Walker, Charles
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Canterbury Project
Oswald, the Young Artist. London: J.T. Hayes, 1865.
The Liturgy of the Church of Sarum together with the Kalendar of the Same Church.
London: J.T. Hayes, 1866.
Incense “after the accustomed manner;” or, the Solemn Censing of Persons and Things in the Time of Divine Service Agreeable to Scripture and Antiquity, and the Law of the Present English church. A Ritual Essay. London: J.T. Hayes, 1867.
Pax super Israel: An Irenicon, Respectfully Addressed to the Consideration of the Royal Commission on Ritual. London: G.J. Palmer, 1867.
A Prayer Book for the Young; or, Complete Devotional Guide for Youthful Members of the English Church. London: J. T. Hayes, 1868.
The Ritual Reason Why.
London: J. T. Hayes, 1868.
The Services of the Church, with Rubrical Directions According to the Use of the Illustrious Church of Sarum, together with the Hymns, Introits, Graduals, Tracts, and Sequences of the Same Church. London: J.T. Hayes, 1868.
Devotions on the Communion of Saints for the Use of English Churchmen.
London: J.T. Hayes, 1869.
The Present Aspect of the Ritual Question: A Letter to the Rev. Arthur Willis-Fleming. London: Church Press Company, 1869.
The Server’s Handbook.
London: G.J. Palmer, 1871.
The Plain-song Reason Why: Being an Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Gregorian Music. London: Novello, Ewer, 1875.
An Order for Matins and Evensong and the Celebration of the Holy Communion, Commonly Called the Mass, together with a Brief Ceremonial.
London: Basil Montagu Pickering, 1877.
Tales of the Jewish Church: Twelve Stories for the Young. London: no publisher, 1878.
Maggie Wilson: or, from Twilight to Light: A Tale of Conversion. London: Washbourne, 1879.
Joe Marks; or, the “One Faith.” London: Washbourne, 1880.
The Superiority of the Catholic Church: or “Anglican Advantages” Weighed in the Balance. Dublin: J. Duffy and Sons, 1880.
Some Types of the Loneliness of Jesus in the Passion: Seven Lenten Addresses, etc. Edinburgh: St. Giles Printing Co., 1887.
A Primer of Plain Chant. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1890.
Last modified
2014 August
by MJ. Smith
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