Non-Western Christology
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Reading List
Amaladoss, Michael.
The Asian Jesus
Bediako, Kwame.
Jesus and the Gospel in Africa: History and Experience
Bonino, Jose Miguez.
Faces of Jesus: Latin American Christologies
Brinkman, Martien.
The Non-Western Jesus: Jesus as Bodhisattva, Avatara, Guru, Prophet, Ancestor or Healer?
(Cross Cultural Theologies)
Clarke, Clifton R.
African Christology: Jesus in Post-Missionary African Christianity
Douglas, Kelly Brown.
The Black Christ
(Bishop Henry McNeal Turner/Sojourner Truth Series in Black Religion)
Endo, Shusaku.
A Life of Jesus
(a Japanese view of Christ)
Ezigbo, Victor I.
Re-imagining African Christologies: Conversing with the Interpretations and Appropriations of Jesus in Contemporary African Christianity
Gordon, E. A.
Asian Christology and the Mahayana
Karkkainen, Veli-Matti.
Christology: A Global Introduction
Kuster, Volker.
The Many Faces of Jesus Christ: Intercultural Christology
Nyamiti, Charles.
Christ as Our Ancestor: Christology from an African Perspective
Orevillo-Montenegro, Muriel.
The Jesus of Asian Women
Pope-Levison, Priscilla and John R. Levison.
Jesus in Global Contexts
Schreiter, Robert J.
Faces of Jesus in Africa
(Faith and Cultures Series)
Sobrino, Jon, SJ.
Christology at the Crossroads: A Latin American Approach
Stinton, Diane B.
Jesus of Africa: Voices of Contemporary African Christology
(Faith and Cultures Series)
Thangaraj, Thomas.
The Crucified Guru: An Experiment in Cross-Cultural Christology
Wessels, Anton.
Images of Jesus: How Jesus is Perceived and Portrayed in Non-European Cultures
Banda, Collium. The Sufficiency of Christ in Africa: A Christological Challenge from African Traditional Religions
Elenga, Yvon C. African Christologies: Naming Jesus
Ezigbo, Victor I. Contextualizing the Christ-Event: A Christological Study of the Interpretations and Appropriations of Jesus Christ in Nigerian Christianity
Keenan, John P. The emptiness of Christ: A Mahayana Christology
| Anglican Theological Review Vol. 75 No. 1. Winter 1993
Knitter, Paul F. Theocentric Christology
| Theology Today
Yong-Bok Kim. Jesus Christ Among Asian Minjung: A Christological Reflection
Last modified
2013 May
by Rosie Perera
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