The main philosophical work by Poinsot, the Cursus Philosophicus Thomisticus was first published at Alcalà de Henares (Complutum), Iberia, 1631-1635; a modern edition was published by Beato Reiser in 1930 at Turin. The second Reiser’s edition (Turin, 1948) was reprinted by Georg Olms, Hildesheim, 2008 in three volumes:
- Ars logica seu de forma et materia ratiocinandi
- Naturalis philosophiae pars I et III
- Naturalis philosophiae pars IV et indices.
- Poinsot John. Tractatus De Signis. The Semiotic of John Poinsot. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985.
- John of St.Thomas. Outlines of Formal Logic. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1955.
- John of St.Thomas. The Material Logic of John of St. Thomas: Basic Treatises. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955.
- John of St.Thomas. Introduction to the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas: The Isagoge of John of St. Thomas. South Bend: St. Augustine Press, 2004.
- John of St.Thomas. John of St. Thomas [Poinsot] on Sacred Science: Cursus Theologicus I, Question 1, Disputation 2. South Bend: St. Augustine Press, 2013.
- John of St.Thomas.. “Entia Rationis and Second Intentions.” New Scholasticism 23 (1949): 395-413.
- John of St.Thomas. The Gifts of the Holy Ghost. London: Sheed & Ward, 1951.