Jesus Sutras
Type: Writing
Subtype: Book
- Sutra on Almsgiving of the World-Honored One, Part Three (一神(天)論(世尊布施論第三).
- Sutra on the Oneness of Heaven (一天論第一).
- Sutra on the Origin of Origins (大秦景教宣元本經)
- Sutra of Hearing the Messiah (序聽迷詩所經)
- Da Qin Hymn of Perfection of the Three Majesties (大秦景教三威蒙度贊).
- The Sutra of Ultimate and Mysterious Happiness.(志玄安樂經)
- Let Us Praise (大秦景教大聖通真歸法贊)
- The Xi’an Stele
Key Passages
Reading List
The name “Jesus Sutras” applies to a number of ancient Chinese Christian texts, most of Nestorian origin.
External resources
- The Nestorian Relics and Documents in China by P. Yoshiro Saeki
- The Chinese Nestorian Texts of the T’ang Period by Ian Gillman and Hans-Joachim Klimkeit
- The Jesus Sutras: Rediscovering the Lost Scrolls of Taoist Christianity by Martin Palmer
- The Lost Sutras of Jesus: Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of the Xian Monks by Ray Riegert and Thomas Moore