This reading lists outlines various articles according to the passages they discuss. For more general information please see the following reading list.
Included because they do not appear in a passage guide
Inscribed On Our Hearts:...:I. The Internal Law Of Romans 2:14-15 >> logosres:gs-jets-42;ref=VolumeNumberPage.V_42,_N_4,_p_628;off=4109]] | Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society Volume 42
A Canonical and Integrative Approach:...:7. The Messiah as the Culmination of the Law (Rom 3:21, 28, 31; 6:6, 14; 7:5-6; 8:1-4; 9:30-32; 10:3-4; 13:8-10) >> logosres:gs-sats-03;ref=VolumeNumberPage.V_3,_N_1,_p_66;off=765]] | Conspectus Volume 3
and the Nations: Romans 9-11 >> logosres:gs-rev-73;ref=VolumeNumberPage.V_73,_N_4,_p_436;off=2173]] | Review and Expositor Volume 73
The Distinction between Israel and the Church:...:5.3 The gospel is universal; both Jews and Gentiles are called upon to respond to the proclamation of the gospel (Rom 10:12–14). >> logosres:gs-sats-02;ref=VolumeNumberPage.V_2,_N_1,_p_98;off=1141]] | Conspectus Volume 2
Deuteronomy 32 in Hebrews 10:30:...:1. Hebrews and Romans >> logosres:gs-tynbul-55;ref=VolumeNumberPage.V_55,_N_1,_p_16;off=105107]] | Tyndale Bulletin Volume 55
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