Liturgical worship resources
Reading List
Web resources
General liturgy resources
| list of links for a variety of denominations
Occidentus: Liturgical Text Project
Jewish Resources
RCL lectionary based resources
The Text This Week
| readings, commentary, worship aids, art
Catholic Resources
CARFLEO: Liturgical Resource Links
| Canadian
CatholiCity: Liturgy
| Collection of web links
The Center for Liturgy at St. Louis University
| Prayers, commentary, spirituality, music
Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions
| Documents, planning
National Association for Pastoral Musicians
| Planning tools
Lutheran Resources
Reformed Resources
Christian Reformed Church: Liturgical Forms & Resources
P. Bukowski et alii,
Reformierte Liturgie
(1999) | Liturgical resource for the reformed
in Germany
Anglican Resources
The Church of England: Worship
| Liturgical texts of the Church of Engliand
Praying Daily Morning and/or Evening Prayer
Worship Resources
Orthodox Resources
Liturgical resources
| Antiochean Orthodox
Liturgical texts
Liturgical music and texts
| Orthodox Church in America
Sermon Resources
Puritan Sermons, Volume 1-5
Books by author
Adam, Adolf
The Eucharistic Celebration: The Source and Summit of Faith
Foundations of Liturgy: An Introduction to Its History and Practice
The Liturgical Year: Its History and Its Meaning After the Reform of the Liturgy
Andreopoulos, Andreas
The Sign of the Cross: The Gesture, the Mystery, the History
Aquilina, Mike
The Mass of the Early Christians
The Mass: The Glory, the Mystery, the Tradition with Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl
Understanding the Mass: 100 Questions, 100 Answers
Ayo, Nicholas
Gloria Patri: The History and Theology of the Lesser Doxology
Boff, Leonardo
Lord’s Prayer: The Prayer of Integral Liberation
Praying with Jesus and Mary: Our Father, Hail Mary
Bouyer, Louis
Eucharist: Theology and Spirituality of the Eucharistic Prayer
Life and Liturgy
Liturgical Piety
Liturgy and Architecture
The Liturgy Revived: A Doctrinal Commentary of the Conciliar Constitution on the Liturgy
The Meaning of Sacred Scripture
Rite and Man: Natural Sacredness and Christian Liturgy with MJ Costello
The Word, Church, and Sacraments: In Protestantism and Catholicism
Bradshaw, Paul F.
Anglican Ordinal: Its History and Development from the Reformation to the Present Day
The Changing Face of Jewish and Christian Worship in North America (Two Liturgical Traditions) with Lawrence A. Hoffman
Companion to the Alternative Service Book
Companion to Common Worship
Daily Prayer in the Early Church: A Study of the Origin and Early Development of the Divine Office
Early Christian Worship: A Basic Introduction to Ideas and Practice
Essays in Early Eastern Initiation
Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers – editor
Eucharistic Origins
Life Cycles in Jewish and Christian Worship (Two Liturgical Traditions) with Lawrence A. Hoffman
Liturgica Presidency in the Early Church (Liturgical Studies)
The Making of Jewish and Christian Worship (Two Liturgical Traditions) with Lawrence A. Hoffman
Ordination Rites of the Ancient Churches of East and West
The Origins of Feasts, Fasts and Seasons with Maxwell Johnson
Passover Easter: Origin & History to Modern Times (Two Liturgical Traditions) with Lawrence A. Hoffman
Reconstructing Early Christian Worship
The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of Early Liturgy
Breck, John
Longing for God: Orthodox Reflections on Bible, Ethics, and Liturgy
The Power of the Word in the Worshiping Church
Serve the Lord With Gladness: Basic Reflections on the Eucharist and the Priesthood : Our Life in the Liturgy, Be My Priest with A Monk of the Eastern Church
Brooks-Leonard, John
The Postures of the Assembly During the Eucharistic Prayer with Nathan D. Mitchell and John K. Leonard
Danielou, Jean
Bible and the Liturgy
Deiss, Lucien
Early Sources of the Liturgy
God’s Word and God’s People
It’s the Lord’s Supper: The Eucharist of Christians with Edmond Bonin
The Mass
Springtime of the Liturgy: Liturgical Texts of the First Four Centuries
Visions of Liturgy and Music for a New Century
Dix, Gregory
Shape of Liturgy | new edition of this classic updated by Simon Jones
The Sacramental Life: Gregory Dix and his Writings by Simon Jones
Elbogen, Ismar
Jewish Liturgy A Comprehensive History with Raymond P Scheindlin
Hahn, Scott
The Lamb’s Supper
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper with Brant Pitre
Hodge, Charles
Systematic Theology
Irwin, Kevin W.
Context & Text: Method in Liturgical Theology
Liturgical Theology: A Primer
Liturgy, Prayer and Spirituality
Models of the Eucharist
Responses to 101 Questions on the Mass
Sunday Worship
Johnson, Maxwell E.
Between Memory and Hope: Readings on the Liturgical Year
Images of Baptism (Forum Essays, No. 6)
Issues in Eucharistic Praying in East and West: Essays in Liturgical and Theological Analysis
Living Water, Sealing Spirit: Readings on Christian Initiation
The prayers of Sarapion of Thmuis: A literary, liturgical, and theological analysis (Orientalia Christiana analecta)
The Rites of Christian Initiation: Their Evolution and Interpretation
Jungmann, Joseph A.
Christian Prayer Through the Centuries with Christopher Irvine and John Coyne
The Early Liturgy to the Time of Gregory the Great
Liturgical Worship
The Mass: an Historical, Theological, and Pastoral Survey
The Mass of the Roman Rite
The Place of Christ in Liturgical Prayer
The Sacrifice of the Mass
Kadavil, Mathai
The World as Sacrament: Sacramentality of Creation from the Perspectives of Leonardo Boff, Alexander Schmemann and Saint Ephrem (Textes et Etudes Liturgiques)
Kavanagh, Aidan
Confirmation: Origins and Reform
Elements of Rite: A Handbook of Liturgical Style
Living Water, Sealing Spirit: Readings on Christian Initiation
On Liturgical Theology
The Shape of Baptism: The Rite of Christian Initiation
Koenig, John
Feast of the World’s Redemption: Eucharistic Origins and Christian Mission
Soul Banquets: How Meals Become Mission in the Local Congregation
Lathrop, Gordon
Central Things: Worship Matters
Christian Assembly
Holy Ground: A Liturgical Cosmology
Holy People: A Liturgical Ecclesiology
Holy Things: A Liturgical Theology
What Are the Essentials of Christian Worship?
Ramshaw, Gail
Between Sundays: Daily Bible Readings Based on the Revised Common Lectionary
Christ in Sacred Speech: The Meaning of Liturgical Language
Christian Worship: 100,000 Sundays of Symbols and Rituals
Forty Days and Forty Nights
Keeping Time: The Church’s Years with Mons Teig
Liturgical Language (American Essays in Liturgy)
Reviving Sacred Speech: The Meaning of Liturgical Language
Richer Fare for the Christian People: Reflections on the Sunday Readings
A Three-Year Banquet: The Lectionary for the Assembly
Treasures Old and New
Words Around the Font
Words Around the Table
Worship: Searching for Language
Rosenberg, Arnold
Jewish Liturgy as a Spiritual System: A Prayer-by-Prayer Explanation of the Nature and Meaning of Jewish Worship
Schmemann, Alexander
Introduction to Liturgical Theology
Liturgy and Life: Lectures and Essays on Christian Development through Liturgical Experience
Of Water and the Spirit: A Liturgical Study of Baptism
Time and Community: Studies in Liturgical History and Theology
Wainwright, Geoffrey
Doxology: The Praise of God in Worship, Doctrine and Life
Eucharist and Eschatology
Worship with One Accord: Where Liturgy and Eucemism Embrace
Westermeyer, Paul
Church Musician
Let Justice Sing
Te Deum the Church and Music
With Tongues of Fire: Profiles in 20th-Century Hymn Writing
Last modified
2016 March
by HJ. van der Wal
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