Book of the Dead
Alternate Labels
Turin Papyrus
Papyrus of Ani
Web Links
Wikipedia: Book of the Dead
Wikipedia: Papyrus of Ani
Das altägyptische Totenbuch
Key Passages
Reading List
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Egyptian Literature
| The Lexham Bible Dictionary
| The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge
| WiBiLex (German Bible Society)
Text and Translation
The Book of the Dead
| The Context of Scripture, Volume Two: Monumental Inscriptions from the Biblical World
From the Book of the Dead
| Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume II: The New Kingdom
Hymns and Prayers from the
Book of the Dead
| Hymns, Prayers and Songs: An Anthology of Ancient Egyptian Lyric Poetry
P. Barguet,
Le livre des morts des anciens Égyptiens
, Paris, 1967
E.A.W. Budge,
The Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani in the British Museum
, 1895
E.A.W. Budge,
The Book of the Dead: The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day
, London, 1898
E.A.W. Budge,
The chapters of Coming forth by day, or, The Theban recension of the Book of the dead
, London 1910 |
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
E.A.W. Budge,
The papyrus of Ani; a reproduction in facsimile
, New York 1913 |
Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol 3
C.H.S. Davis,
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
, New York, 1894
R.O. Faulkner,
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead; edited by C. Andrews
, London, 1985 (revised edition)
E. Hornung,
Das Totenbuch der Ägypter
, Zürich/München, 1979
R. Lepsius,
Das Todtenbuch der Ägypter nach dem hieroglyphischen Papyrus in Turin
, Leipzig, 1842
C. Maystre,
Les déclarations d’innocence, (Livre des Morts, chapitre 125)
Publications de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale. Recherches d’archéologie, de philologie et d’histoire
, VIII], Cairo, 1937
E. Naville,
Das ägyptische Totenbuch der XVIII. bis XX. Dynastie
, Berlin, 1886
P. Pierret,
Le Livre des Morts des anciens Égyptiens
, Paris, 1882
P. Le P. Renouf & E. Naville,
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
, London, 1904
G. St. Clair,
Creation Records in Egypt. Studies in the Book of the Dead
, London, 1898
Web Links
Wikipedia: Book of the Dead
Wikipedia: Papyrus of Ani
Das altägyptische Totenbuch
Last modified
2014 September
by HJ. van der Wal
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