Alternate Labels
Doctrines of Grace
5 Points of Calvinism
Reformed Theology
John Calvin
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Roman Catholicism
Web Links
Wikipedia: “Calvinism”
Theopedia: “Calvinism”
Monergism.Com: “Calvinism”
Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics “Calvinism”
Calvinistic/Reformed Baptists “Founders Documents”
The Spurgeon Archives: “The Five Points of Calvinism”
Key Passages
John 6:37-39
John 6:44-45
John 6:63-66
Romans 8:28-30
Romans 9:11-24
Ephesians 1:4-6
Ephesians 2:1-5
Ephesians 2:8-9
Reading List
1. Articles or Books Describing
1.1. By Calvinists
Origin and Contents of the “Five Points” of Calvinism
.” | The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended and Documented
The Case for Calvinism
.” | The Case for Calvinism
The Five Points of Calvinism
.” | The Five Points of Calvinism
Calvin’s Calvinism on Providence
.” | Calvin’s Calvinism: A Defence of the Secret Providence of God
Calvin’s Calvinism on Predestination
.” | Calvin’s Calvinism: A Treatise on the Eternal Predestination of God
Calvin and Calvinism
.” | The Works of Benjamin B. Warfield, Volume 5: Calvin and Calvinism
True Scripture Doctrine
.” | The true Scripture Doctrine Concerning Some Important Points of Christian Faith
Essentials of Calvinism
.” | The Essential Calvinism
True Calvinism
.” | Calvinism: Six Lectures Delivered in the Theological Seminary at Princeton
1.2 By Non-Calvinists
Summary Evaluation of Calvinistic Theology
.” | The Moody Handbook of Theology
2. Chapters or Sections
2.1. In Systematic Theologies
Calvin’s Institutes
.” | Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin
Charles Hodge’s Systematic Theology
.” | Systematic Theology by Charles Hodge
Frames Systemactic Theology
.” | Salvation Belongs to the Lord: An Introduction to Systematic Theology by John L. Frame
W. A. Grudem’s Systematic Theology
.” | Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Bible Doctrine by Wayne Grudem
A. A. Hodge’s Systematic Study
.” | The System of Theology Contained in the Westminster Shorter Catechism: Opened and Explained by A. A. Hodge
A. A. Hodge’s Systematic Theology
.” | Outlines of Theology by A. A. Hodge
J. P. Boyce’s Systematic Theology
.” | Abstract of Systematic Theology by James P. Boyce
Van Til Systematic Theology
.” | An Introduction to Systematic Theology by Cornelius Van Til
Berkhof Systematic Theology
.” | The History of Christian Doctrines by L. Berkhof
B. B. Warfield Theology
.” | The Works of Benjamin B. Warfield, Volume 9: Studies in Theology
B. B. Warfield Systematic Theology
.” | The Right of Systematic Theology by B. B. Warfield
2.2. Other Theology & Doctrinal Works
Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
.” | The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Loraine Boettner
What is Calvinism
.” | What is Calvinism? or the Confession of Faith, in Harmony with the Bible by William D. Smith
3. Other Books
3.1 History
Calvinism in History
.” | Calvinism in History by Rev. N. S. McFetridge
Calvinism & Americal History
.” | What Calvinism Has Done for America by John C. Monsma
Influence of Calvinism in Scotland
.” | Calvinism Popularized by H. A. Long
Reading List
Last modified
2010 March
by Jeff Brown
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