Reading List on Authority


Spiritual Authority, Concept of | Tony Evans
Spiritual Authority, Power of | Tony Evans

  • “To offend God’s authority is a rebellion far more serious than that of offending God’s holiness.” - Watchman Nee, Spiritual Authority
Overview of Authority

authority, in Messiah’s Body | Dictionary of Bible Themes

Systematic Theology

Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Bible Doctrine

  1. Believer’s Authority over Demons
  2. Expect Power
  3. Appropriate Use of Authority
Inherent Authority
Relational Authority
Positional Authority
Wisdom Authority
Anointing Authority
Abuse of Authority in the Bible
  1. Isaiah 14:12–15 | Satan
  2. Ezekiel 28:13–17 | Satan
  3. Matthew 7:21–23 |Believer’s Abusing Relational Authority
  4. Leviticus 9:23–10:4 | Nadab & Avihu Abuse Positional Authority
  5. Numbers 12 | Miriam & Aaron Abuse Relational Authority

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