Miracles of Jesus
Alternate Labels
Jesus Christ, Miracles of
Jesus, Miracles of
Jesus’ Miracles
Miracles of Christ
Miracles of Jesus Christ, The
Signs and Wonders
Related labels
Gift of Miracles
Web Links
Wikipedia: Miracles of Jesus
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Key Passages
John 2:1-11
Matt 8:5-13
Matt 14:13-36
Mark 4:35-41
Mark 5:1-20
John 9:1-41
John 21:1-14
John 11:38-44
Reading List
Key Passages
John 2:1-11
Matt 8:5-13
Matt 14:13-36
Mark 4:35-41
Mark 5:1-20
John 9:1-41
John 21:1-14
John 11:38-44
The Miracles: Exploring the Mystery of Jesus’ Divine Works (Simon J. Kistemaker)
Jesus Christ: His Miracles (John G. Butler)
The Miracles of Our Lord (Charles C. Ryrie)
The Jewish Context of Jesus’ Miracles (Eric Eve)
Every Miracle in the Bible (Larry Richards)
Miracles and the Modern Mind: A Defense of Biblical Miracles (Norman L. Geisler)
Bible Dictionaries
The miracles of Jesus
| Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible
Miracles in the New Testament
| Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Miracle (New Testament)
| Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary
Miracles in the NT
| Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible
Miracles and Miracle Stories
| Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels
Miracles and Miracle Stories
| Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, Second Edition
| Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels
| Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, Second Edition
Resurrection > Miracles of Raising the Dead
| Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels
| Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, Second Edition
Topical Indexes
Jesus Christ, miracles of
| Dictionary of Bible Themes
Jesus’ miracles
| Collins Thesaurus of the Bible
Jesus Christ > Miracles showing his control over...
| The Thematic Bible: Topical Analysis
Miracles of Jesus
| Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Miracles of Jesus
| Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions
Miracles of Jesus
| Faithlife Study Bible
The Miracles of Jesus
| Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible
The Miracles of Jesus Christ
| Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts, Revised
Miracles, Performed by Christ
| Willmington’s Book of Bible Lists
Chronological Table of the Miracles of Christ
| Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Miracles of Christ, The
| New Topical Textbook
The Miracles of Christ, Arranged in Chronological Order
| Curiosities of the Bible Pertaining to Scripture Persons, Places and Things
Systematic Theologies
The Miracles of Jesus
| Studies in Theology (Loraine Boettner)
The Miracles of Christ Incarnate
| Systematic Theology (Lewis Sperry Chafer)
| Systematic Theology (Charles Hodge)
Major Treatments in Other Books
The Miracles of Jesus
| Four Portraits, One Jesus: A Survey of Jesus and the Gospels
The Miracles of Christ
| Life of Lives: Further Studies in the Life of Christ
Part Three: Miracles
| A Marginal Jew – Rethinking the Historical Jesus: Volume Two – Mentor, Message, and Miracles
The History of Miracles in the History of Jesus
| The Face of New Testament Studies: A Survey of Recent Research
The Miracles of Jesus Christ
| Lectures in Defense of the Christian Faith
Why I Believe in Miracles
| Why I Am a Christian: Leading Thinkers Explain Why They Believe
Jesus and Miracles
| Lion Access Guides: Jesus
The Beginning of Miracles Which Jesus Did
| Spurgeon’s Sermons, Vol. 36
Miracles of Christ
| Theology Explained and Defended in a Series of Sermons, Vol. 2
Theological Journals
Semeia 11: Early Christian Miracle Stories
Understanding Jesus’ Miracles (Jarl Fossum)
| Bible Review 10:02 (Apr 1994)
Miracles and Jesus’ Proclamation of the Kingdom of God (Mark R. Saucy)
| Bibliotheca Sacra 153:611
Do Miracles Authenticate the Messiah? (James R. Brady)
| Evangelical Review of Theology 13 (1989)
New Testament Miracles And Higher Criticism: Climbing Up The Slippery Slope (Craig L. Blomberg)
| JETS 27
The Motive For The Miracles (Jesse A. Chase)
| Bibliotheca Sacra 57:225
The Christological and Eschatological Significance of Jesus’ Passover Signs in John 6
Bibliotheca Sacra 164:655
Topics from the Gospel of John: Part II: The Meaning of the Signs
| Bibliotheca Sacra 132:526
The Significance of the First Sign in John’s Gospel
Bibliotheca Sacra 134:533
The Significance of Jesus’ First Sign-Miracle in John
| Bibliotheca Sacra 167:666
Restoration and Healing: Jesus’ Miracles
| Faithlife Study Bible
Other Logos Links
Topic Guide
| Miracle
Bible Word Study
| δύναμις
Bible Word Study
| σημεῖον
Other Resources Not Yet in Logos
Achtemeier, Paul J.
Jesus and the Miracle Tradition
. Cascade Books, 2007.
Brown, Colin.
Miracles and the Critical Mind
. Eerdmans/Paternoster, 1984; Fuller Seminary Press, 2006.
Cotter, Wendy.
The Christ of the Miracle Stories: Portrait through Encounter
. Baker Academic, 2010.
Epperly, Bruce Gordon.
God’s Touch: Faith, Wholeness, and the Healing Miracles of Jesus
. Westminster John Knox Press, 2001.
Ervin, Howard M.
Healing: Sign of the Kingdom
. Hendrickson Publishers, 2002.
Fruchtenbaum, Arnold.
Messianic Miracles
. Ariel Ministries, 2005.
Fuller, Reginald H.
Interpreting the Miracles
. SCM Press, 1963.
John, Jeffrey.
The Meaning in the Miracles
. Eerdmans, 2004.
Keener, Craig S.
Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts
(2 vols.). Baker Academic. 2011.
Kuyper, Abraham. “The Miracles of Christ” in
You Can Do Greater Things Than Christ
. J.H. Kok, 1911.
Latourelle, René.
The Miracles of Jesus and the Theology of Miracles
. Paulist Press, 1988.
Lewis, C. S.
. HarperOne, 2001.
Macdonald, George.
The Miracles of our Lord
. Routledge, 1871.
Remus, Harold.
Jesus as Healer
. Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Royster, Dmitri.
The Miracles of Christ
. St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1999.
Taylor, W. David O.
‘And He touched her’: Jesus’ miracles of healing as an affirmation of physicality
. ThM Thesis, Regent College, 2000. TREN #048-0255
Thiessen, Gerd.
The Miracle Stories of the Early Christian Tradition
. Fortress Press, 1983.
Twelftree, Graham H.
Jesus the Miracle Worker: A Historical and Theological Study
. IVP Academic, 1999. (
in prepub
as of this writing)
Van Der Loos, H.
The Miracles of Jesus
. Brill, 1965.
Warrington, Keith.
Jesus the Healer: Paradigm or Unique Phenomenon?
Paternoster Press, 2000.
Wenham, David and Craig Blomberg.
Gospel Perspectives 6: The Miracles of Jesus
. Ed., JSOT, 1986, 327-359.
Green, Joel B. “Jesus and a Daughter of Abraham (Luke 13:10-17): Test Case for a Lucan Perspective on Jesus’ Miracles.”
51 (1989) 543-54.
Audio Resources
Watts, Rikk.
Jesus and His Mighty Deeds
. Regent College Course
Web Links
Wikipedia: Miracles of Jesus
Google Search
Last modified
2014 August
by NB.Mick
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