Mark 15:34; ELOI
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Mark 15:34;
My God My God
Forsaken Me
Crucifixion of Jesus
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Key Passages
Messiah Yeshua’s words that were spoken during the last six hours before He died.
Lk 23:28; 29; 30; 31;32; Messiah Yeshua tells women not to weep for him.
Mk 15:25; Yeshua crucified approximately 9 AM it is called the third hour.
Lk 23:34; Father forgive them.
Jn 19:25; 26; 27; Yeshua, asked John to care for Mary. Then John takes Mary away from the mocking crowds.
Lk 23:35; 36; 37; crowds mock Yeshua, “save yourself!”
Lk 23:43; 44; Yeshua, promises one criminal that he will see the Kingdom.
Mt 27:45; 46; 47; darkness from the six hour to the ninth. Matthew had also abandoned Yeshua, so he only records what he was told later, and he spells “Eli Eli” differently than Mark, ” Eloi Eloi.”
Mark 15:34; 35; (NASB95) — 34 (Mark is probably the only eyewitness to record accurately Yeshua’s words) At the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” 35 When some of the bystanders heard it, they began saying, “Behold, He is calling for Eliyah.”
Jn 19:28; Yeshua is thirsty.
Lk 23:44; 45; 46; darkness from 12 noon to 3 o’clock then Messiah cries out, “Father unto You I commit My Spirit.”
Mt 27:50; 51; final cry before Messiah Yeshua dies.
Mk 15:40; Mark was probably the closest person that witnessed Yeshua’s death on a cross. A few women that followed the Messiah were at a distance.
Jn 16:32; All the disciples were far away and had abandoned Yeshua.
Mk 15:34; Later, translators added to Mark’s original record of Messiah Yeshua’s words. Which are (incorrectly) translated, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
As Messiah Yeshua’s crucifixion begins, He speaks to His Heavenly Father, “Forgive them for they do not know what they’re doing.” Then, at the moment of Yeshua’s death, He shouts, “Father, onto You I commit My Spirit.” So, why would Yeshua cry out, “my God my God why have you forsaken me?” Messiah Yeshua has been speaking directly to His Father and has no need to cry out, “my God.”
Mark 15:34; records the name, “Eloi Eloi” that does not mean, “my God.” To discover the identity of “Eloi” it is necessary to examine the Hebrew names of El in the Old Testament. Mark has accurately recorded the phonetic spelling of the Hebrew title Elohe, which is a singular name for one of the Eternal Spirit beings in the Yahweh Elohim family.
Meet Yahweh Elohe and learn who abandoned Messiah Yeshua?
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Last modified
2018 March
by Lambscry
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