Unitas Fratrum documents
Alternate Labels
Church documents: Schwenkfelder Church
Church documents: Bohemian Brethren
* Church documents: Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine
Church documents: The Moravian Unity of the World Wide Moravian Church
The Moravian Unity of the World Wide Moravian Church documents
Moravian church documents
Hussites church documents
Web Links
Wikipedia: Moravian Church
Key Passages
Reading List
Creedal statements
The Ground of the Unity
The Apostles’ Creed
The Athanasian Creed
The Nicene Creed
The Confession of the Unity of the Bohemian Brethren of 1535
The Twenty-One Articles of the unaltered Augsburg Confession
The Shorter Catechism of Martin Luther
The Synod of Berne of 1532
The Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England
The Theological Declaration of Barmen of 1934
The Heidelberg Catechism
Documents from Unity Provinces
Moravian Covenant for Christian Living
The Baptism Policy of the Alaska Moravian Church
The Observance of the Lord’s Supper
Eastern West Indies
The Brotherly Agreement
What We Believe
United States of America
Covenant for Christian Living
What We Believe
The Ground of the Unity
The Moravian Interprovincial Faith & Order Commission
Statement on Iraq (3/03)
Discerning Theological Perspectives within the North American Moravian Tradition (10/00)
The Theological Task as Understood within the Moravian Tradition (7/90)
Preliminary communication to the PECs regarding the issue of Homosexuality and Ordination (6/92)
Final report to the PECs regarding the issue of Homosexuality and Ordination (2/93)
Historical Statements and Theological Principles Proposed Toward the Development of a Moravian Understanding of Ordination (3/03)
A Theology of Healing (9/97)
Statement on Racism (10/97)
Faith and Order Mission Statement and Foundation for the Existence of a Faith and Order Commission (2/00)
Crews, C. Daniel.
Confessing our Unity in Christ
. 2nd Edition. Winston-Salem, N.C.; Provincial Elders’ Conference Moravian Church Southern Province, 2000.
Last modified
2011 May
by MJ. Smith
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