Joshua’s Passover n the Sabbath

Reading List

Alternate Labels

  • Sabbath
  • Appointed Times
  • High Holy Sabbaths
  • Feast Days
  • Passover
  • Unleavened Bread
  • Wave Sheaf

Key Passages

  • Genesis 1:14; From the beginning, the observation of the sun establishes the 24-hour day. The 29 1/2 day orbit of the moon is ordained to predict seasonal appointed times.
  • Genesis 2:3; Exodus 20:8; Yahweh initiated a repeating pattern of resting on the seventh day Sabbath.
  • Humans are capable of counting and observing predictable patterns. Yahweh instituted the seventh day Sabbath and High Holy Sabbath appointed times. But, few people obey Yahweh’s commandments. Human traditions and deceptive misuse of Scripture promote errors that disrespect Yahweh’s commanded appointed assemblies. Two biblical events have been distorted by translators to mislead and deceive students of Scripture.
  • In Joshua 5:10; 11; 12; Passover and the first day of Unleavened Bread are easily apparent. But, translators have failed to accurately establish the correct day of Wave Sheaf that occurs after the weekly seventh day Sabbath.
  • In Luke 22:15; John 18:28; 19:18; 30; 31; 20:1; Matthew 12:40; 16:21; 12:8; Messiah’s death on Passover and the prophetic 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb, also have an important connection to the weekly seventh day Sabbath.
  • Leviticus 23:10; 11; 14; 15; A Wave Sheaf of grain is presented during the days of Unleavened Bread on the day after weekly seventh day Sabbath. The Israelites could not eat of the produce of the land until the Wave Sheaf had been offered to Yahweh.
  • Joshua 5:10; 11; 12; After Passover, on the first day of Unleavened Bread, the Israelites ate of the produce of the land. The Wave Sheaf must have occurred on the first day of Unleavened Bread. But, translators distort Scripture by misplacing the weekly seven-day Sabbath and its connection to the Wave Sheaf.
  • Simple errors can produce false doctrines when Yahweh’s instructions are not followed accurately. The year of Messiah’s death, Passover occurred on a Wednesday and He was entombed just before sunset. Thursday evening began the first day of Unleavened Bread. Friday was the preparation day before the weekly seventh day Sabbath. Messiah remained in the tomb until just before sunset on His weekly seventh day Sabbath. Messiah arose on the Sabbath exactly 3 days and 3 nights after His death. Messiah Yeshua became the Ways Sheaf that ascended to the Father on the day after the weekly seventh day Sabbath.

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