Lutheran worship
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Barry, A. L.
The Unchanging Feast: The Nature and Basis of Lutheran Worship
. Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, 1995.
Brauer, James Leonard.
Meaningful Worship: A Guide to the Lutheran Service.
Concordia Publishing House, 1994.
Brauer, James Leonard, ed.
Worship, Gottesdienst, Cultus Dei: What the Lutheran Confessions Say About Worship
. Concordia Publishing House, 2005.
Brunner, Peter.
Worship in the name of Jesus: English edition of a definitive work on Christian worship in the congregation
. Concordia Pub. House, 1968.
Evanson, Charles J.
Evangelicalism and the Liturgical Movement and Their Effects on Lutheran Worship
. Concordia Theological Seminary Bookstore, 1989.
Haspelmath‐Finatti, Dorothea. “Theologia Prima—Liturgical Theology as an Ecumenical Challenge to Lutheran Worship Practice.” Dialog 48.4 (2009): 374-379.
Herl, Joseph.
Worship wars in early Lutheranism: choir, congregation, and three centuries of conflict.
Oxford University Press, 2004.
Hoffman, Bengt. “Lutheran Spirituality.”
Spiritual Traditions for the Contemporary Church
(1990): 145-61.
Johnson, John Frederick. “Mary and the Saints in Contemporary Lutheran Worship.”
Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue VIII: The One Mediator, the Saints, and Mary.
Johnson, Maxwell. “Is Anything Normative in Contemporary Lutheran Worship?”.”
The Serious Business of Worship: essays in honour of Bryan D. Spinks
Keifert, Patrick R.
Welcoming the stranger: A public theology of worship and evangelism
. Fortress Press, 1992.
Kretzmann, Paul Edward.
Christian Art in the Place and in the Form of Lutheran Worship.
Concordia Publishing House, 1921.
Lathrop, Gordon. Central Things: Worship in Word and Sacrament. Vol. 8. Augsburg Books, 2005.
Lathrop, Gordon W. “A Contemporary Lutheran Approach to Worship and Culture: Sorting Out the Critical Principles.” Worship and Culture in Dialogue (ed. S. Anita Stauffer; Geneva: Lutheran World Federation, 1994) 141.
Lindemann, Herbert Fred.
The new mood in Lutheran worship
. Augsburg Pub. House, 1971.
Maschke, Timothy.
Gathered Guests: A Guide to Worship in the Lutheran Church
. Concordia Publishing House, 2003.
Nitschke, Beverley A. “The Sacrament of Penance: a Lutheran Perspective.” Worship 63.4 (1989): 327-340.
Otto, Joel D. “Augustana and Lutheran Worship.” Mequon, WI: WLS Essay File, presented at the “Symposium on the Lutheran Confessions,” September, 2005.
Piepkorn, Arthur Carl.
What the Symbolical Books of the Lutheran Church have to say about Worship and the Sacraments
. Ed. LaVerne Dean Hempelmann. Concordia Publishing House, 1989.
Precht, Fred L.
Lutheran Worship: History and Practice.
Concordia, 1993.
Preus, J. A. O. “What’s Lutheran about worship-Theology from the inside out.” Missio Apostolica 8.2 (2000): 72-78.
Quill, Timothy CJ.
The impact of the liturgical movement on American Lutheranism. Vol. 3.
Scarecrow Press, 1997.
Reed, Luther Dotterer.
Worship: a study of corporate devotion
. Muhlenberg Press, 1959.
Schattauer, Thomas H. “Healing Rites and the Transformation of Life: Observations and Insights from within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.” Liturgy 22.3 (2007): 31-40.
Schattauer, Thomas H., ed.
Inside out: worship in an age of mission
. Augsburg Fortress, 1999.
Schattauer, Thomas H. “The Missional Shape of Worship in Evangelical Lutheran Worship.” Dialog 47.2 (2008): 181-184.
Schiefelbein, Kyle K. “‘Receive This Oil as a Sign ofForgiveness and Healing’: A Brief History of the Anointing of the Sick and Its Use in Lutheran Worship.” Word & World 30 1 (2010): 51-62.
Schroeder, Jonathan. “Worship and Outreach: A Lutheran Paradigm.” Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Symposium. 2010.
Senn, Frank C.
Christian liturgy: Catholic and evangelical
. Augsburg Fortress, 1997.
Spinks, Bryan D.
Luther’s Liturgical Criteria and his Reform of the Canon of the Mass
. Vol. 30. Grove Books, 1982.
Wengert, Timothy J., ed.
Centripetal Worship: The Evangelical Heart of Lutheran Worship
. Augsburg Fortress, 2007.
Halter, Carl, and Carl Schalk.
A handbook of church music
. Concordia Pub House, 1978.
Irwin, Joyce L.
Neither voice nor heart alone: German lutheran theology of music in the age of the Baroque
. Vol. 132. Lang, Peter, Publishing Incorporated, 1993.
Irwin, Joyce. “Shifting Alliances: The Struggle for a Lutheran Theology of Music.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion Thematic Studies 50 (1983): 55-69.
Mihok Dobbeck, Shirley Mae. Music in the Divine Liturgy of Slovak Lutheran Worship. Diss. Dissertation, Ball State University, Muncie, Ind., 1982.
Schalk, Carl, ed.
Luther on music: paradigms of praise
. Concordia Publishing House, 1988.
Schalk, Carl, ed.
Source Documents in American Lutheran Hymnody
. Concordia Publishing House, 1996.
Specific forms
Bushkofsky, Dennis L., and Craig A. Satterlee. “The Christian Life: Baptism and Life Passages, Using Evangelical Lutheran Worship.”
Nitschke, B. A.. “The third sacrament?: confession and forgiveness in the Lutheran book of worship.” PhD diss., 1988.
Pfatteicher, Philip H.
Commentary on the Lutheran Book of Worship: Lutheran Liturgy in its Ecumenical Context
. Augsburg Fortress Pub, 1990.
Pfatteicher, Philip H., and Carlos R. Messerli.
Manual on the liturgy: Lutheran book of worship.
Augsburg Fortress, 1979.
Precht, Fred L. “Worship resources in Missouri Synod’s History.” Lutheran Worship–History and Practice. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House (1993): 77-116.
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2015 April
by MJ. Smith
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