Performance criticism
Alternate Labels
Exegesis: Performance criticism / storytelling
Web Links
Key Passages
Reading List
Performance Criticism:An Emerging Methodology in Biblical Studies
| David Rhoads from Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Biblical Performance Criticism: Performance as Research
| David Rhoads in
Oral Tradition
Biblical Performance Criticism
| website devoted to the topic
Reflection on the Value of Performing for Interpretation
| David Rhoads, Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago
Performance Criticism as Anti-Imperial Pedagogy
| Philip Ruge-Jones from Texas Lutheran University
Reading the Scripture as Scripts
! Jeanette Mathews in On the Road Journals
Examples of Performance Criticism
Reflections on
The Mary Magdalene Tradition: Witness and Counterwitness in Early Christian Communities
[Liturgical Press, 2004] and Performance Criticism
| Holly Hearon (Study guide for book)
Performing the Letter to Philemon
| David M. Rhoads
Performing the Letter to Galatians
| David M. Rhoads
Performing the Letter to James
| David M. Rhoads
Audience Address and Purpose in the Performance of Mark
| Thomas E. Boomershine
Performance Criticism as an Exegetical Method: A Story, Three Insights, and Two Jokes
| David Irobisch
Biblical Performance Criticism series forthcoming in Logos
The Bible in Ancient and Modern Media: Story and Performance
edited by Holly E. Hearnon and Philip Ruge-Jones
From Orality to Orality: A New Paradigm for Contextual Translation of the Bible
by James A. Maxey
The Case for Mark Composed in Performance
by Antoinette Clark Wire
Oral Tradition in Ancient Israel
by Robert D. Miller II
Biblical Storytelling and Biblical Scholarship
| Tom Boomershine from United Theological Seminary
Alter’s Art of Biblical Narrative and Oral Biblical Storytelling
| Marti J. Steussy from Christian Theological Seminary
Paper for the Seminar on Biblical Storytelling and Scholarship
| Dennis Dewey
Biblical Storytelling as Spiritual Discipline Grounded in Scholarship
| Dennis Dewey
Storytelling and the Gospels
| Whitney Shiner from George Mason University
Storytelling and the Composition of Social Space
| Arthur J. Dewey
The Intersection of Contemporary Biblical Storytelling with Storytelling in the World of Antiquity: Invitation to a Conversation
| Holly E. Hearon from Christian Theological Seminary
Storytelling and the Art of Teaching Theology
| Philip Ruge-Jones from Texas Lutheran University
Taking Place...Taking Up Space
| Richard W. Swanson from Augustana College
Resource List from the Seminar of the Network of Biblical Storytellers
Boomershine, Thomas E. Story Journey: An Invitation to the Gospel as Storytelling (Nashville:Abingdon Press, 1988).
Dewey, Joanna, editor.
Semeia 65: Orality and Textuality in Early Christian Literature
(Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995).
Hearon, Holly E. The Mary Magdalene Tradition: Witness and Counter-Witness in Early Christian Communities (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2004).
Rhoads, David. Reading Mark: Engaging the Gospel (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2004).
Shiner, Whitney. Proclaiming the Gospel: First-Century Performance of Mark (Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 2003).
Swanson, Richard W. Provoking the Gospel of Luke (Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2006).
Swanson, Richard W. Provoking the Gospel: Methods to Embody Biblical Stoytelling through Drama (Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2004).
Last modified
2012 July
by MJ. Smith
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