Church HealthChurch RenewalRevivalRefocusing the ChurchReinventing the Church
*Matthew 16:16–19 | The New International Version*Revelation 2:1–7 | The New International Version
*Breathing Life into the Traditional Church | Empowering Your Church through Creativity and Change: 30 Strategies to Transform Your Ministry*Courage for the Doubting Pastor | Empowering Your Church through Creativity and Change: 30 Strategies to Transform Your Ministry*Great Growing Churches | Pastor’s Handbook*Principles of Church Renewal | The Christian Educator’s Handbook on Spiritual Formation*Salvaging the Sinking Ship | Empowering Your Church through Creativity and Change: 30 Strategies to Transform Your Ministry
*A God Centered Church | A God Centered Church*Becoming A Healthy Church | Becoming a Healthy Church: Ten Traits of a Vital Ministry*Case for Antioch | The Case for Antioch*Church that Works | Church that Works: Your One-Stop Resource for Effective Ministry*Comeback Churches | Comeback Churches: How 300 Churches Turned Around and Yours Can, Too*Everychurch Guide to Growth | The Everychurch Guide to Growth: How Any Plateaued Church Can Grow*Incredible Shrinking Church | Who Can Save The Incredible Shrinking Church*Kingdom Focused Church | The Kingdom Focused Church: A Compelling Image of an Achievable Future for Your Church*Preaching for Revitalization | Preaching for Revitalization: How to Revitalize your Church through your Pulpit*Replant | Replant: How a Dying Church Can Grow Again*Transformational Church | Transformational Church
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