Leading change and culture in the local church
Reading List
Ryken, Philip Graham. Written in Stone: The Ten Commandments and Today’s Moral Crisis. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2003.
Anderson, Leith, Jack W. Hayford, and Ben Patterson. Who’s in Charge?: Standing up to Leadership Pressures. Mastering Ministry’s Pressure Points. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Books, 1993.
Hansen, David, and David L. Goetz. The Power of Loving Your Church: Leading Through Acceptance and Grace. Vol. 1. The Pastor’s Soul Series. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 1998.
Larson, Craig Brian. Pastoral Grit. Vol. 2. The Pastor’s Soul Series. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1998.
Smith, Fred, Sr. Leading With Integrity. Vol. 5. The Pastor’s Soul. Pub Place: Bethany House Books, 1998.
Beville, Kieran. Exploring Ezra: The Secret of Spiritual Success. Exploring the Bible Commentary. Leominster, UK: Day One Publications, 2004.
Inch, Morris A. 12 Who Changed the World: The Lives and Legends of the Disciples. Nashville, TN: T. Nelson, 2003.
Shelley, Marshall, ed. Changing Lives Through Preaching and Worship: 30 Strategies for Powerful Communication. 1st ed. Library of Christian Leadership. Nashville, TN: Moorings, 1995.
Pentecost, J. Dwight. Designed to Be Like Him: Understanding God’s Plan for Fellowship, Conduct, Conflict, and Maturity. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2001.
Shelley, Marshall, ed. Empowering Your Church Through Creativity and Change : 30 Strategies to Transform Your Ministry. Vol. 2. 1st ed. Library of Christian Leadership. Nashville, TN: Moorings, 1995.
Osborne, Larry W. The Unity Factor: Getting Your Church Leaders Working Together. Vol. 20. The Leadership Library. Carol Stream, IL: Christianity Today, Inc., 1989.
Hayford, Jack W., and Herman Rosenberger. Appointed to Leadership: God’s Principles for Spiritual Leaders. Spirit-Filled Life Kingdom Dynamics Study Guides. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1994.
MacArthur, John. The Book on Leadership: The Power of a Godly Influence. Nashville, TN: T. Nelson Publishers, 2004.
Berkley, James D. Called into Crisis: The Nine Greatest Challenges of Pastoral Care. Vol. 18. The Leadership Library. Carol Stream, IL: Christianity Today, 1989.
Preston, Gary D. Character Forged from Conflict: Staying Connected to God During Controversy. The Pastor’s Soul Series. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 1999.
Tidwell, Charles. Church Administration: Effective Leadership for Ministry. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 1985.
Shelley, Marshall, ed. Empowering Your Church Through Creativity and Change : 30 Strategies to Transform Your Ministry. Vol. 2. 1st ed. Library of Christian Leadership. Nashville, TN: Moorings, 1995.
Milco, Michael R. Ethical Dilemmas in Church Leadership: Case Studies in Biblical Decision Making. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1997.
Kraft, Dave. Leaders Who Last. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2010.
Myra, Harold Lawrence, ed. Leaders: Learning Leadership from Some of Christianity’s Best. Vol. 12. The Leadership Library. Carol Stream, IL: Christianity Today, 1987.
Smith, Fred, Sr. Leading With Integrity. Vol. 5. The Pastor’s Soul. Pub Place: Bethany House Books, 1998.
Shelley, Marshall. Leading Your Church Through Conflict and Reconciliation: 30 Strategies to Transform Your Ministry. Vol. 1. Library of Leadership Development. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1997.
Smith, Fred. Learning to Lead: Bringing Out the Best in People. Vol. 5. The Leadership Library. Carol Stream, IL: CTi, 1986.
Roberts, Randal. Lessons in Leadership: Fifty Respected Evangelical Leaders Share Their Wisdom on Ministry. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1999.
Cousins, Don, Leith Anderson, and Arthur H. DeKruyter. Mastering Church Management. Portland, OR: Multnomah, 1990.
Dobson, Ed, Speed Leas, and Marshall Shelley. Mastering Conflict & Controversy. Mastering Ministry. Portland, OR: Multnomah Press, 1992.
Bratcher, Edward B., Robert G. Kemper, and Douglas Scott. Mastering Transitions. Mastering Ministry. Portland, OR: Multnomah, 1991.
Briscoe, D. Stuart, Knute Larson, and W. Larry Osborne. Measuring up: The Need to Succeed and the Fear of Failure. Mastering Ministry’s Pressure Points. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Books, 1993.
Hansen, David, and David L. Goetz. The Power of Loving Your Church: Leading Through Acceptance and Grace. Vol. 1. The Pastor’s Soul Series. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 1998.
Tozer, A. W. Tozer on Christian Leadership: A 366-day Devotional. Camp Hill, PA: WingSpread, 2001.
Bolinder, Garth, Tom McKee, and John R. Cionca. What Every Pastor Needs to Know About Music, Youth, and Education. Vol. 6. The Leadership Library. Carol Stream, IL: Christianity Today, Inc., 1986.
Muck, Terry C. When to Take a Risk: a Guide to Pastoral Decision Making. Vol. 9. The Leadership Library. Carol Stream, IL: Christianity Today, Inc., 1987.
Shelley, Marshall. Well-intentioned Dragons: Ministering to Problem People in the Church. Vol. 1. The Leadership Library. Carol Stream, IL: Christianity Today, 1985.
Church Leadership Search
Abandoning a Promising Career Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologian in Nazi Germany (2×)
a Promising Career Because the German Christians were now entrenched in church leadership positions, Bonhoeffer was rejected for a pastorate. The comments against him pointed out his…
No More Secrets Heresy in the Early Church (2×)
they in turn would have passed it on to those who were to follow them in the leadership of the church. Therefore, were there any such secret teaching, it should be found among the direct…
The Pauline Doctrine of the Church, Charles C. Ryrie Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
of wayward members is enjoined (1 Cor. 5). Without question Paul placed the leadership of the affairs of the churches in the hands of men. His view concerning the place of women in the church was…
A Spiritual Ministry of Music—Part I: Developing a Biblical… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
and a teacher; and ministering in these same capacities to the folk in the church who come under his immediate leadership and jurisdiction. That is the essence of our philosophy. I believe that it…
The Fundamentals Today: Five or Four?, Oliver Price Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
Machen stoutly insisted that the fundamentals should be used to test candidates for church leadership, but not to determine whether a person is saved. “Surely there is a very important…
Some Patterns of the New Testament Didach, Everett F.… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
make use of Pauline material in view of his own apostolic position and acknowledged leadership in the church, he would not feel any such hesitation in drawing upon materials in common use among…
The Genius of Church Extension—Part II: The Personnel for… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
rules of pedagogy, grammar, etc., are necessary to any minister’s successful leadership. The pastor of a new church, or older one for that matter, should maintain good reading habits and keep up…
The Genius of Church Extension—Part III: Methods in Church… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
church gives families from its own membership, money, and other resources in leadership to establish a new church in its general area. In some cases the families do not stay with the new church…
The Genius of Church Extension—Part IV: Requirements for… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
them. Gently and in meekness he will deal with disciplinary problems (Gal. 6:1). His leadership in the church will always function on a high spiritual level. He will practice what he preaches…
The Christian and World Affairs—Part III: The Clergy, The… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
objective viewpoint concerning the matter under discussion that the ecclesiastical leadership of these churches, with a greater possibility of having all the pertinent information in the case…
Mission-Church Relationship—Part II, George W. Peters Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
far-reaching changes during the past decade have been: (1) The participation of national church leadership (representative of the Association of Evangelical Churches of West Africa) in the major…
Theological Issues in Africa, Byang H. Kato Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
studies, and as a result, Africa has its own share of both liberal and evangelical church leadership. Thus fuel is provided for various theological convictions on the continent. Other…
Theological Issues in Africa, Byang H. Kato Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
Many of them are still evangelical. Most of the Protestant churches are still evangelical. If adequate leadership is produced now through missions and churches within the evangelical…
Pauline Images of a Christian Leader, D. Edmond Hiebert Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
were directed to Timothy and Titus who, when Paul wrote, occupied important leadership positions in the churches. Although the common designation “the pastoral Epistles” is somewhat…
Perspectives on the Church’s Mission—Part III: Missions in… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
a development of a more sensitive conscience on the part of the national church or at least the national leadership. 3. Cultural conversion. In this reaction, missionaries have retained the…
Discipleship and the Church, A. Boyd Luter, Jr. Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
as its foundation) and teaching—was the process through which local churches were planted and proper leadership prepared (14:23). These aspects of discipleship were involved in the…
Calling the Elders to Pray, Daniel R. Hayden Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
healing. Their very function as spiritually mature persons is not only to give leadership to the church but also to support the saints in their spiritual struggles through instruction and…
The Nature of the Pastoral Role: The Leader as Completer, A.… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
4:12). Five qualifications are necessary. 1. A pastor must understand the leadership requirements of the local church, both task and maintenance behaviors. What are the congregation’s tasks, and…
The Nature of the Pastoral Role: The Leader as Completer, A.… Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
congregation. Since Christians today do not typically see themselves as providers of leadership in the church, a pastor may have before him a lifetime of enabling, encouraging, and edifying…
Selected Studies from 1 Peter—Part IV: Counsel for Christ’s… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
it was already in existence in the church of Jerusalem (Acts 11:30). The pattern for church leadership was obviously drawn from the Jewish synagogue. On their first missionary journey Paul and…
The Place of the Small Church in Today’s World, Kenneth O.… Bibliotheca Sacra (3×)
order to be vital, the small church must emphasize lay leadership. Few small churches will be multi-staff ministries. Few will have the advantage of high educational levels in the congregation or…
The Biblical Concept of Elder, Ed Glasscock Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
πρεσβυτέρους).24 This fact establishes the apostolic pattern of plural leadership for individual churches and also strongly implies that the authority and function of elders were…
Leadership: Coping with Cultural Corruption, Kenneth O.… Bibliotheca Sacra p 453 (2×)
As one pastor said to this writer not long ago, “I tried servant leadership and the people in my church walked all over me. Never again!” That man is fair game for the assertiveness…
Leadership: Coping with Cultural Corruption, Kenneth O.… Bibliotheca Sacra p 459 (2×)
of Incorporate Members at Dallas Seminary, has extensively researched lay leadership and roles in the local church. He concludes that laypersons believe there are four things their pastors…
Devotion, Doctrine, and Duty in Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Bruce… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
Church, which had capitulated to Nazi ideology, and he exhibited bold leadership in the underground Confessing Church movement. He was clandestinely involved with other German patriots to…
Court Involvement in Church Discipline—Part 1, Jay A. Quine Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
and defamation are the three main legal theories used in lawsuits against local church leadership. By understanding these legal theories, unnecessary conduct that would contribute to a…
Women in Ministry: An Exegetical Study of 1 Timothy 2:11–15,… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
through fulfilling their God-given role in the home just as men fulfill theirs in public church leadership.50 (5) Women will be kept safe from seizing men’s roles in the worship assembly by…
Court Involvement in Church Discipline—Part 2, Jay A. Quine Bibliotheca Sacra (5×)
discipline case of the eighties was Guinn v. Church of Christ of Collinsville.19 The church leadership was meticulous in following the procedures outlined in Scripture and in following their…
Court Involvement in Church Discipline—Part 2, Jay A. Quine Bibliotheca Sacra (7×)
obligations between the disciplined member and other members of the church must be honored.37 While church leadership might encourage no new contracts or other business associations, they…
Evangelical Education for the 21st Century, Kenneth O.… Bibliotheca Sacra (3×)
the standpoint of evangelicalism, seem unable to staff their churches adequately. The pattern of leadership followed in churches remains strategic, since many churches and Christian…
The Church at History’s Hinge, Leith Anderson Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
American churches have looked to denominations and seminaries for vision and leadership. The United Methodist Church, for example, had a vision for starting numerous churches and winning many…
Theological Issues of 21st-Century Ministry, Leith Anderson Bibliotheca Sacra (6×)
is a new cry for leaders. Unfortunately there is little consensus on a theology of church leadership. Strangely, as more books and seminars on leadership are produced there seem to be fewer…
Theological Issues of 21st-Century Ministry, Leith Anderson Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
theology of church leadership in the 21st century must seek a fresh understanding of concepts and practices such as call to ministry, ordination, and the role of laity and clergy. Are only…
Personal Challenges for 21st-Century Pastors, Leith Anderson Bibliotheca Sacra (3×)
competitive Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) are assuming leadership of churches along with leadership in industry, business, and politics. They belong to a generation in which…
Personal Challenges for 21st-Century Pastors, Leith Anderson Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
do the work of the ministry. Unfortunately this is the prevalent pastoral leadership model in North American churches. If a church grows beyond 200 individuals, the pastor keeps adding spokes. A…
Practice of Ministry in 21st-Century Churches*, Leith… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
to enable healthy churches to help pastors. Lead as “Fourth Servants” Leadership of 21st-century North American churches calls for a “fourth-servant” model. While it is not the only model, it…
Paul’s Approach to the Great Commission in Acts 14:21–23,… Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
the environment for reproducing new generations of disciples.18 Spiritual leadership is key to effective local church ministry, and Paul and Barnabas provided for this need as they established…
Paul’s Approach to the Great Commission in Acts 14:21–23,… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
to grow as a disciple apart from the loving fellowship and pastoral leadership provided by a strong local church. Paul understood this clearly, and so should believers today. Fourth, older…
The Old Testament Offices as Paradigm for Pastoral Identity,… Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
a feeding church needs a pastor, so a working church needs a leader.61 Every church must have trusted leadership. While pastors differ in their leadership styles, they must unite people toward…
Jan 1959 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
with weakness and temptation until your eyes close in death. He would limit your leadership in your church and cast an obstacle in your pathway at every crucial point of your ministry. While…
Apr 1960 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
will not find its marks among the cathedrals, the monasteries, the organized churches, and the religious leadership of the times. Along with the books by Broadbent (E. H. Broadbent, The Pilgrim…
Jul 1961 Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
Administration is dealt with in part three, including organization of the local church program, leadership training, and buildings and equipment. Part four is devoted to summary descriptions…
Jan 1962 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
are being urged to participate more definitely in the total work of the church, especially in spiritual leadership. To make that leadership effective there must necessarily be training in the…
Jan 1963 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
Here is an up-to-date treatment of the why and how of counseling aimed at the lay leadership of the church with the hope that they will do more of it. The idea of laymen performing counseling…
Jan 1965 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
attempts to see the situation as much as possible from the standpoint of the leadership of the Protestant church of China rather than from an ideal or from an American point of view. In…
Oct 1965 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
and is then related to the educational structure and program of the church. The subjects of planning. delegation, leadership co-ordination, and control are discussed. Sample policies and…
Jan 1968 Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
deals with the development and exercise of leadership in the local church. Every pastor and every man in the position of church leadership should read it and digest it. This book is…
Jan 1971 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
the early success of Christian missions to the adaptation of indigenous leadership cadres to the church. This Christian World Mission publication is well documented for English readers…
Jan 1972 Bibliotheca Sacra (13×)
somewhat out of date, it makes for interesting reading up to 1964–65. H. W. Hoehner Leadership For Church Education. By Kenneth O. Gangel. Chicago: Moody Press, 1970. 392 pp. $5.95. The careful…
Apr 1978 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
cause one soberly to thank God for His unmerited mercies toward the Western church. J. D. Hannah Effective Leadership in ,Small Groups. By Nathan W. Turner. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 1977…
Jan 1982 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
and that remarriage after divorce constitutes adultery. J. D. Pentecost A Theology of Church Leadership. By Lawrence O. Richards and Clyde Hoeldtke. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House…
Apr 1984 Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
WA: Hegg Publishing Co., 1982. 185 pp. Paper, n.p. Those holding to a team concept of church leadership have often faced the rebuttal, “Show me one that really works.” The implication of this…
Apr 1986 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
Broadman Press “Leadership Series” offers a helpful book by the professor of pastoral leadership and church ministries at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Though illustrations are drawn…
Jul 1986 Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1985. 208 pp. Paper, $10.95. During years of teaching church leadership the reviewer has worked with three major texts dealing with multiple church staff. In…
Apr 1987 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
pastoral professionalism and emphasizing voluntary clergy and equipped lay leadership. In the equipping church, he argues, “structure must be participational rather than representative” and…
Apr 1988 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
literature and the discussion obscures the idea of the husband’s or church leader’s loving leadership taught in Scripture. Walter Liefeld offered a much better way to look at this…
Jul 1989 Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
country” (p. 9). Finzel discusses baby-boomers’ values, interests, lifestyles, and leadership potential. Church workers—many of them baby-boomers themselves—need to know the attitudes of this…
Jul 1990 Bibliotheca Sacra (8×)
dimensions of church leadership in three segments—Definition of Leadership in the Church, Difficulties of Leadership in the Church, and Leadership and Decision-Making in the Church. The third…
Jul 1991 Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
Wagner’s style is warm, his work easy to read and digest. To any person in local church leadership he provides an excellent survey of the issues they ought to be aware of and sympathy for…
Jul 1991 Bibliotheca Sacra (9×)
who will lead from inside-out” (p. 197, italics his). Kenneth O. Gangel Effective Church Leadership. By Kennon L. Callahan. San Francisco: Harper & Row Publishers, 1990. 268 pp. $19.95…
Jan 1992 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
Paper, $12.95. This is another helpful volume in the Mastering Ministry series. Three church leadership giants (Don Cousins at Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago; Leith Anderson at…
Apr 1992 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
of the church including the pastor and Christian education, the church’s professional educational staff, evaluation, leadership recruitment and development, curriculum, small-group work, and…
Jul 1993 Bibliotheca Sacra (4×)
in ministry on the basis of their spiritual gifts. For example people in positions of leadership in the church should be those who have demonstrated leadership gifts, not those who have been…
Apr 1994 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
or through wrongful treatment by those offering spiritual care. While critical of church leadership as perpetrators of abuse, they also recognize the existence of attitudes resident within…
Apr 1994 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
explaining the pathology, the authors apply a systems approach to the church and its leadership with devastating results. In the first part, “Spiritual Abuse and Its Victims,” they explore abuse…
Oct 1994 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
14.99. Groothuis maintains that traditionalists (those who argue for male leadership in the home and church) have commonly misunderstood feminism (and evangelical feminists in particular…
Jan 1995 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
may find a place as a seminary textbook or as an aid to anyone involved in local-church ministry and leadership. Here one can uncover the differences in approach to the responsibilities of…
Oct 1995 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
peoplework,” dictatorship, not delegating, and not focusing on the future. Few books on church leadership speak so plainly to the problem of how and when to leave a particular ministry. In the…
Apr 1971 Bibliotheca Sacra (3×)
195). Even after the temporal relief program had extended to the church in Antioch and under Paul’s leadership to the churches of Asia Minor and Europe, “none of this philanthropy, however, was…
Apr 1973 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
as a means of providing biblical and theological preparation to the active leadership of the national churches. It is a form of on-the-job training. Bible schools and seminaries on the…
Apr 1989 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
of chief executive officer when applied to the pastor of a local church. After contrasting the differences in leadership between a corporation (CEO) and a church (pastor), Smith suggests a…
Apr 1995 Bibliotheca Sacra (2×)
size and makeup of local church staff, parishioners’ satisfaction with local church staff and leadership, parishioners, satisfaction with denominational leadership, and a host of other…
II. Historical Outline: From Physical to Hermeneutical… Semeia 47: Interpretation for Liberation p 46 (2×)
to the social situation in which African Americans found themselves, most of the leadership in the churches nevertheless assumed continued adherence to the confessional frameworks (creeds…
Lists of Vices and Virtues Semeia 57: Discursive Formations, Ascetic Piety and the Interpretation of Early Christian Literature, Part 1 p 83 (2×)
likewise maintain that the author, and Timothy and Titus, were paradigmatic of the early church leadership. The language of vice and virtue would thus have served here an instructional function in…
Discussion of the Text Semeia 58: Discursive Formations, Ascetic Piety and the Interpretation of Early Christian Literature, Part 2 p 101 (2×)
situations of tension arising from competition between various forms of leadership recognized in the Spanish churches. The seventh sets out to restrict the authority of independent “teachers…
The Two Asceticisms Semeia 58: Discursive Formations, Ascetic Piety and the Interpretation of Early Christian Literature, Part 2 p 102 (2×)
of some rural patron. Some presumed to criticize the more worldly members of their church and its leadership—whether explicitly or only implicitly by the life they led. Their lifestyle was not…
Anonymous Johannine Characters Semeia 63: Characterization in Biblical Literature p 150 (2×)
represented by the figure of the beloved disciple (Pamment: 365) and as the church who is entrusted to the leadership of the Johannine community and/or the church as the mother of all beloved…
Literacy and Textuality in Paul’s Letters Semeia 65: Orality and Textuality in Early Christian Literature p 52 (2×)
leaders or in instructions for orderly conduct of worship. When Paul lists gifts for church leadership, there is no reference to the Scripture at all (Rom 12:6–8; 1 Cor 12:27–31). Both lists…
PART III Some Implications Semeia 65: Orality and Textuality in Early Christian Literature p 56 (4×)
shift was facilitated by the emergence of an hierarchical, male, educated—thus literate—church leadership and then reinforced by such leaders’ use of the manuscript medium. But for the first…
Mountain of Commissioning (Matthew 28:16–20) Semeia 67: Transformations, Passages, and Processes p 166 (2×)
seems to use this theme one last time to emphasize the lack of purity in the church, even among the leadership. As I noted before, one of the dangerous aspects of ritual is that a participant…
A Case Study in Kwazulu-Natal Semeia 73: “Reading With”: Exploration of Interface between Critical and Ordinary Readings of the Bible p 24 (2×)
by a variety of community-based organizations, including sectors of the church, and strong and enabling local leadership, the UDF gained substantial grassroots support. However, in KwaZulu-Natal…
Analyzing the African Independent Churches Semeia 73: “Reading With”: Exploration of Interface between Critical and Ordinary Readings of the Bible p 48 (4×)
of these factors varies in any particular church. A key feature of the AICs is their indigenous African leadership. They make no effort to recruit whites; neither are whites naturally…
The Ethiopian Type Semeia 73: “Reading With”: Exploration of Interface between Critical and Ordinary Readings of the Bible p 49 (2×)
of Mangena Mokone and Brander. In 1895 the African Methodist Episcopal church was established under the combined leadership of Mokone, Brander, Dwane, and Khanyane. Mzimba led a breakaway from…
The Zion City Type Semeia 73: “Reading With”: Exploration of Interface between Critical and Ordinary Readings of the Bible p 52 (2×)
Kruss succinctly articulates this contradiction. She notes that while the leadership and hierarchy of the ZCC identify with and act to legitimate apartheid structures, “it cannot be assumed…
Subjectivity and Agency of AICs Readers: A Post-colonial… Semeia 73: “Reading With”: Exploration of Interface between Critical and Ordinary Readings of the Bible p 124 (2×)
to the AICs. It is Moya that empowered them to reject the discriminative leadership of missionary founded churches and to begin their own churches. From the beginning, Moya revealed to them…
Leadership + Change Search
The Nature of the Pastoral Role: The Leader as Completer, A.… Bibliotheca Sacra (2◊)
than any trait theory could explain. Many of the studies discovered that leadership requirements changed from situation to situation, and that leaders who were effective in one situation…
The Biblical Concept of Elder, Ed Glasscock Bibliotheca Sacra (2◊)
clear instructions helped move the Gentiles toward the spiritual character of leadership God intended. The change from a Jewish church to a predominantly Gentile church was a gradual process. At…
Theological Issues of 21st-Century Ministry, Leith Anderson Bibliotheca Sacra (2◊)
knowing and following leaders with the latest methods. However, in a period of rapid change, leadership tied to specific methods does not last long. Charismatic personality is a pragmatic…
Personal Challenges for 21st-Century Pastors, Leith Anderson Bibliotheca Sacra (2◊)
week may grow a church to 700 or 800 on the hub-and-spoke model. But if he does not change his leadership style, such a pastor may well experience burnout or even resign. Or the church may be…
Jan 1979 Bibliotheca Sacra (2◊)
should read this book for three reasons: First, those in positions of leadership need to watch closely the changing attitudes of society toward this key ethical issue. This book serves that…
Apr 1984 Bibliotheca Sacra (2◊)
proofs for one pastor; the advantages and objections to a team ministry; and how to change to a leadership plurality. This reviewer found particularly helpful the appendixes (actual case…
Jan 1990 Bibliotheca Sacra (2◊)
simply Why Leaders Can’t Lead takes a fresh look at why people responsibile for leadership struggle with change, inertia, and the satisfactory involvement of other leaders. Always provocative…
Workers and a Framework for a Theology of Work Semeia 73: “Reading With”: Exploration of Interface between Critical and Ordinary Readings of the Bible p 219 (2◊)
and negotiations, support from the Church, the struggle for political change, working class power and leadership, etc. How does the redemption of work fit into God’s redemption? The final…
4. Corinth (Greece) DLNTD (2◊)
had a conflict with the elders and eventually gained enough support to foment a change of leadership (1 Clem. 3.3; 44.6; 47.6). A prominent leader in the church at Rome, Clement, wrote a…
A Community of Servants Understanding Christian Theology p 1122 (2◊)
believers are to sell their goods or possessions. The power of servant leadership cannot be minimized in effecting change in our churches and world. From the example of Christ (Phil. 2:4–5), we…
An Old Fashioned Spiritual Problem The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer (2◊)
of community within that church. And there must be a freedom under the leadership of the Holy Spirit to change what needs to be changed, to meet the changing needs in that place and in the…
2. The Epiphany of God’s Kingdom and Fear. TDNT G5399, G5401 (2◊)
kerygma of the Hell. communities (1 C. 15:5), it did not accord with the changed position of Peter in the leadership of the community.121 What the women are afraid of in Mk. 16:8 is the empty…
Ministry Leadership Christian Minister’s Manual p 14 (2◊)
the people of the church. Then get to know the structure of the church. Changes can be made later. Servant leadership models Jesus. It is leadership with a towel to wash feet rather than a whip…
5. Perga: John Mark’s Desertion Epochs in the Life of Paul: A Study of Development in Paul’s Career p 109 (2◊)
but here perils of rivers and perils of robbers loomed before his imagination. Did the change in leadership affect Mark at all? Barnabas will not hold Mark’s return to Jerusalem against him, but…
Uniform Lesson Series Evangelical Dictionary of Christian Education p 704 (2◊)
the Sunday school’s curriculum, with each phase of its development representing a change in leadership. The local endeavor was begun by John H. Vincent (Methodist), founder of Chicago Sunday…
August 10 For the Love of God, Volume Two Aug 10 (2◊)
underlings being better but too weak or afraid to effect the desperately needed change (Jer. 37). Or leadership may be weak or corrupt throughout the hierarchy, with the top figure too…
III. Managing Change Ashland Theological Journal Volume 21 V 21, p 41 (2◊)
in the adult division of the Sunday school would require some major changes. There was a dearth of leadership in adult classes because there were only seven classes ATJ 21 (1989) p. 42…
Transformational Leadership: Theory and Reflections Ashland Theological Journal Volume 32 V 32, p 76 (2◊)
Quarterly, 7(3), 385–425. Markham, Donna. 1999. Spiritlinking leadership: Working through resistance to organizational change. New York: Paulist Press. Neal, W. 1965. Apostle Extraordinary. n…
Leadership Character: A Matter of Trust Ashland Theological Journal Volume 33 V 33, p 30 (4◊)
The task of leadership has not changed. Leaders move/influence people to work together toward the accomplishment of mission. What has changed is the situation of leadership. The leaders…
For Such a Time as This: A Situational Model of Leadership Ashland Theological Journal Volume 33 V 33, p 31 (5◊)
to change. Situations change. Ministry opportunities change. Persons who would provide leadership in the context of change can benefit greatly from knowledge of how other leaders have…
Book Reviews Ashland Theological Journal Volume 33 V 33, p 168 (2◊)
who desperately need it. Do not read this book unless you truly desire to change and develop your leadership capabilities from the inside out. Take the road less traveled. Executives-as…
Competency, Spirituality, and Core-Identity in Pastors Ashland Theological Journal Volume 35 V 35, p 75 (4◊)
theory to spiritual experience. They yearn to understand the inner processes of change and leadership development. ATJ 35 (2003) p. 76 Competency is founded in a person’s underlying…
The Nature of the Pastoral Role: The Leader as Completer Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 139 V 139, N 553, p 60 (2◊)
than any trait theory could explain. Many of the studies discovered that leadership requirements changed from situation to situation, and that leaders who were effective in one situation…
The Biblical Concept of Elder Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 144 V 144, N 573, p 72 (2◊)
clear instructions helped move the Gentiles toward the spiritual character of leadership God intended. The change from a Jewish church to a predominantly Gentile church was a gradual process. At…
Theological Issues of 21st-Century Ministry Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 151 V 151, N 602, p 136 (2◊)
knowing and following leaders with the latest methods. However, in a period of rapid change, leadership tied to specific methods does not last long. Charismatic personality is a pragmatic…
Personal Challenges for 21st-Century Pastors* Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 151 V 151, N 603, p 266 (2◊)
week may grow a church to 700 or 800 on the hub-and-spoke model. But if he does not change his leadership style, such a pastor may well experience burnout or even resign. Or the church may be…
Imminent And Any-Moment Central C. B. Quarterly Volume 2 V 2, N 2, p 23 (2◊)
hesitate to appoint him as a Sunday school teacher or consider him as a deacon. Leadership changes a situation completely.” Present schools of the Conservative Baptist movement expect…
The Extent of the Atonement, Part 2 Conservative Theological Journal Volume 9 V 9, N 27, p 245 (2◊)
a metonymy for the whole nation, as those who confine it to the religious leadership. Many of them notice the change in mood from excoriation to lamentation.10 This interpretation is enforced…
A School of the Church: Andover Newton across Two Centuries;… Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal Volume 15 V 15, p 119 (2◊)
typical of mid-nineteenth-century American Baptists. But gradually things began to change. Under the leadership of E. Y. Mullins, the seminary’s fourth president who began serving in 1899, the…
Leadership in Open Brethren Assemblies of North America Emmaus Journal Volume 5 V 5, N 1, p 60 (4◊)
facet of leadership that was affected by missions was that it relieved the pressure for change in leadership at home. When the brightest and best young people went out as missionaries to remote…
Pastoral Leadership in a Changing Social Situation Faith and Mission Volume 9 V 9, N 1, p 32 (19◊)
Leadership in a Changing Social Situation Dr. M. Clay Warf Pastor, Temple Baptist Church Durham, North Carolina My entire twenty year ministry has been spent in the same church located in a…
Keeping the Good in Goodbye Faith and Mission Volume 10 V 10, N 2, p 10 (2◊)
change from becoming unnatural chaos. In our of fast-moving world, change management is becoming a mainstream leadership skill. In fact, in some business schools, two skills are considered…
Liven Up Those Listeners and Kiss Distance Learning Goodbye Faith and Mission Volume 17 V 17, N 2, p 72 (2◊)
With this in mind, this professor presents a simple but potentially life-changing outline on situational leadership. Ken Blanchard has described the four-step process of developing leaders in…
A Call for a Retrial in the Case of the Epistle to the… Faith and Mission Volume 19 V 19, N 2, p 50 (2◊)
James the half-brother of the Lord was the third. Under these circumstances after the change in leadership from that of a recognized authority to their successors, the admonition of Heb. 13:17…
The Pastor and the Holy Spirit Grace Journal Volume 14 V 14, N 3, p 30 (2◊)
built stressing the importance of allegiance to Christ. This person will last though leadership may change and, at times, fail. The chapter concludes, “So then let no one boast in men. For all…
Is God Relevant? Global Journal of Classical Theology Volume 1 (2◊)
the island was started into submission, and became a vassal of Babylon. There was a change’ of leadership and undoubtedly some tribute paid, but the island was not pillaged. Given the minimal…
Bolman And Deal’s Four Frames Of Leadership Global Journal of Classical Theology Volume 5 (2◊)
Corporate Cultures (with A. A. Kennedy, 1982). He has published numerous articles on change and leadership. He is a consultant to business, health care, military, educational, and religious…
Neanderthals Chasing Bigfoot? The State of the Gender… Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood Volume 12 V 12, N 2, p 10 (2◊)
in all of the convention’s agencies, especially the seminaries. This resulted in many changes in leadership and a revised confession of faith. One aspect of the theological reformation the…
Moses And Anthropology: A New View Of The Exodus JETS 27 V 27, N 1, p 24 (3◊)
route, in the exodus itself. Most of the book of Exodus details the changes wrought under Moses’ theocratic leadership, changes that prepared the Hebrews for life in the land of promise. Just as…
A Thematic Development Of The Haggai/Zechariah/Malachi… JETS 27 V 27, N 4, p 400 (2◊)
date) they are depicted as a “flock of slaughter” (11:7). There is also a change that takes place regarding the leadership within the remnant community. In the night visions Joshua and his friends…
Future Directions For American Evangelicals JETS 29 V 29, N 4, p 459 (2◊)
is in a state of transition. We are now witnessing, as it were, a changing of the guard in the leadership of the evangelical movement. The founding fathers of modern American…
The Indispensable Youth Pastor Journal of Discipleship & Family Ministry Volume 2 V 2, N 1, p 59 (2◊)
guide the youth worker through clarifying expectations, listening, slow change, and the concept of intuitive leadership. They rightly put into perspective the place of the youth worker in the…
Designing A Church Pastoral Staff Journal of Ministry and Theology Volume 1 V 1, N 1, p 81 (2◊)
p. 81 Figure 4 Implications for Present Practice As in the case of most proposed changes in a leadership concept, there are already “normal” traditional ways of viewing the multiple staff…
Vision Casting for Biblical Change A Possible Model Journal of Ministry and Theology Volume 3 V 3, N 1, p 73 (2◊)
of decline. George Barna lists the eight symptoms of decline: 1. Demographic Changes. 2. Inadequate Leadership. The church needs a strong, visionary leader. More often than not, the churches…
The Second Man in Ministry Journal of Ministry and Theology Volume 3 V 3, N 2, p 84 (2◊)
pursuit. Why become assistants whose stay in a ministry may be cut short because of the change of leadership of another? It is attractive to seek ministry that may last. 3. What would you suggest…
The Over-Churched: Preaching to People Who Have “Heard it… Journal of Ministry and Theology Volume 7 V 7, N 2, p 89 (2◊)
proper balance of Word and sacrament. Folk-postmodernists may distrust those in leadership, but this can change with proper pastoral care, unlike the thorough postmod- JMAT 7:2 (Fall 03) p. 90…
Passing the Baton: A Theological and Practical Look at… Journal of Ministry and Theology Volume 10 V 10, N 1, p 55 (2◊)
so heavy for the deacons and other lay leaders that they refuse future leadership opportunities. Second, a pastoral change has the potential of creating a number of potentially harmful emotions…
The History of Expository Preaching Master’s Seminary Journal Volume 3 V 3, N 1, p 12 (2◊)
believers to being viewed widely as a sacrament conveying saving grace. Christian leadership rapidly changed from the offices of elder and deacon to sacerdotalism with the rise of the “bishop…
Women in the New Testament Priscilla Papers Volume 9 V 9, N 1, p 5 (2◊)
rights. Thousands of years of patriarchy had taken its toll. If there were to be a change, female leadership would have to emerge slowly. Both Jesus and Paul set the stage for the advancement of…
What Kind of Gospel Story Is This? Priscilla Papers Volume 13 V 13, N 1, p 9 (2◊)
that the key players in the story are women. Ten women provided the guiding energy and leadership for change in the community. Two Christian women shared the Gospel that eventually permeated the…
Cloistered Redemption: Exploring the Effects of Asceticism… Priscilla Papers Volume 19 V 19, N 1, p 6 (2◊)
Emperor at the start of the fourth century, the entire course of Christian history changed. Under the leadership of prior Emperors Decius and Diocletian in the third century, Christians endured…
Conclusion: glancing back and moving forward Priscilla Papers Volume 21 V 21, N 3, p 23 (2◊)
relationships with God and God’s calling on their lives. Some women will seek change within the church leadership structure, others within the village’s traditional community structure. Others…
Inferences for today’s churches Priscilla Papers Volume 21 V 21, N 4, p 7 (2◊)
to the growth needs of local churches in consideration of size, changing ministries, new opportunities, and available leadership potential. Constitutional texts that permanently solidify church…
Resources for Thinking Clearly Reformation and Revival Volume 12 V 12, N 1, p 177 (2◊)
what was to be a trend for many centuries, an invasion of Britain that resulted in a change of leadership that was never followed by massive migration. The second part of this first video…
The Ministry of Preaching in an Interim Setting Review and Expositor Volume 100 V 100, N 2, p 192 (3◊)
as it tries to determine who it is without a pastor or consistent leadership. Interim times bring leadership changes, which often cause dissension and stress. Churches in transition face…
Living in the Interim Time: Lessons to be Learned from… Review and Expositor Volume 100 V 100, N 2, p 254 (8◊)
The presence of change is one of the most dependable facts of life on this planet. A Change in Leadership For people in the church, the interim period between the last pastor and the new pastor…
The Review & Expositor: A Century of Engagement and… Review and Expositor Volume 101 V 101, N 1, p 33 (2◊)
not the least of which was a declining subscription base that had begun with the changing leadership at Southern Seminary. The journal remained highly regarded, however. In 2001, it was…
Changing Gods: An Exposition of Jeremiah 2 Review and Expositor Volume 101 V 101, N 2, p 294 (2◊)
2, the question of divine absence is turned against the people and its leadership. Following upon the charge of “changing gods,” v. 28 asks “Where are your gods (איה אהלין) whom you have made…
Bowen Family Systems Theory: A Resource for Pastoral… Review and Expositor Volume 102 V 102, N 3, p 434 (2◊)
Friedman understood and taught that, viewed through the lens of BFST, pastoral leadership is about changing self and not about changing others. Bowen referred to the process of becoming a…
Roy Lee Honeycutt as Theological Educator Review and Expositor Volume 102 V 102, N 4, p 603 (2◊)
I think he honestly believed the seminary could survive these new forces for change through rational leadership, compromise and the passage of time.17 What he was not prepared for was the…
Personal Remembrances of Roy Lee Honeycutt Review and Expositor Volume 102 V 102, N 4, p 722 (2◊)
the trustees that the convention appointed with the very purpose of undermining his leadership and changing the very nature of the Seminary. His openness to these very trustees led to some of…
Why We Must Have a World Alliance Review and Expositor Volume 103 V 103, N 4, p 694 (2◊)
where there were only 500 Baptists. Many thought the location should be changed, but the BWA Council leadership persisted in its choice of venue. The response of the tiny group of Baptists…
Facing Trauma With Parishioners: Emotionally Intelligent… Review and Expositor Volume 105 V 105, N 2, p 263 (4◊)
Social skills competencies consist of influence, communication, conflict management, leadership, change catalyst, building bonds, collaboration and cooperation, and team capabilities.6…
Today’s Spiritual, Liturgical Challenge Review and Expositor Volume 106 V 106, N 2, p 179 (2◊)
century Liturgical Movement, church groups with more dynamic leadership (like worship commissions) achieved remarkable change in worship practices —developing full liturgies of Word and Table…
The Role Of Baptism In Baptist History Review and Expositor Volume 65 V 65, N 1, p 35 (2◊)
12 Through the 1620’s and 1630’s this congregation suffered a number of divisions and changes in leadership. Still, it continued to attract new adherents and to have its own identity. In 1633…
Leadership for Today’s Youth Review and Expositor Volume 65 V 65, N 2, p 190 (2◊)
most important area of their lives and denies future generations the kind of leadership that will be required to change the world. (3) There seems to be an attitude abroad in the church that sex…
The Witness Of The Serving Church Review and Expositor Volume 66 V 66, N 5, p 113 (4◊)
upon the present, and at least points toward what lies ahead. If church leadership will attempt to anticipate change it will not be taken by such great surprise. This would aid in planning for…
The Use Of Power And Social Change Review and Expositor Volume 68 V 68, N 3, p 333 (2◊)
they may apply sanctions in an effort to reverse that decision and to change the behavior pattern of the leadership. These sanctions may include staying away from (boycotting) the worship…
The Role of the Church in Changing Society Review and Expositor Volume 68 V 68, N 3, p 369 (4◊)
Changing Society William M. Pinson, Jr. “The Christian churches are now taking the leadership in social change.”1 Although this comment by community organizer Saul Alinsky may be an…
Continuing Theological Education Review and Expositor Volume 70 V 70, N 1, p 71 (2◊)
program of study and skill development that will enable them to give effective leadership in the ever changing circumstances of church, community, and world. Continuing education should not be…
Church Ministry to Singles in the Southern Baptist… Review and Expositor Volume 74 V 74, N 1, p 68 (2◊)
of the church. It certainly requires the positive commitment of the church leadership and single adults to being change agents. Finally, a church ministry with single adults needs to be healthily…
The Future Role Of The Baptist Association Review and Expositor Volume 77 V 77, N 2, p 227 (2◊)
young children.9 Associations and churches are also faced with another social factor, changes in leadership styles and a declining confidence in institutions. Pollsters have provided abundant…
A Critical Appraisal Of The Church Growth Movement Review and Expositor Volume 77 V 77, N 4, p 533 (2◊)
Do they tend to foster conflict and division? What happens to their churches when leadership changes? In a Home Missions study of laity in growing churches the five characteristics…
Leader Style and Church Staff Mesh: Solving People Puzzles Review and Expositor Volume 78 V 78, N 1, p 16 (2◊)
of education and ministers of music were asked their pastor’s actual leadership style, the pattern changed radically. Again, the democratic option appeared in 45.5 percent of the…
Baptists and Culture Review and Expositor Volume 84 V 84, N 4, p 664 (2◊)
moved the body politic in America a few degrees to the right as a consequence of his change-oriented leadership. Yet, the primary force of the Baptist movement in America today is not focused on…
The SBC: Retrospect and Prospect Review and Expositor Volume 88 V 88, N 1, p 17 (2◊)
discovered that fact, some would like to work toward change, but real change is highly unlikely. The current leadership has come to power by legitimately using the existing rules; they have no…
Baptists Facing the Third Millennium Review and Expositor Volume 89 V 89, N 1, p 80 (2◊)
to confront these honestly in the spirit of prayer and the humility to change where necessary and seek God’s leadership so that Baptists worldwide will not become an irrelevant sect but indeed…
The Church, the Future, and Diminishing Resources Review and Expositor Volume 90 V 90, N 4, p 490 (2◊)
people left as easily as they came.”17 Strategies for church programming and leadership development must change to reflect the needs of people. When asked about what they would like to do most…