Reading List
Note: from Orthodox Christian Information Center: A Suggested Reading List for Inquirers compiled by Patrick Barnes (29 November 2011). Details and reviews are included in the original source.
All Inquirers
Introductory & theology
- The Orthodox Church by Bishop Kallistos
- Orthodox Dogmatic Theology by Fr. Michael Pomazansky
- Eastern Patristic Thought and Orthodox Theology. by Constantine Tsirpanlis. Collegeville MN: The Liturgical Press, 1991. Pp. 214 + Appendices, Notes, and Indices
Initial Exposure to “Catholic Thinking” for Evangelical Protestants
- Bercot, David, Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up?, Tyler, TX: Scroll Publishing Company, 1989.
- Gillquist, Peter, Becoming Orthodox. Ben Lomond: Conciliar Press.
- Howard, Thomas, Evangelical is Not Enough: Worship of God in Liturgy and Sacrament. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1984.
- Schmemann, Alexander, For the Life of the World: Sacraments and Orthodoxy. Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir’s Press, 1988.
Introductions to Orthodoxy
- Bajis, Jordan, Common Ground: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity for the American Christian. Minneapolis, MN: Light and Life, 1991.
- Archbishop Chrysostomos and Bishop Auxentios, The Roman West and the Byzantine East. The Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies.
- Clendenin, Daniel B., Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Western Perspective. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1994.
- ________________, Eastern Orthodox Theology: A Contemporary Reader. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1995.
- Ware, Timothy, The Orthodox Church. Baltimore: Penguin, 1996 (1963).
- Schaeffer, Frank, Dancing Alone: The Quest for Orthodox Faith in the Age of False Religions. Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Press, 1994.
Bible, Church (Ecclesiology), and Tradition
- Archimandrite [now Archbishop] Chrysostomos and Archimandrite [now Bishop] Auxentios, Scripture and Tradition. Etna, CA: The Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 1994.
- Congar, Yves M.-J., Tradition and Traditions: An Historical Essay and a Theological Essay. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1967.
- Hierodeacon Gregory, The Church, Tradition, Scripture, Truth, and Christian Life: Some Heresies of Evangelicalism and an Orthodox Response. Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 1995.
- Florovsky, Georges, Collected Works. vol. 1, Bible, Church, Tradition. Belmont, MA: Nordland, 1972-79. [
- Khomiakov, Alexey, The Church is One. Seattle, WA: St. Nectarios Press, 1979.
- Meyendorff, John, ed., The Primacy of Peter: Essays in Ecclesiology and the Early Church. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1992.
- Rogers, Gregory, Apostolic Succession. Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press, 1989. 40 pages.
- Troitsky, Archbishop Ilarion, Christianity or the Church?. Jordanville, NY: Holy Trinity Monastery, 1985.
- ________________, The Unity of the Church and the World Conference of Christian Communities. Montreal: Monastery Press, 1975. 72pp.
General Critiques of Western Christianity
- [Arch]bishop Chrysostomos of Etna, Humility, Vol I in the Themes in Orthodox Patristic Psychology series. Etna, CA: The Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 1986. Although the entire four volume series is outstanding, of special interest to Protestants will be Repentance, Vol. III.
- Bishop [now Archbishop] Chrysostomos of Oreoi [now of Etna] and Hieromonk[now Bishop] Auxentios, T/he Roman West and the Byzantine East/. Etna, CA: The Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 1988.
- Bajis, Jordan, Common Ground: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity for the American Christian. Minneapolis, MN: Light and Life, 1991.
- Bercot, David, Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up?, Tyler, TX: Scroll Publishing Company, 1989.
- Bouyer, Louis, The Spirit and Forms of Protestantism. Westminster, MD: The Newman Press, 1961.
- Bruce, Steve, A House Divided: Protestantism, Schism, and Secularization. London and New York: Rutledge, 1990.
- Florovsky, Georges, Collected Works. vol. XIII, Ecumenism I: A Doctrinal Approach. Vaduz, Europa: Bchervertriebsanstalt, 1989.
- _______________, Collected Works. vol. XIV, Ecumenism II: A Historical Approach. Vaduz, Europa: Bchervertriebsanstalt, 1989..
- Hierodeacon Gregory, The Church, Tradition, Scripture, Truth, and Christian Life: Some Heresies of Evangelicalism and an Orthodox Response. Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 1995.
- Lee, Philip J, Against the Protestant Gnostics. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
- Mascall, E. L., The Recovery of Unity: A Theological Approach. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1958.
- Mastrantonis, George, Augsburg and Constantinople. Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Press, 1982.
- Meyendorff, John, Catholicity and the Church. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1983.
- _______________, Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes. New York: Fordham Univ. Press, 1979.
- _______________, and Robert Tobias, Salvation in Christ: A Lutheran-Orthodox Dialogue. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress Press, 1992.
- Pelikan, Jaroslav, “Orthodox Theology in the West: The Reformation,” in The Legacy of St. Vladimir. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1990.
- Rose, Seraphim, The Place of Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church. Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1983.
- Schmemann, Alexander, ed., Ultimate Questions: An Anthology of Modern Russian Religious Thought. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Press, 1977.
- Ware, Bishop KALLISTOS, How Are We Saved?: The Understanding of Salvation in the Orthodox Tradition. Minneapolis, MN: Light and Life, 1996.
- Jurgens, Williams. The Faith of the Early Fathers (three volumes; Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1979)
Orthodoxy and Western Christianity: For All Protestants
Recommended Books
- Bajis, Jordan, Common Ground: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity for the American Christian. Minneapolis, MN: Light and Life, 1991.
- Bouyer, Louis, The Spirit and Forms of Protestantism. Westminster, MD: The Newman Press, 1961.
- Archimandrite [now Archbishop] Chrysostomos and Archimandrite [now Bishop] Auxentios, Scripture and Tradition. Etna, CA: The Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 1994.
- Florovsky, Georges, Collected Works. vol. 1, Bible, Church, Tradition. Belmont, MA: Nordland, 1972-79.
- Lee, Philip J, Against the Protestant Gnostics. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
- Nasr, Father Constantine. The Bible in the Liturgy. Oklahoma City, OK: Theosis Publishing Company, 1988.
- Meyendorff, John, Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes. New York: Fordham Univ. Press, 1979.
Orthodoxy and Western Christianity: For Evangelicals
- Book Review: Hierodeacon [now Father] Gregory, The Church, Tradition, Scripture, Truth, and Christian Life: Some Heresies of Evangelicalism and an Orthodox Response. | Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 1995.
- An Orthodox View of Sola Scriptura: | by Fr. Deacon John Whiteford.
- Letter to an Evangelical, | by Father Michael B. Johnson.
- Letters to the Editor: | the replies of Patrick Barnes and Deacon John Whiteford to Dan Clendenin’s article in Christianity Today called “Why I’m Not Orthodox”.
- What Evangelicals Should Know About Negrut’s Assessment of Eastern Orthodoxy. | Joel Kalvesmaki’s response to Paul Negrut’s article in the Christian Research Journal (Winter 1998).
- A Note For Evangelicals Considering Rome. | An excerpt from a new book explaining Orthodoxy to both Evangelicals and Roman Catholics, by Clark Carlton
- Will You Meet the Lord in the “Rapture” or in Reality? | A critique of this popular Evangelical Protestant doctrine. Part II.
- Person and Personality in Orthodox Teaching: Concerning the Evangelical Protestant Notion of a “Personal Lord and Savior.” | An Orthodox Tradition Q & A.
- “On the Presuppositions of Our Personal Salvation,” | Ch. 13. from The Truth of Our Faith:: A Discourse from Holy Scripture on the Teachings of True Christianity, by Elder Cleopa of Romania.
Orthodoxy and Western Christianity: For Roman Catholics
Recommended Books
- Bishop [now Archbishop] Chrysostomos of Oreoi [now of Etna] and Hieromonk[now Bishop] Auxentios, The Roman West and the Byzantine East. Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 1988.
- John Meyendorff (ed.). The Primacy of Peter: Essays in Ecclesiology and the Early Church
- Archbishop Chrysostomos. Orthodox and Roman Catholic Relations from the Fourth Crusade to the Hesychastic Controversy
- Carlton, Clark, The Truth: What Every Roman Catholic Should Know About the Orthodox Church. Salisbury, MA: Regina Orthodox Press, 1998.
- Guette, Abbe, The Papacy: Its Historic Origin and Primitive Relations with the Eastern Church. New York: Minos Publishing Company, 1866.
- The Lives of the Pillars of Orthodoxy. Buena Vista, CO: Holy Apostles Convent and the Dormition Skete, 1990.
- Ostroumoff, Ivan, The History of the Council of Florence. Boston, MA: Holy Transfiguration Monastery, 1971.
- Photios the Great, Saint, On the Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit. Studion Publishers, Inc., 1983.
- Welton, Michael, Two Paths: Papal Monarch—Collegial Tradition. Salisbury, MA: Regina Orthodox Press, 1998.
Orthodoxy and Western Christianity: For Charismatics
- Orthodox-Reformed Bridge, | a solid blog with the tagline “A Meeting Place for Evangelicals, Reformed & Orthodox Christians”.
- On Predestination, | from the writings of Bishop Elias Milatios.
- Miles from the Truth: A Response to the Protestant magazine Credenda/Agenda, | by Deacon [now Father] John Whiteford and Patrick Barnes.
- St. John of Damascus on Predestination and Free Will: | see Book II, Chapters XXV-XXX, and Book III, Chapters XIV and XVIII.
- The UnReformed Truth: Orthodoxy Exonerated in the Light of the Apostolic Faith. | A Response to the Calvinist journal Credenda/Agenda.
- The Myth of the “Calvinist Patriarch”, | by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna.
- The Acts and Decrees of the Synod of Jerusalem, a Synod held in 1672 concerning a work entitled The Eastern Confession of the Christian Faith, which attempted to express Orthodox beliefs in Protestant terms, specifically Calvinism. | attributed to the former Patriarch of Constantinople, Cyril
- Luther Had His Chance: | taken from Stephen Runciman’s The Great Church in Captivity.
- Lutheran inquirers into Orthodoxy: | Orthodoxy for Lutherans.
- St. John Cassian on Grace and Free Will: | his famous Conference XIII.
- St. Gregory Palamas and the Tradition of the Fathers, | by Fr. George Florovsky.
- Documents of the Sixth Œcumenical Synod (680-81 A.D.):
- Free Will and Death, | an excerpt from The Mystery of Death, by Nikolaos P. Vassiliadis.
- The Teaching on Predestination and the Veneration of the Saints, | from the ROCOR
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Washington, DC.
Recommended Books
- Cabasilas, St. Nicholas,/ Life in Christ/. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press.
- Mastrantonis, Fr. George, Augsburg and Constantinople. Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Press, 1982.
- Meyendorff, John, and Robert Tobias, Salvation in Christ: A Lutheran-Orthodox Dialogue. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress Press, 1992. .
- Pelikan, Jaroslav, The Christian Tradition, Volumes 1 and 2.
- Robertson, J. N. W. B. trans., The Acts and Decrees of the Synod of Jerusalem, Sometimes Called the Council of Bethlehem. London: Thomas Baker, 1899.
- Rose, Fr. Seraphim, The Place of Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church. Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1996 [1983].
A Reading List for Anglican Inquirers
Recommended Books
- Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue: The Dublin Agreed Statement 1984. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Press, 1985.
- Billerbeck, Franklin, ed., Anglican-Orthodox Pilgrimage. Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press, 1993.
- Caraman, Philip, ed., University and Anglican Sermons of Ronald A. Knox. London: Burns and Oates, 1963.
- Congar, Yves M.-J., Divided Christendom. London: The Centenary Press, 1939.
- Florovsky, Georges, Collected Works. vol. XIII, Ecumenism I: A Doctrinal Approach. Vaduz, Europa: Büchervertriebsanstalt, 1989.
- Hodges, H. A., Anglicanism and Orthodoxy: A Study in Dialectical Churchmanship. London: S.C.M., 1955.
- Howard, Thomas, Lead, Kindley Light: My Journey to Rome. Steubenville, OH: Franciscan Univ. Press, 1994.
- Ledwich, William, The Durham Affair. Welshpool, England: Stylite Publishing Limited, 1985.
- Ker, Ian, Newman on the Christian Faith. Notre Dame: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1990.
- Mascall, E. L., The Recovery of Unity: A Theological Approach. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1958.
- Newman, John Henry, Apologia pro vita sua. Garden City: Image Books, 1956.
- Packer, J.I., The Evangelical Anglican Identity Problem: An Analysis. Oxford: The Latimer House, 1980 [1978].
- Phillips, Andrew, Orthodox Christianity and the English Tradition. Norfolk, England: The English Orthodox Trust (Anglo-Saxon Books), 1995.
- Rose, Seraphim, The Place of Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church. Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1983.
- Schneider, Rev. Fr. Spiridon, “From Anglicanism to Orthodoxy”, Orthodox Life (Journal of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY), Vol. 27, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1977, pp. 29-48.
- Vanauken, Sheldon, Under the Mercy. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1985.
The Anglican/Orthodox Pilgrim