Philosophical Hermeneutics
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Biblical Hermeneutics
Afaki, A R n.d. From Biblical to General Hermeneutics: A Historical-Thematic Development.
Ankersmith, F R 1994. History and Tropology: The Rise and Fall of Metaphor. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Benjamin, W n.d. On the Concept of History.
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Bilen, O 2001. The Historicity of Understanding and the Problem of Relativism in Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics. (Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Series I, Culture and Values ; V. 27.) Washington, D.C.: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
Bogin, G 1997-. Hermeneutics in Russia [Journal].
Buckman, K L 1997. Gadamer on Art, Morality and Authority. Philosophy and Literature 21(1), 144-150.
Bullock, J F 1997. Preaching in a Postmodern Wor(L)D: Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics as Homiletical Conversation.
Capurro, R 2000. Hermeneutik Im Vorblick: Einführung in Die Angeletik.
Chandler, D n.d. Semiotics for Beginners.
Davidow, A n.d. Gadamer: The Possibility of Interpretation.
Demeterio, F P A 2001. Introduction to Hermeneutics. Diwatao 1(1).
Demeterio, F P A 2001. The Romanticist Hermeneutics of Schleiermacher and Dilthey. Diwatao 1(1).
Demeterio, F P A 2001. Dialectical Hermeneutics. Diwatao 1(1).
Demeterio, F P A 2001. Critical Hermeneutics. Diwatao 1(1).
Dibadj, S M 1998. The Authenticity of the Text in Hermeneutics. (Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Series Iia, Islam ; V. 4.) Washington: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
Felicilda, M 2001. From Prison to Liberation: An Analysis of Habermas’ Critique of Tradition Towards Communicative Action. Diwatao 1(1).
Frei, H W 1992. Conflicts in Interpretation. Theology Today 49(3), 344-356.
Golub, A n.d. Hans-Georg Gadamer: An Appreciation — the Most Thorough and Comprehensive Gadamer Website on the Internet.
Heltzel, P 1999. Paul Ricoeur: A Hermeneutical Theologian.
Holtorf, C n.d. Gadamer’s Hermeneutics.
Ihde, D n.d. Expanding Hermeneutics.
Inwood, M 2000. Hermeneutics. In: E Craig (ed). Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online.
Kelsey, D 1983. The Theological Use of Scripture in Process Hermeneutics. Process Studies 13(3), 181-188.
Kim, H-T P 2004. Konstruktive Dekonstruktion? Zur Theologischen Rezeption Jacques Derridas Im Deutschsprachigen Raum. PhD diss. Universität Freiburg.
Krajewski, B (ed) 2004. Gadamer’s Repercussions: Reconsidering Philosophical Hermeneutics. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Kremer, A 1998. Are All Interpretations Possible?
Lafont, C 1999. The Linguistic Turn in Hermeneutic Philosophy. (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought.) Cambridge: MIT Press.
Lane, R D 1994. Reading the Bible: Intention, Text, Interpretation. Lanham: University Press of America.
Lessig, L 1993. Fidelity in Translation. Texas Law Review 71, 1165-1268.
Levinas, E 1994. The Jewish Understanding of Scripture. Cross Currents 44(4).
Leyh, G (ed) 1992. Legal Hermeneutics: History, Theory, and Practice. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Linquist, S 1996. An Investigation of Gadamer’s Views on Method and Misunderstanding. Psybernetica Summer.
Lull, D J 1983. What Is ‘Process Hermeneutics’? Process Studies 13(3), 189-201.
Lye, J 1996. Some Principles of Phenomenological Hermeneutics.
Madison, G B 1997. Coping with Nietzsche’s Legacy: Rorty, Derrida and Gadamer.
Makkreel, R A & F Rodi (eds) 1996. Wilhelm Dilthey Selected Works, Vol. 4: Hermeneutics and the Study of History. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Mallery, J C, R Hurwitz & G Duffy 1987. Hermeneutics: From Textual Explication to Computer Understanding? In: S C Shapiro (ed). The Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence. New York: Wiley & Sons.
Malpas, J 2003. Hans-Georg Gadamer. In: E N Zalta (ed). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Marra, M F (ed) 2002. Japanese Hermeneutics: Current Debates on Aesthetics and Interpretation. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
McGaughey, D R n.d. On D.F. Strauß and the 1839 Revolution in Zurich.
Montgomery, J W 1995. Legal Hermeneutics and the Interpretation of Scripture. Premise 2(9), 10-.
Murray, K A n.d.-a. Hermeneutics (Herman Who?).
Murray, K A n.d.-b. Hermeneutics (Herman Who?) Pt.2.
N.N. n.d. Ereignis [Heidegger Website].
Noss, P 1994. Ricoeur, Paul. In. Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. 8, 261-299.
Palmer, R E 1980. The Liminality of Hermes and the Meaning of Hermeneutics. Proceedings of the Heraclitean Society (Michigan State University, Kalamazoo) 5, 4-11.
Palmer, R E 1999. The Relevance of Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics to Thirty-Six Topics or Fields of Human Activity (a Lecture Delivered at the Department of Philosophy, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. April 1, 1999.).
Palmer, R E 2001. The Turn toward Postmodern Thinking (Opening Address, Postmodern Conference for Macmurray Faculty, May 29-June 8, 2001).
Palmer, R E n.d. How Hans-Georg Gadamer Offers Openings to a Postmodern Perspective.
Paskoski, D 2003. Foucaults Archäologie Und Der Diskurs Der Literatur. PhD diss. University of Konstanz.
Perry, J 2001. Dissolving the Inerrancy Debate: How Modern Philosophy Shaped the Evangelical View of Scripture. Journal for Christian Theological Research 6(3).
Phillips, D Z 2001. Religion and the Hermeneutics of Contemplation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Phillips, J 1996. Key Concepts: Hermeneutics. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 3(1), 61-69.
Poggemiller, D 1995. Hermeneutics and Epistemology: Hirsch’s Author Centered Meaning, Radical Historicism and Gadamer’s Truth and Method. Premise 2(8), 10-.
Ricoeur, P 1981. Essays on Biblical Interpretation. London: SPCK.
Robinson, G D 1995. Paul Ricoeur and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion: A Brief Overview and Critique. Premise 2(8), 12-.
Rockmore, T 1992. On Heidegger’s Nazism and Philosophy. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Ross, K L 2004. Foundationalism and Hermeneutics.
Sampaio, R 1998. The Hermeneutic Conception of Culture.
Seban, J-L 2000. Bultmann, Rudolf (1884-1976). In: E Craig (ed). Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online
Shedinger, R F 2000. Kuhnian Paradigms and Biblical Scholarship: Is Biblical Studies a Science? Journal of Biblical Literature 119(3), 453-471.
Smith, N H 1997. Strong Hermeneutics: Contingency and Moral Identity. London: Routledge.
Sokal, A D 1996. Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity. Social Text 46/47(Spring/Summer 1996), 217-252.
Szabo, N 1996. Hermeneutics: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Tradition — a Concise Tutorial.
Tatar, B 1998. Interpretation and the Problem of the Intention of the Author: H.-G. Gadamer Vs. E.D. Hirsch. (Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Series Iia, Islam ; V. 5.) Washington: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
Thiselton, A C 2000. Hermeneutics, Biblical. In: E Craig (ed). Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online.
Thomasett, A 2002. Biblical Hermeneutics, the Art of Interpretation, and Philosophy of the Self: A Tribute to Paul Ricoeur and Paul Beauchamp. Ethical perspectives 9(1).
Thompson, J B 2000. Ricoeur, Paul (1913-). In: E Craig (ed). Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online.
Waetjen, H C 1998. Shakespeare in the Bush, and Encountering the Other. Christian Century May 20-27, 524-531.
Walters, J 2004. Scripture as the Framework for Our Politics, or “How Not to Read the Bible Like George W. Bush”.
Weberman, D 1998. The Relational Properties Approach to a Theory of Interpretation.
Wisse, M 1999. Does Swinburne’s Theory of Language and Interpretation Support an Allegorical Interpretation of Scripture? (Paper Delivered at the Bspr Conference Oxford 1999).
Wisse, M 2000. The Meaning of the Authority of the Bible. Religious Studies 36, 473-487.
Wisse, M 2001a. Theory Design in Hermeneutics: A Meta-Hermeneutical Proposal Based on an Analogy from Computer Science (Paper Delivered at the Bspr Conference Oxford 2001).
Wisse, M 2001b. ‘Ook Als Je Het Er Niet Mee Eens Bent’: Reactie Op Volkert Küster Gegeven Tijdens De Opening Van Het Academisch Jaar Van Noster.
Wisse, M 2002. From Cover to Cover? A Critique of Wolterstorff’S Theory of the Bible as Divine Discourse. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 52, 159-173.
Wisse, P M 2003. Scripture between Identity and Creativity: A Hermeneutical Theory Building Upon Four Interpretations of Job. PhD diss. Universiteit Utrecht.
Wood, D (ed) 1991. On Paul Ricoeur: Narrative and Interpretation. (Warwick Studies in Philosophy and Literature.) London: Routledge.
Wright, K 2000. Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1900-). In: E Craig (ed). Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online.
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2012 March
by MJ. Smith
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