Alternate Labels
Reading List
Key Passages
Mark 1:14-15
Acts 5:42
1 Corinthians 1:17, 23
1 Corinthians 9:16
2 Corinthians 4:5
2 Timothy 4:2
General Books on Preaching
12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
Anointed Expository Preaching
The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching: A Comprehensive Resource for Today’s Communicators
Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages (Second Edition)
Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages
[Third edition]
The Big Idea of Biblical Preaching: Connecting the Bible to People
The Challenge of Preaching
Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon
Classical Pastoral Care, Volume 2: Ministry Through Word and Sacrament
Deep Preaching: Creating Sermons that Go Beyond the Superficial
The Divine Art of Preaching
Dogma and Preaching: Applying Christian Doctrine to Daily Life
The Dynamics of Preaching
The Elements of Preaching
Engaging Exposition
Excellence in Preaching: Studying the Craft of Leading Preachers
Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching
The Four Voices of Preaching: Connecting Purpose and Identity behind the Pulpit
Fresh Ideas for Preaching, Worship & Evangelism
The Glory of the Ministry: Paul’s Exultation in Preaching
Handbook of Contemporary Preaching
Helps for Ministers and Other Christian Workers
Homiletical Handbook
Homiletics and Pastoral Theology
How Sermons Work
How to Preach without Notes
Inductive Preaching: From This World to That Which Is to Come
It’s All in How You Tell It: Preaching First-Person Expository Messages
Knowing the Context: Frames, Tools, and Signs for Preaching
Lectures to My Students, Vol. 1: A Selection from Addresses Delivered to the Students of the Pastors’ College, Metropolitan Tabernacle
Lectures to My Students, Vol. 2: Addresses Delivered to the Students of the Pastors’ College, Metropolitan Tabernacle
Lectures to my Students, Vol. 3: The Art of Illustration; Addresses Delivered to the Students of the Pastors’ College, Metropolitan Tabernacle
MacArthur Pastor’s Library on Preaching
Making a Difference in Preaching
Mastering Contemporary Preaching
The Passion Driven Sermon: Changing the Way Pastors Preach and Congregations Listen
Passion, Power, and Purpose: Essays on the Art of Contemporary Preaching
Positive Preaching and Modern Mind
The Power of Multi-Sensory Preaching and Teaching
Power in the Pulpit: How to Prepare and Deliver Expository Sermons
Power Preaching for Church Growth: The Role of Preaching in Growing Churches
Preach: Theology Meets Practice
Preach the Word: Essays on Expository Preaching
Preaching: The Art of Narrative Exposition
Preaching Christ in All of Scripture
Preaching Essentials: A Practical Guide
Preaching for God’s Glory
Preaching for Revitalization: How to Revitalize your Church through your Pulpit
Preaching for Special Services
Preaching from the Inside Out
Preaching God’s Compassion: Comforting Those Who Suffer
Preaching God’s Word
Preaching Master Class: Lessons from Will Willimon’s Five-Minute Preaching Workshop
Preaching and Teaching with Imagination: The Quest for Biblical Ministry
Preaching that Changes Lives
Preaching that Speaks to Women
Preaching the Cross
Preaching the Living Word
Preaching to Convince
Preaching with a Plan: Sermon Strategies for Growing Mature Believers
Preaching with Balance: Achieving and Maintaining Biblical Priorities in Preaching
Preaching With Bold Assurance: A Solid and Enduring Approach to Engaging Exposition
Preaching with Power: Dynamic Insights from Twenty Top Communicators
Prepared to Preach: God’s Work & Ours in Proclaiming His Word
Principle Preaching: How to Create and Deliver Purpose Driven® Sermons for Life Applications
The Priority of Preaching
Rediscovering Expository Preaching
The Responsible Pulpit
Sacred Rhetoric: A Course of Lectures on Preaching
Serving the Word: Preaching in Worship
Spirit Empowered Preaching: Involving the Holy Spirit in Your Ministry
Spirit-Led Preaching: The Holy Spirit’s Role in Sermon Preparation and Delivery
Steps to the Sermon: An Eight-Step Plan For Preaching With Confidence (Revised)
The Supremacy of God in Preaching
The Supremacy of God in Preaching
[revised and expanded]
The Ten Ates of Biblical Preaching
Text-Driven Preaching: God’s Word at the Heart of Every Sermon
Tongues Aflame: Learning to Preach from the Apostles
The true nature and method of Christian preaching, examined and stated
Two discourses: the first, Of preaching Christ
Transformational Preaching: A Guide to Developing and Delivering Expository Sermons
Transforming Preaching: The Sermon as a Channel for God’s Word
A Treatise on the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons
A Voice in the Wilderness: Clear Preaching in a Complicated World
What Is Biblical Preaching?
Preaching in today’s world
He is Not Silent: Preaching in a Postmodern World
Preaching at the Crossroads: How the World—And Our Preaching—Is Changing
Preaching in the Contemporary World
Preaching to a Post-Everything World: Crafting Biblical Sermons That Connect with Our Culture
Preaching to a Postmodern World: A Guide to Reaching Twenty-First-Century Listeners
Preaching to a Shifting Culture: 12 Perspectives on Communicating that Connects
Preaching to Postmoderns: New Perspectives for Proclaiming the Message
The preacher
360-Degree Leadership: Preaching to Transform Congregations
360-Degree Preaching: Hearing, Speaking and Living the Word
The God-Centered Preacher: Developing a Pulpit Ministry Approved by God
Leading with Integrity: Competence with Christian Character
The Preacher and His Sermon
Preaching and Scholarship: Inaugural Address of Archibald Thomas Robertson
Preaching with Spiritual Passion: How to Stay Fresh in Your Calling
Preaching with Spiritual Vigour: Including Lessons from the Life and Practice of Richard Baxter
Sustaining Preachers and Preaching (A Practical Guide)
The act of preaching
Changing Lives Through Preaching and Worship: 30 Strategies for Powerful Communication
A Complete Guide to Sermon Delivery
Delivering the Sermon: Voice, Body, and Animation in Proclamation
Finally Comes the Poet: Daring Speech for Proclamation
Folly, Grace, and Power: The Mysterious Act of Preaching
Look after Your Voice: Taking Care of the Preacher’s Greatest Asset
The Moment of Truth: A Guide to Effective Sermon Delivery
Performance in Preaching: Bringing the Sermon to Life
Preaching as Worship: An Integrative Approach to Formation in Your Church
Well-Driven Nails: The Power of Finding Your Own Voice
Sermon preparation
Biblical Sermons: How Twelve Preachers Apply the Principles of Biblical Preaching
Choosing to Preach: A Comprehensive Introduction to Sermon Options and Structures
Christ-Centered Sermons: Models of Redemptive Preaching
Determining the Form: Structures for Preaching
Effective First-Person Biblical Preaching: The Steps from Text to Narrative Sermon
Finding Language and Imagery: Words for Holy Speech
How to Prepare Sermons
The I-Beam of Message Building
Interpreting the Bible: Approaching the Text in Preparation for Preaching
The Making of a Sermon
Manual of Sacred Rhetoric; Or, How to Prepare a Sermon
The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text: Interpreting and Preaching Biblical Literature
On Sermon Preparation: Recollections and Suggestions
Preaching and Sermon Construction
Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture: The Application of Biblical Theology to Expository Preaching
Preparing Expository Sermons: A Seven-Step Method for Biblical Preaching
The Shape of Preaching: Theory and Practice in Sermon Design
Shaping the Claim: Moving from Text to Sermon
Steps to the Sermon: An Eight-Step Plan For Preaching with Confidence (Revised)
Toward an Exegetical Theology: Biblical Exegesis for Preaching and Teaching
Preaching from the Old Testament
The Art of Preaching Old Testament Narrative
From Exegesis to Exposition: A Practical Guide to Using Biblical Hebrew
The Majesty of God in the Old Testament: A Guide for Preaching and Teaching
Models for Biblical Preaching: Expository Sermons from the Old Testament
Preaching and Teaching from the Old Testament: A Guide for the Church
Preaching and Teaching the Last Things: Old Testament Eschatology for the Life of the Church
Preaching Hard Texts of the Old Testament
Preaching the Old Testament
Proclaiming God’s Stories: How to Preach Old Testament Historical Narrative
We Have Heard that God Is with You: Preaching the Old Testament
The Word Became Fresh: How to Preach from Old Testament Narrative Texts
Preaching from the New Testament
Preaching John
Preaching Parables to Postmoderns
Preaching the Parables: From Responsible Interpretation to Powerful Proclamation
Preaching Doctrine
Ryrie’s Practical Guide to Communicating Bible Doctrine
Thinking Theologically: The Preacher as Theologian
Evangelistic Preaching
Evangelistic Preaching: With Sermon Outlines and Talks to Children and Young People
Preaching Evangelistically: Proclaiming the Saving Message of Jesus
Preparing Evangelistic Sermons: A Seven-Step Method for Preaching Salvation
Some seasonable thoughts on evangelic preaching
Preaching on special occasions
The Hardest Sermons You’ll Ever Have to Preach: Help from Trusted Preachers for Tragic Times
The Minister’s Manual for Funerals
A Minister’s Treasury of Funeral and Memorial Messages
Proclamation and Celebration: Preaching on Christmas, Easter, and Other Festivals
Preachers in the Bible
Jesus Christ: The Prince of Preachers: Learning from the Teaching Ministry of Jesus
Jesus the Preacher
Paul the Preacher; or, A Popular and Practical Exposition of His Discourses and Speeches as Recorded in the Acts of the Apostles
Tongues Aflame: Learning to Preach from the Apostles
Historical/Biographical books on preaching
The Expository Genius of John Calvin
A History of Preaching, Volume 1
A History of Preaching, Volume 2
The Journey and Promise of African American Preaching
Karl Barth’s Emergency Homiletic, 1932–1933: A Summons to Prophetic Witness at the Dawn of the Third Reich
Lectures on the History of Preaching
Puritan Evangelism: A Biblical Approach
The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 1: The Biblical Period
The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 2: The Patristic Age
The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 3: The Medieval Church
The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 4: The Age of the Reformation
The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 5: Moderatism, Pietism, and Awakening
The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 6: The Modern Age
The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 7: Our Own Time
The Sacred Anointing: Preaching and the Spirit’s Anointing in the Life and Thought of Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Specialist books on preaching
Dem Dry Bones: Preaching, Death, and Hope
Envisioning the Word: The Use of Visual Images in Preaching
Illuminated Preaching: The Holy Spirit’s Vital Role in Unveiling His Word, the Bible
The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipating Word
Preaching and Scholarship: Inaugural Address of Archibald Thomas Robertson
Preaching as Local Theology and Folk Art
Preaching Liberation
Preaching Like a Woman
Preaching without Contempt: Overcoming Unintended Anti-Judaism
Reading for Preaching: The Preacher in Conversation with Storytellers, Biographers, Poets, and Journalists
Relational Preaching
The Sacred Conversation: The Art of Catholic Preaching and The New Evangelization
The Scandal of Having Something to Say: Ricoeur and the Possibility of Postliberal Preaching
What Does the Lord Require?: A Guide for Preaching and Teaching Biblical Ethics
The Word Militant: Preaching a Decentering Word
Mobile Ed
CM100 Basic History of Preaching
CM101 Basic Elements of Preaching: An Introduction to Homiletics
CM102 Invitation to Biblical Preaching I: Theological, Historical, and Pragmatic Reasons for Preaching
CM103 Invitation to Biblical Preaching II: Preaching Biblical Sermons
Listening to preaching
Expository Listening
The Family at Church: Listening to Sermons and Attending Prayer Meetings
Hearing God’s Word: Expositional Preaching
Last modified
2015 August
by Mark Barnes
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