon. Biblical Preaching. 3rd edition.
Sanders, Carl – Lancaster Bible College
- BTC 563 Process | Bible interpretation
Schmitt, Dr.
- Eight Steps of Sermon Preparation – 02/08/2021
- Full Sermon Preparation | The Tapestry of Preaching: A Fourfold Method of Sermon Preparation by Rev. Dr. David Schmitt 2004
Soden, John – Lancaster Bible College
- 536 HB Clausal analysis flow
- 536 HB Discourse and structure: developing the message
- 536 HB Research, theology, and theological idea
Sudduth, Billy
- Sudduth Presentation Workflow (topical class presentation)
Bible interpretation questions
ChatGPT (openai chatbot)
By method
By presuppositions
By individual
Bard (Google chatbot)
Note these workflows expect a familarity with the interpreters’ works through your Logos/Verbum library. The intent is to cover McKim, Donald K., ed. Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters. Downers Grove, IL; Nottingham, England: InterVarsity Press, 2007. to the degree possible through Bard.
- Bard google’s prompts: Abelard, Peter’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Abravanel, Isaac’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts; Alexander, J. A. analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Allis, O.T.’s’ analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Alt, Georg A.’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Alter, Robert’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Ambrose of Milan’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Ambrosiaster’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Andrew of St. Victor’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Aquinas, Thomas’ analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Astruc, Jean analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Athanasius of Alexandria’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Augustine’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bacon, Benjamin Wisner’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bal, Meike’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Barclay, William’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Barr, James’ analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Barrett, Charles Kingsley’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Barth, Karl’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Basil of Caesarea’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bauer, Walter’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Baur, Ferdinand Christian’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bede’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bengel, Johann Albrecht’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Berkovits, Eliezer’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bernard of Clairvaux’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Beza, Theodore’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Black, Matthew’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bonaventure’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bonnard, Pierre’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bonsirven, Joseph’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Borg, Marcus’ analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bornkamm, Günther’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Boyarin, Daniel’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Brenz, Johannes’ analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Brettler, Marc Zvi’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Briggs, Charles Augustus’ analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bright, John’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Brown, Raymond E.’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Buber, Martin’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bruce, Alexander Balmain’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Brueggemann, Walter’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bullinger, Heinrich’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Bultmann, Rudolf’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Fokkelman, Jan P.’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Frame, John’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Frye, Northrop’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Gadamer, Hans-Georg’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Gillman, Neil’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Girard, René’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Greimas, A. J. analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Hirsch, Samson Raphael’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Jabès, Edmund’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Levin, Amy Jill’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Levenson, Jon’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Maimonides’ analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Nahmanides’ analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Nibley, Hugh’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Philo of Alexandria’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Rashi’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Ryken, Leland’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Schuon, Frithjof’s analysis of a passage
- Bard google’s prompts: Wright, N. T.’s analysis of a passage
Drawn from the web
Campus Crusade for Christ
Christian Service Brigade
Ephesiology: 4 Fields Training
Gallaty, Robby
- H.E.A.R.
- H.E.A.R. Bible Devotion | Gallary, Robby. Foundations: A 260-Day Bible Reading Plan for Busy Believers. Lifeway Press, 2015.
- H.E.A.R. (Expanded) Bible Study
- H.E.A.R. Journal | What is a HEAR Journal?
Harvestime International Institute
International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
Ward, Mark
Wilkinson, William Cleaver
Individual contributions
Abel, Bill
- Inductive Bible Study Method – BA
Anderson, Peter
- Communicating for Change Expository Work Flow
Bechtel, Kenny
- Kenny’s Sermon Prep Guide
Bible Study Fellowship
- Personal Quiet Time (BSF)
Boeschoten, Grant van
- Discipleship Group Study Preperation Guide
Bridges, Brenden
- Carey Neiuoff – Sermon Prep flow <sic>
- Research Assistant | Preparatory step from Carey Neiuoff – Sermon Prep flow
Brothers, Kirk
- Exegesis: “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” Approach
Brown, Philip and Jason Albertson
- Basic Greek Word Study – Inductive Method
Clark, Ben
- Devotions
- Sermon Preparation Workflow
Coakley, Jim
- Geographical/Historical Workflow 2
Cornhill Proclamation Trust
Diehl, Brad
- Homeletical Bridge Workflow (sic)
Cordeiro, Wayne (uncertain attribution)
Dietrich, Joshua and Janelle
- Devotional CPR | Acronyms CPR and DARE
Eaton, Rick
- Rick Sermon prep Option 1
Erwin, Jim
- Sermon Application Workflow
Ewert, Michael
- Resolving the Greek Participle
Fallahee, John
Note that in some cases, John Fallahee uses a workflow as a customized guide.
- Devotional Bible Study (
- Inductive Bible Study Workflow-Enhanced (
- Steps for Dealing with Difficult Passages Workflow (
- Uber Bible Reference Workflow (
- Uber Bible Word (English) Workflow (
- Uber Bible Word (Lemma) Workflow (
- Uber Biblical Event Workflow (
- Uber Biblical Person Workflow (
- Uber Biblical Place Workflow (
- Uber Preaching Theme Workflow (
- Uber Theological Theme Workflow (
- Uber Topic Workflow (
Faith E Church Leadership Team
- Quiet Time – Faith E Church
Fernandez, Max
- Max_Expository Message Prep
Finochio, Nathan
- Nathan Finochio Sermon Workflow
Franco, Hector
- Hector’s Sermon Prep | 5 day work plan
French, Michael
- Michael French’s Biblical Background of a Passage
Friske, Caleb
- MBU 7 Step Sermon-Builder
Grant, Karl
- Nadasdy’s Beautiful Sermon Workflow
Greenfield, Logan
- Long-Term Sermon Preparation Workflow
Harbin, Sam
- CSGS Epistolary Interpretation
Hawkins, Neal
- Teen: Four Steps to Inductive Bible Study
- Teen: Revelation
Helm, David
- COMA Questions | Helm, David. One-to-one Bible Reading. Sydney: Matthias Media, 2020.
Hood, Atréju
- Morning Bible Study
- Prayer Workflow (Atréju Hood)
- 7 Step Hermeneutic Process (ICBM)
Johnson, Clif
- Epistle Exegetical Guide Sheet
Johnson, Floyd
- SPECTS Bible Study | source not given
Johnson, LaRosa
Note the workflows of LaRosa Johnson use the Logos tools extensively.
- BibleStudy.Tips Bible Survey Study
- BibleStudy.Tips Character Study
- BibleStudy.Tips Cross-Reference Study
- BibleStudy.Tips HEART Journaling
- BibleStudy.Tips Inductive Bible Study
- BibleStudy.Tips Topical Study
- BibleStudy.Tips Word Study (English)
Kavonius, Gregory
- Greg’s Passage Study | Sunday School preparation
Keathley IV, Hampton
- Full Parable Workflow
- The Parabolic Sayings of Luke 4, 5, 6, 7
Keller, Tim
- Tim Keller Devotional (Long Version)
- Tim Keller Devotional (Short Version)
- Psalm meditation (Tim Keller) | Tim Keller “The Songs of Jesus”
Leak, Mike
- How to Teach the Bible with Logos
Lee, Connor
- Interpreting the Bible @PBA v.2022.01.19
Maxwell, Kathy
- Interpreting the Bible @PBA v.2022.01.19 | multiple sources
McLean Bible Church
- M.A.P.S. Guide to Personal Worship
Miller, Ben
- Sermon Preparation Workflow
Nkwambi, Vincent
- Meditation | Retentio-Contemplatio-Dilectio
Orr, Jim
- Bible Reading Notes
- Bible Study: Narrative
- Custom Bible Study Preparation
- Daily Bible Reading
- Psalms Praising
Pace, R. Scott
- Process of Interpretation | R. Scott Pace. Preaching by the Book.
Pack, Andrew
- Pack Exegetical Steps – English | Various
Ricoeur, Paul via Mark Schuler
- Schuler, Mark: Textual Study ver. 4
Rosner, Ridley
- *Ridley Rosner’s Regular Reading Routine
Scott, John R.
- Scripture Study (MBTS Process) | Based on Integrating Christian Faith and Practice Seminar from MidWestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Scott, Jonathan
- Imprinted Bible Reading Journal
- Imprinted Personal Devotional Guide
- Imprinted Sermon Study!!!!!! Scott, Eric
- Sermon Prep
- Sermon 1: Engage It! | 14 days before sermon
- Sermon 2: Study It! | 12 days before sermon
- Sermon 3: Craft It! | 7 days before sermon
- Sermon 4: Draft It! | 5 days before sermon
Shirk, Jason
- Harvest Hills Hebrew Parallelism Bible Study Method | various
- Harvest Hills Parable Bible Study Method
Simeon Trust
- Simeon Trust – Biblical Exposition
- Simeon Trust Exposition | Simeon Trust Method for sermon prep
- Simeon Trust Workflow | Simeon Trust Small group preparation worksheet
- Simeon Trust Worksheet | Simeon Trust Small Group Sermon Preparation Worksheet
Simmons, Nathanial
These workflows are set up as checklists rather than having user content within the workflow.
- SI Biblical Poetry Workflow
- SI Exegeis to Exposition Workflow
- SI Exegetical Workflow
- SI Narrative Workflow
Stewart, Samuel
- Sam Stewart Circles of Context
- WOLBI Student Devo
Thornton, Shawn Christopher
Trick, Doug
- Book Study prior to drafting translation (MATS Sample)
Turner, Bob
- Grounded & Guided: Thoughts Grounded In & Prayers Guided By God’s Word
Watson, Thomas
- Scriptural Mediation Following the Pattern of Thomas Watson <sic> | source not identified
Walsh, Liam
- Fear & Trembling: a Blend of Puritan and Modern Meditation | Thomas Boston, Thomas Watson, Donald Whitney, Tim Keller
Watson, William
- WW Bible Book Overview & Background Workflow
Willis, Bishop Kevin B.
- Bishop Kevin B. Willis Strategic Preaching Workflow
Zieske, Brandon
- Prep flow for preaching/teaching AOC
Zoll, Andrew
- Principles of Interpretation Study
Languages other than English
Alfonso, Jose Luis
- Flujo de estudio Bíblico Avanzado 0.1 – JLA
Arthur, Kay
- Precepto Estudio Capitulo (trad)
Beltrán, Marcos Alejandro Castillo
Cardin, Hélder
- Estudo macro de livros bíblicos
Cavazos, Marcos Rodriguez Cavazos
- La vida de Juan el amado, sus epístolas
Chapell, Bryan
- Preparación de sermones centrados en Cristo
- Sermão Cristocentrico
- Sermão Cristocêntrico
Chaves, Arthur
- Exegese Método João Paulo
Clemente, André
- 8 Dicas de como iniciar um sermão
- Sermão – Expositivo
Cordeiro, Wayne
- Lee y ora las Escrituras | SOAP
Dorneles, Taison Belmonte Seling
- Método Exegético Sem. Dorneles
Fee, Gordon
- Exegese NT completa (Gordon Fee) ATOS
- Gordon Fee – Exegesis del Nuevo Testamento
- Devoción diaria | Yessi Florez, Manual de Escuelitas Langham (Iglesia Palabra de Vida, 2015).
Friesen, Julian
- Bibelkunde | Buch der Bibel
Hyatt, Michael
- Sermão Exegese & Preparação (Pt)
Keller, Tim
- Devocional Tim Keller (Versão Curta) (Pt)
- Método de Estudio Expositivo Tim Keller
- Tim Keller – Guia Devocional en Español
Klassen, Eduard
- Einleitungen und Schlüsse neutestamentlicher Briefe
Minard, Timothée
- Étudier un texte biblique en 8 étapes
Monger, Matthew
- Arbeidsskjema H21 | Biblical events
- 1 Método de Estudio Bíblico Devocional
Packer, J.I.
- Estudo Bíblico Puritano (Packer) | J.I. Packer, no livro Os Gigantes de Deus
Piper, John
- Método de Perguntas de John Piper (Pt)
- Método “Fazendo Perguntas”, John Piper | John Piper “How to Read the Bible for Yourself” (Como ler a Bíblia para você mesmo)
Ramsey, Richard B.
- Estudio Del Griego y Exegesis Full | Richard B. Ramsay, Griego y Exégesis: Un manual práctico que enseña los fundamentos del griego y la exégesis, incluyendo el uso de programas computacionales (Miami, FL: Editorial CLIE, 2006), 29.
Robinson, Haddon
- Os dez estágios de Haddon Robinson para preparar sermões expositivos (PT)
- Pregação Bíblica
Santos, Winne
- Meditação Puritana |Beeke, Joel. Espiritualidade Reformada: Uma Teologia Prática para a Devoção a Deus . Editora Fiel.
Stadelmann, Helge and Thomas Richter
- Zehn Schritte Methode – Stadelmann & Richter | Stadelmann, Helge; Richter, Thomas. Bibelauslegung praktisch: In zehn Schritten den Text verstehen. 8. überarbeitete Auflage. Aufl. Witten: SCM R. Brockhaus, 2017.
Turbanisch, Ruben
- Exegese und hochkreativ predigen
Warren, Rick
- Étude • Étude de personnages | Rick Warren. « Méthodes d’étude de la Bible » Apple Books.
- Étude • La méditation | Rick Warren. « Méthodes d’étude de la Bible » Apple Books. * Étude • Résumé de chapitre | Rick Warren. « Méthodes d’étude de la Bible » Apple Books.
- Método de Estudio Biblico Devocional Rick Warren | “Métodos de estudio bíblico personal, 12 formas de estudiar la Biblia tu solo
- Método de Estudio Bíblico Estudio de Una Palabra Rick Warren | “Métodos de estudio bíblico personal, 12 formas de estudiar la Biblia tu solo
Wiersbe, W. W.
- Questões Básicas de Estudo de Wiersbe (PT) | Wiersbe, W. W. (2018). Delícias e disciplinas de estudo bíblico: um guia para estudar a palavra de Deus. Colorado Springs, CO: David C Cook.