Orthodox Peace Fellowship documents
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Church documents: OPF
OPF documents
Orthodox church documents
Web Links
Key Passages
Reading List
Pro-Life Resources
Abortion and the Early Church
The Sacredness of Newborn Life
The Bitter Price of Choice
Many Offering Death
Treehouse: Saving Lives One by One
True Free Choice
Zoe Means Life
On Homicide
The Troublesome Word “Murder”
Victims and Heroes
Changing a Society Which has De-Valued Women and De-Humanized the Unborn
On Abortion and Over-Population
Learning to Be Peacemakers
The Other As Icon
The Great Human Rights Issue of Our Time
On Behalf of Unborn Children
Cleansing By Tears
We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us
War & Peace Resources
“For the Peace from Above”: An Orthodox Resource Book on War, Peace and Nationalism
Nonviolence and Peace Traditions in Early & Eastern Christianity
| by Fr John McGuckin
Iraq War Articles and Essays
For the Peace from Above: on War, Peace and Nationalism
Orthodox Christians and Conscientious Objection
| by Jim Forest
In Peace Let Us Pray To The Lord: An Orthodox Christian Approach to Peacemaking
| by Jim Forest
Peace in Orthodox Liturgy and Life
| by Fr. Philip LeMasters
Pro-War is Not Pro-Life
| by Metropolitan Jonah
No Just War in the Fathers
| by Fr. Stanley Harakas
Orthodox Perspectives on Peace, War and Violence
| by Fr. Philip LeMasters
May Christians Kill?
| by Fr. Phil LeMasters
The Pacifist Option
| by Fr. Alexander Webster
Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment: Points to Consider
| by Jim Forest
Blessed are the Meek: Capital Punishment and the Gospel
| by Fr. Thomas Mueller
St Nicholas Halts an Execution
| by Jim Forest
Regarding the Church’s opposition to capital punishment
| by Fr. Ted Bobosh
A bishop’s opposition to capital punishment
| by Bishop Seraphim of Ottawa
The Voice of the Victim
| by Fr. Jacques-Jude Lepine
Doing Justice, Loving Mercy
| by Catherine Brockenborough
Assessing the Death Penalty: Let the Punishment Fit the Time
| by Danny Abbott
Bishop Demetrios Attends Signing of Death Penalty Abolition Bill in Illinois
| by Maria A. Karamitsos
Jurisdictional Statements
“Bases of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church”
The Orthodox Church in America condemned capital punishment without exception at its All American Council
Statements from Church Hierarchs
Patriarch Alexei likens the death penalty to premeditated murder
Patriarch of Georgia condemns death penalty
see also
Metropolitan Herman of the Orthodox Church in America issued statement condemning capital punishment, euthanasia and capital punishment
Metropolitan Evangelos of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese applauded the State of New Jersey
Archbishop of Athens Christodoulos condemned capital punishment
Various Bishops condemn capital punishment
Archbishop of Ottawa and Canada (OCA) condemns capital punishment
Bishop Demitrios (GOA) condemns capital punishment
Other Orthodox condemnations of capital punishment
Pan-Orthodox Sanctity of Life Prayer Service at St. George Antiochian Church condemns capital punishment, euthanasia, and abortion
The Orthodox Church and Society
The Basis of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church
Orthodoxy & Ecumenism
Encyclical of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of 1920
Report of the III Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference of 1986
Report of the inter-Orthodox consultation of Orthodox WCC member churches in 1991
Toronto Statement
A summary history of Orthodox involvement in the ecumenical movement
| by Protobresbyter Georges Tsetsis
Orthodox complaints are a ‘family disagreement’
Statement on the Relationship of the Orthodox Church to the World Council of Churches
| by the Orthodox Theological Society in America
Last modified
2011 May
by MJ. Smith
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