Named Scripture and Lists
In the spirit of enhancing communications between Christians who speak of scripture by chapter and verse and those who speak of names and liturgical use, this list provides names with Verbum and Wikipedia links. These lists also raise awareness of some parabiblical books such as grimoire not to promote the books but to promote an awareness that the subject veered in that direction.
Akedah (Binding of Isaac)
This passage is read in synagogue on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. Some Kabbalists recite this passage daily after Birkot hashachar.
- Genesis 22:1-19
- ‘AḲEDAH | The Jewish Encyclopedia: A Descriptive Record of the History, Religion, Literature, and Customs of the Jewish People from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, 12 Volumes
- Factbook | Akedah
- Binding of Isaac | Wikipedia
Baptism of Jesus
This is the second event celebrated at the feast of Epiphany (Theophany). It is the primary focus of Epiphany in the East where it is coupled with the Blessing of the water. In the West, the feast of the Baptism of Jesus replaces the first Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Betrothal type-scene / Woman at the well type-scene (Meeting at the well)
This type-scene includes a foreigner traveling encountering a woman at a well. Water is drawn from the well followed by the woman running home to announce the presence of the stranger. A shared meal and a betrothal follows. Some see the Samaritan woman as an example of the type-scene, others see it as a parody of the type-scene.
- Genesis 24:10-64 Rebekah
- Genesis 29:1-20 Jacob and Rachel
- Exodus 2:15-22 Moses and Zipporah
- John 4:4-30 Samaritan woman (Photine) at the well
- Well | The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Book of Glory (Book of Exultation)
The Book of Glory refers to the second major section in the Gospel according to John. It includes the Last Supper, the Farewell Discourses, the Passion, and the Resurrection. Some include the epilogue in the Book of Glory.
- John 13:1–20:31
- Book of Glory | Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels
Book of Signs
The Book of Signs refers to the first of two major sections in the Gospel according to John. The section narrated seven miracles (signs).
The seven signs are usually identified as:
- 1. Changing water into wine at Cana (John 2:1–11)
- 2. Healing the royal official’s son in Capernaum (John 4:46–54)
- 3. Healing the paralytic at Bethesda (John 5:1–15)
- 4. Feeding the 5000 (John 6:5–14)
- 5. Jesus walking on water (John 6:16–24)
- 6. Healing the man blind from birth (John 9:1–7)
- 7. The raising of Lazarus (John 11:1–45)
Bread of life discourse
This discourse is used during later summer in the year of Mark in the Revised Common Lectionary to fill in for the shortness of the Gospel of Mark. It has always been read as a eucharistic text.
Chronicler’s history
This supplemental history contains two books, Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah, which are four books in most Christian Bibles.
Colophon to Job
This colophon to Job provides details regarding Job’s location, genealogy, etc. from a Syriac source. It is available in some versions of the LXX e.g. Brenton.
- Job 42:17 | The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament: English Translation
Covenant of the pieces (Covenant between the parts)
This is the first of a series of covenants made between God and the Patriarchs.
Deuteronomist texts
Source criticism identifies the deuteronomist as a source of a significant portion of the Hebrew Bible.
Enneateuch (Primary history, Unateuch)
This is the first nine books of the Bible in Septuagint order excluding the book of Ruth. This provides a history from creation through the mononarchy. The term unateuch emphasizes the books as a single, unified story.
Great I am’s (with predicates)
Seven sayings in emphatic form used in the Gospel of John by Jesus to refer to himself by role in salvation.
- I am the Bread of Life (John 6:35)
- I am the Light of the World (John 8:12)
- I am the Door (John 10:9)
- I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11,14)
- I am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)
- I am the Way and the Truth and the Life (John 14:6)
- I am the Vine (John 15:1,5)
- divine identity Christology | Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, Second Edition
- I am (biblical term) | Wikipedia
Great I am’s (without predicates)
Seven sayings of Jesus expressing His divine identity, the basis of his role in salvation.
The heptateuch is the first seven books of the Septuagint. It covers Israeli history prior to the monarchy. Note that the three books Deuteronomy, Joshua, and Judges are writings of the Deuteronomist.
The hexateuch is the Torah plus Joshua. This unit is used by scholars who believe that Joshua was originally from the Northern Yahwist source which has been reworked by the Deuteronomist.
Hymn to the Word (Prologue to John, Last Gospel)
This hymn is known as the Last Gospel as it is used at the end of the Tridentine Mass. It was used a a private prayer for the priest in the Sarum rite.
Jesus and the Woman Taken in Adultery (Pericope Adulterae)
The concensus is that this passage is a third century interpolation which became widespread in the fourth century. It remains in most contemporary translations but with a footnote.
Johannine Comma (Comma Johanneum)
This triune interpolated phrase is first included Latin manuscripts of the fifth-seventh century although it is quoted by early church fathers earlier.
Johannine literature
Of the five works traditional assigned to John, Revelation is the only one to explicitly identify John as the author.
John 3:16
This verse from the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus is popular among Evangelicals as a summary of God the Father’s motive for send Jesus Christ the Son to humanity.
Lamentations of Jeremiah
These acrostic poems are used extensively worship: by Judaism on Tisha B’Av; by Catholics in Tennebrae; by Anglican on three days in Holy Week; by Copts on the 12th hour of Good Friday which commemorates the burial of Jesus.
- “How Lonely Sits the City” or “How Desolate Lies the City” Lamentations 1
- “The Lord Has Destroyed Without Pity” or “The Lord Has Covered Daughter Zion with the Cloud of His Anger” Lamentations 2
- “Great Is Your Faithfulness” or “The Prophet’s Afflictions and Hope” Lamentations 3
- “How the Gold Has Lost Its Luster” or “Zion Is Punished for Its Rebellion” Lamentations 4
- “Remember, O Lord, What Has Happened” or “A Prayer for Restoration” Lamentations 5
- Lamentations, Book Of | Catholic Bible Dictionary
- Factbook | Book of Lamentations
- Book of Lamentations | Wikipedia
- Tennebrae | Wikipedia
This is the first eight books of scripture in the Septuagint sequence. The Beta Israel of Ethiopia call the Octateuch “Orit”.
Prayer of Manasseh
This penitential prayer is sometimes treated as the final chapter of 2 Chronicles, as a deuterocanonical book, or a chapter in the Book of Odes. It is used in the Liturgy of the Hours by Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglicans.
Raising of Lazarus pericope (Righteous Lazarus, the Four-Days Dead)
This is the seventh of the seven signs in the Book of Signs. This is used in the Catholic church on the fifth Sunday of Lent when there are candidates joining the Church at Easter.
Seven barren women
These come from a commentary on Isaiah 54:1, the first verse of the haftarah for Ki Teitzei. Also see 1 Samuel 2:5.
Seven last words (Sayings of Jesus on the Cross)
These sayings are frequently the core of the Tre Ore service on Good Friday. Note that Tre Ore is a practice that arose in the New World.
Seven Signs of John
These are the signs (miracles) for which the Book of Signs is named. Additional details are available under each sign’s name.
- 1. Changing water into wine at Cana John 2:1–11
- 2. Healing the royal official’s son in Capernaum John 4:46–54
- 3. Healing the paralytic at Bethesda John 5:1–15
- 4. Feeding the 5000 John 6:5–14
- 5. Jesus walking on water John 6:16–24
- 6. Healing the man blind from birth John 9:1–7
- 7. The raising of Lazarus John 11:1–45
Solomonic literature
This is primarily wisdom literature traditionally attributed to King Solomon.
Works attributed to Solomon
- Proverbs
- Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)
- Ecclesiastes (Qoheleth)
- Psalm 72
- Psalm 127
- Psalms of Solomon
- Wisdom of Solomon
- Odes of Solomon
- The Selenodromion of David and Solomon
Quotations of Solomon
- Solomon’s speech at the completion of work 1 Ki 8:14–21
- Solomon’s prayer of dedication 2 Ch 7:1–11
Grimoires associated with Solomon
- Clavicula Salomonis (Key of Solomon)
- Testament of Solomon
- Solomon | A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature
- Solomon | Wikipedia
Songs of the suffering servant (Servant songs)
These songs were written during the Babylonian exile. The songs are used in penitential seasons especially Lent and Holy Week.
Tanakh (Hebrew Bible)
The Tanakh is the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible in use today. The Septuagint (and the Peshitta) are the Hebrew Bibles of the Second Temple period. The Samaritan Pentateuch has a short canon version of the Hebrew Bible. Beta Israel uses an extended canon based on the LXX. Portions of the Hebrew Bible are available in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
- Bərē’šīṯ (בְּרֵאשִׁית, literally “In the beginning”) – Genesis
- Šəmōṯ (שְׁמֹות, literally “The names of”) – Exodus
- Vayyīqrā’ (וַיִּקְרָא, literally “And He called”) – Leviticus
- Bəmīḏbar (בְּמִדְבַּר, literally “In the desert of”) – Numbers
- Dəvārīm (דְּבָרִים, literally “Things” or “Words”) – Deuteronomy
Former prophets
- Yəhōšúaʿ (יְהוֹשֻעַ) – Joshua
- Šōfṭīm (שֹׁפְטִים) – Judges
- Šəmūʾēl (שְׁמוּאֵל) – Samuel
- Məlāḵīm (מְלָכִים) – Kings
Latter prophets
- Yəšaʿyāhū (יְשַׁעְיָהוּ) – Isaiah
- Yīrməyāhū (יִרְמְיָהוּ) – Jeremiah
- Yəḥezqēʾl (יְחֶזְקֵאל) – Ezekiel
The Twelve (twelve minor prophets)
- Hōšḗaʿ (הוֹשֵׁעַ) – Hosea
- Yōʾēl (יוֹאֵל) – Joel
- ʿĀmōs (עָמוֹס) – Amos
- ʿŌḇaḏyā (עֹבַדְיָה) – Obadiah
- Yōnā (יוֹנָה) – Jonah
- Mīḵā (מִיכָה) – Micah
- Naḥūm (נַחוּם) – Nahum
- Ḥăḇaqqūq (חֲבַקּוּק) – Habakkuk
- Ṣəfanyā (צְפַנְיָה) – Zephaniah
- Ḥaggay (חַגַּי) – Haggai
- Zəḵaryā (זְכַרְיָה) – Zechariah
- Malʾāḵī (מַלְאָכִי) – Malachi
Kethuvim (JPS sequence)
Poetic books
- Təhīllīm (תְהִלִּים) – Psalms
- Mīšlē (מִשְׁלֵי) – Proverbs
- ’Īyyōḇ (אִיּוֹב) – Job
Five scrolls (Five megillot)
- Šīr hašŠīrīm (שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים) – Song of Songs, also known as Song of Solomon (on Passover)
- Rūṯ (רוּת) – Ruth (on Shavuot)
- ’Ēḵā (אֵיכָה) – Lamentations[30] (on Tisha B’Av)
- Qōheleṯ (קֹהֶלֶת) – Ecclesiastes (on Sukkot)
- ’Estēr (אֶסְתֵר) – Esther (on Purim)
- Dānī’ēl (דָּנִיֵּאל) – Daniel
- ‘Ezrā (עֶזְרָא) – Ezra and Nehemiah
- Dīvrē hayYāmīm (דִּבְרֵי הַיָּמִים) – Chronicles
- Tanakh | The Lexham Bible Dictionary
- Factbook | Tanakh
- Hebrew Bible | Wikipedia
The tetrateuch is the Torah minus the deuteronomist’s book of Deuteronomy; this is seen as the Priestly and Jahwist based Torah. Deuteronomy is seen as an introduction to Joshua in this view.
Three Epiphanies
The feast of Epiphany celebrates the three epiphanies of Jesus prior to his public ministry.
Torah (Pentateuch, Five books of Moses, Written Torah)
The Torah is read in the synagogue in an annual or a three year cycle. The basis of this lectionary dates back at least to the time of Nehemiah. This is the entirety of the Samaritan scripture.
Visit of the Magi pericope
This is the first event celebrated at the feast of Epiphany (Theophany). It is the primary focus of Epiphany in the West.
Washing of the Disciples’ Feet pericope (Maundy, Washing of the Saints’ Feet, Pedelavium)
This reading is used on Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday) which includes the washing of the feet in several churches.
Water of life discourse
Living water or water of life is mentioned in the rite of baptism and in the book of Revelation. The water of life is often equated with the Holy Spirit.
Wedding at Cana pericope
This is the first of the seven signs in the Book of Signs. It is the third event celebrated at the feast of Epiphany (Theophany). It is used immediately after Epiphany or on the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time in Year C.
Wife-sister type-scenes
Three narratives in Genesis where the foreign overlord mistakes the patriarch’s wife as his sister and attempts to marry here. The overlord learns of his error.
Woman at the Well pericope (Samaritan woman at the well)
This passage is used by Catholics during Lent when candidates are being received into the Church on Easter. It is used by the Eastern Orthodox on the Sunday of the Samaritan woman (4th Sunday after Pascha). It is also used on Photina’s saints day in a number of traditions. The Water of Life discourse is embedded in the pericope.
Epilogue of John
Farewell type-scene
Passion narrative according to John
Recognition type-scene
Jesus’ Farewell Discourse
Vine and Branches Discourse
*John 15:1-17
Jesus’ Intercession for Believers
Jesus’ Trial before Pilate
Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances
Witness of John the Baptist
Calling of the Disciples
Nicodemus and the New Birth
Healing of the Official’s Son
This is the second of the seven signs in the Book of Signs.
Healing at the Pool of Bethesda
This is the third of the seven signs in the Book of Signs.
Healing of the Man Born Blind
This is the sixth of the seven signs in the Book of Signs.
Feeding the 5000
This is the fourth of the seven signs in the Book of Signs.
*John 6:5–14
Jesus walking on water
This is the fifth of the seven signs in the Book of Signs.
Prayer of Jesus (Highly Priestly Prayer)
Covenant of Circumcision
Covenant of Sinai
Covenant code
Deuteronomic code
Great commandment (Greatest commandment)
Great commission
Holiness code
Law of Moses
New Testament household codes
Noahide law (Seven laws of Moses)
Pauline privilege
Priestly code
Seven rabbinic mitzvot
Six constant mitzvot
Ten ethical commandments
Ten ritual commandments
Unforgivable sin
Trials of Abraham
Rabbinic canon (Oral Torah)
Kethuvim (multiple sequences)
Historical books (Tanakh canon)
Poetic books (Tanakh canon)
First Ode of Moses (Exodus 15:1–19)
Second Ode of Moses (Deuteronomy 32:1–43)
Prayer of Anna, the Mother of Samuel (1 Samuel 2:1–10)
Prayer of Habakkuk (Habakkuk 3:2–19)
Prayer of Isaias (Isaiah 26:9–20)
Prayer of Jonah (Jonah 2:3–10)
Prayer of Azariah (Daniel 3:26–45)
Song of the Three Young Men (Daniel 3:52–90)
The Magnificat; Prayer of Mary the Theotokos (Luke 1:46–55)
Benedictus Canticle of Zachariah (Luke 1:68–79)
The Song of the Vineyard: A Canticle of Isaiah (Isaiah 5:1–7)
Prayer of Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:10–20)
Nunc dimittis; Prayer of Simeon (Luke 2:29–32)
Gloria in Excelsis Deo; Canticle of the Early Morning (some lines from Luke 2:14, and Psalm 35:10-11; 118:12; and 144:2)
Pesiqta de-Rav Kahana is the first source to designate the appropriate 12 selections from the Prophets, the Three of Affliction being
“Divre Yirmeyahu”, Words of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1.1-2.3),
“Shim`u Devar Hashem” Hear the word of the LORD (Jeremiah 2.4-28), and
“Hazon Yisha`yahu” Vision of Isaiah (Isaiah 1.1-27).
The great majority of congregations use the haftarot suggested by Pesiqta de-Rav Kahana, which are not mentioned in the Talmud. But Maimonides in his law code prescribes a slight variation of these three, and the Yemenite Jews read the haftarot that he lists. The nine haftarot of the eight weeks following Tisha B’Av likewise were selected for their content. These are the “Seven of Consolation” (shev di-nhemta) followed by the “Two of Repentance” (tarte di-tyuvta)—which two appropriately fall between Rosh ha-Shanah and Yom Kippur; one is read on Saturday like the other special haftarot, but the other is read on the Fast of Gedaliah.[2]