ELi-Yeha Comes First

Reading List

Alternate Labels

  • Elijah
  • Elijah comes first
  • Messiah’s first and second coming

Key Passages

  •  Mt 17:10-11; Yeshua came the first time; to announce the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven. He will return a second time to govern the earth. Yeshua revealed to His disciples many mysteries about the future plans of the Father.          
  • Mt 16: 27-28; 17:1-2; 3;  The disciples witnessed a vision of the Glorified Messiah; talking to Moses and Eli-Yeha-wu in the Kingdom. They later asked why do the scribes say Eli-Yeha must come first; (before the Kingdom comes???) Who is Eli-Yeha? Hebrew names contain a treasure of hidden information within a few words. Digging deeper will uncover a wealth of understanding.
  • Acts 3:20-21; For more info; please visit: http://abibletopic.blogspot.com/2011/06/eli-yeha-comes-first.html

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