Papal Infallibility
Alternate Labels
Infallibility of the Pope
Doctrine of Infallibility
Papal Teaching Primacy
Web Links
Wikipedia: Papal Infallibility
Reading List
Recommendations from
forum thread
, enhanced
Key Passages
OT > Is 35:8, Is 54:11–14, Is 59:21, Zec 8:3
NT > Mt 16:15–19, Lk 22:31–32, Mt 28:18-20, Jn 14:16–17, Jn 16:13, 1 Ti 3:15, Mt 10:40, Mk 16:16, Lk 10:16, Jn 13:20, Jn 14:26–27, Jn 21:15–17, Ac 1:8, Ro 1:5, 8, 1 Co 1:10, Mt 7:24–25, Jn 8:31–32, Jn 10:4–5, Jn 17:20–21, 1 Co 2:16, 1 Jn 2:26–27
Catechisms, Dogmatic Constitutions
Catechism of the Catholic Church 891
| Catechism of the Catholic Church
D 1832/DS 3065 The Infallible Magisterium of the Roman Pontiff
| Denziger: The Sources of Catholic Dogma, reproducing Vatican I
Lumen Gentium 18
| Vatican II Documents | Lumen Gentium
Is the Pope really infallible?
| Youcat English: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
| Verbum’s Catholic Topical Index
| A Catholic Dictionary
| The Catholic Encyclopedia –
not yet in Logos
Infallibility of the Church and Pope
| Ecclesiastical Dictionary
Authority in Religion: Papal infallibility
| The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Volumes 1–5
Infallibility of the pope
| Nelson’s New Christian Dictionary
| New Dictionary of Theology
Catholic Sources
| Hunter: Outlines of Dogmatic Theology
Papal Teaching Primacy or Papal Infallibility
| Ott: Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma
Teaching Authority of the Church
| Trudel: A Dictionary of Canon Law
Papal Infallibility
| Catholic Answers: The Essential Catholic Survival Guide
Critique / Opposing Views
The Conflict with Rome
| Bavinck: Reformed Dogmatics, Volume 1: Prolegomena
Degeneration of Papal Power: Infallibility
| Bavinck: Reformed Dogmatics, Volume 4: Holy Spirit, Church, and New Creation
| Geisler/MacKenzie: Roman Catholics and Evangelicals: Agreements and Differences
The Vatican Decrees
| Harnack: History of Dogma, Volume 7
Powell: Papal Infallibility: A Protestant Evaluation of an Ecumenical Issue
| not in Logos, reviewed in
Themelios 35:2
The Vatican Decrees, Continued. The Infallibility Decree
| Schaff: The Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical Notes, Volume I: The History of Creeds
Completion of the Romish Dogma of the Church. The Vatican Council
| Seeberg: Text-Book of the History of Doctrines
The Papacy and Infallibility
| WEA: A Contemporary Evangelical Perspective on Roman Catholicism
alternative source
| Evangelical Review of Theology, Volume 10, 1986
Wikipedia: Papal Infallibility
Last modified
2013 December
by Sleiman
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