This page lists all the topics that have a ‘deities’ entry in the Logos Controlled Vocabulary.
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Deity |
Abir |
Adonis |
Adrammelech (Deity) |
Ahura Mazda |
Aliyan Baal |
Almighty |
Alpha and Omega |
Amon (Deity) |
Anammelech |
Anat |
Anath (Deity) |
Ancient of Days |
Angel of the Lord |
Anointed One |
Apis |
Apollo |
Artemis |
Asherah |
Ashima |
Ashtaroth (Deity) |
Ashtoreth |
Asmodeus |
Asshur (Deity) |
Atargatis |
Author of Life |
Baal (Deity) |
Baal-Berith |
Baal-Zebub |
Baali |
Baalim |
Bacchus |
Beelzebul |
Bel |
Belial |
Bethel (Deity) |
Chemosh |
Christ |
Comforter |
Dagon |
Destiny |
Devil |
Diana |
Dionysus |
El |
El Roi |
El Shaddai |
El-Berith |
El-Bethel |
El-Elohe-Israel |
El-elyon |
El-Olam |
Eloah |
Elohim |
Elyon |
Enlil |
Everlasting God |
Fear of Isaac |
Friend of Strangers Zeus |
Gabriel |
Gad (Deity) |
God |
God Most High |
God the Father |
Goddess |
Gods |
Grove |
Hadad (Deity) |
Hadadrimmon |
Helios |
Herakles |
Hercules |
Hermes (Deity) |
Hermes Trismegistos |
Holy One |
Holy Spirit |
Horus |
I Am Who I Am |
Ishi (Deity) |
Ishtar |
Isis (Deity) |
Jaoel |
Jehovah-Jireh |
Jehovah-Nissi |
Jehovah-Shalom |
Jehovah-Tsidkenu |
Jeremiel |
Jesus Christ |
Jupiter |
Kaiwan |
Lamb of God |
Lilith |
Lion of the Tribe of Judah |
Lord of Hosts |
Lucifer |
Marduk |
Melqart |
Meni |
Mercury |
Merodach |
Michael (Angel) |
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