Book of Revelation
Type: Writing
Subtype: Book
Alternate Labels
- The Revelation of John
- John, The Revelation of
- Revelation, Book of
- John, Revelation of
- Revelation
- Apocalypse of St. John, The
Key Passages
Reading List
- Outline | Holman Concise Bible Commentary
- Outline | Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
- Outline | The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary
- Outline | The Bible Knowledge Commentary
- Outline | Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the New Testament
- Authorship | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- Author | Harper’s Bible Dictionary
- Author | Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
- Author | The Books of the Bible Made Easy
- Author | Tyndale Bible Dictionary
- Date | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- Date | Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible
- Date | Holman Bible Handbook
- Date | Holman Concise Bible Commentary
- Date | Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
- Date | The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary
- Date. | The Bible Knowledge Commentary
- Date | The Book of Revelation
- Date | The Books of the Bible Made Easy
- Purpose. | The Bible Knowledge Commentary
Historical Context
- Setting | Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
- Background | Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the New Testament
- Place | The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary
- Text | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- Syntax | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- Vocabulary | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- Text | The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary
- Title | The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary
- Genre | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation
- Genre | Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible
- Style. | The Bible Knowledge Commentary
- Character | Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the New Testament
- Plan of the Book | “A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John, Volumes 1 & 2”
- Structure | The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised
- Structure | Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible
- Approaches | The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised
- Theology | Holman Concise Bible Commentary
Spiritual Content
- Bibliography | “A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John, Volumes 1 & 2”
- Bibliography | The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised
- Bibliography | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- Bibliography | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- Bibliography | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- Bibliography | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- Bibliography | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- Bibliography | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- Bibliography | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- Bibliography | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1-5
- The Apocalypse of St. John (Henry Barclay Swete)
- Revelation | Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
- Revelation | Baker New Testament Commentary
- Revelation | Believers Church Bible Commentary
- Revelation 1–7: An Exegetical Commentary | (Robert L. Thomas)
- Revelation 8–22: An Exegetical Commentary | (Robert L. Thomas)
- The Book of Revelation | NICNT
- Revelation | The College Press NIV Commentary
- A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John | ICC
- An Exegetical Summary of Revelation 1-11 (Ronald Trail)
- An Exegetical Summary of Revelation 12-22 (Ronald Trail)
- The Revelation to John in Exploring the New Testament, Volume 2: The Letters and Revelation | SPCK
- Revelation in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Volume 12: Hebrews Through Revelation EBC
- A Handbook on The Revelation to John | UBS Handbooks
- Revelation in Hebrews to Revelation: Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, Volume 4 | ZIBBC
- Revelation | Holman New Testament Commentary (HNTC)
- Hope in Hard Times—The Final Curtain: Revelation | Study Guide Commentary Series (Bob Utley)
- Horae Homileticae Vol. 21: Revelation (Charles Simeon)
- An Introduction to Revelation: A Pathway to Interpretation (Gilbert Desrosiers; Continuum)
- Revelation | The IVP New Testament Commentary Series
- Revelation | Life Application Bible Commentary
- The Message of Revelation | The Bible Speaks Today
- The Book of Revelation | The New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC)
- Revelation | The NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)
- Revelation in The Preacher’s Commentary Series, Volume 35: 1, 2 & 3 John / Revelation | The Preacher’s Commentary Series
- Revelation | The Pulpit Commentary
- Revelation | New International Biblical Commentary (NIBC)
- Revelation | A Bible Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition
- Revelation: An Expository Commentary (H. A. Ironside)
- Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary | Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (TNTC)
- Revelation | Tyndale Concise Bible Commentary
- Revelation: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary | Anchor Yale Bible (AYB)
- Revelation 1-5 | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a
- Revelation 6-16 | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52b
- Revelation 17-22 | Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52c
Journal Articles
- Gordon Campbell, Findings, Seals, Trumpets, And Bowls: Variations Upon The Theme Of Covenant Rupture and Restoration In The Book Of Revelation, Westminster Theological Journal 66:1 (Spring 2004), 70-96.
- David A. deSilva, The Social Setting of the Revelation to John:Conflicts Within, Fears Without, Westminster Theological Journal 54:2 (Fall 1992), 273-302.
- Dale Ralph Davis, The Relationship Between the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls in the Book of Revelation, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 16:3 (Summer 1973), 149-58.
- James A. Hughes, Revelation 20:4-6 and the Question of the Millennium, Westminster Theological Journal 35:3 (Spring 1973), 280-302.
- Loren L. Johns, Conceiving Violence: The Apocalypse of John and the Left Behind Series Direction Journal 34:2 (Fall 2005), 194-214.
- Tim Long, A Real Reader Reading Revelation, Semeia 73: “Reading With”: Exploration of Interface between Critical and Ordinary Readings of the Bible (Atlanta: SBL, 1996), 79-110.
- Richard A. Ostella, The Significance Of Deception In Revelation 20:3, Westminster Theological Journal 37:2 (Winter 1975), 236-238.
- Tina Pippin, The Heroine and the Whore: Fantasy and the Female in the Apocalypse of John, Semeia 60: Fantasy and the Bible (Atlanta, SBL, 1992), 67-82.
- Vern Sheridan Poythress, Johannine Authorship and the Use of Intersentence Conjunctions in the Book of Revelation, Westminster Theological Journal 47:2 (Fall 1985), 329-336.
- Paul A. Rainbow, Millennium as Metaphor in John’s Apocalypse, Westminster Theological Journal 58:2 (Fall 1996), 209-222.
- David M. Scholer, Breaking the Code: Interpretive Reflections on Revelation, Evangelical Review of Theology 25:4 (October 2001), 304-317.
- Norman Shepherd, The Resurrections Of Revelation 20, Westminster Theological Journal 37:1 (Fall 1974), 33-43.
- R. Fowler White, Reexamining the Evidence for Recapitulation in Rev 20:1-10, Westminster Theological Journal 51:2 (Fall 1989), 319-344.
- Gordon Zerbe, Revelation’s Exposé of Two Cities: Babylon and New Jerusalem, Direction Journal 31:1 (Spring 2003), 47-60.
External readings
- David Barr, ed., Reading the Book of Revelation (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003).
- Richard Bauckham, The Theology of the Book of Revelation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
- Marva Dawn, Joy in Our Weakness: A Gift of Hope from the Book of Revelation (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002).
- William Dumbrell, The End of the Beginning: Revelation 21-22 and the Old Testament (Homebush West, N.S.W.: Lancer Books, 1985).
- Jacques Ellul, Apocalypse. The Book of Revelation., trans. George W. Schreiner (New York: Seabury Press, 1977).
- Ted Grimsrud, Triumph of the Lamb (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1987).
- Colin Hemer, The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia in Their Local Setting (Sheffield: JSOT, 1986).
- Wes Howard-Brook & Anthony Gwyther, Unveiling Empire: Reading Revelation Then and Now (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1999).
- Craig R. Koester, Revelation and the End of All Things (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001).
- Hanns Lilje, The Last Book of the Bible: The Meaning of the Revelation of St. John (Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press, 1957).
- Eugene H. Peterson, Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination (New York: HarperCollins, 1991).
- William Mitchell Ramsay, The Letters to the Seven Churches (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1994).
- Barbara Rossing, The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2004).
- Paul Spilsbury, The Throne, The Lamb & The Dragon: A Reader’s Guide to the Book of Revelation (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002).
- John Stott, What Christ Thinks of the Church: An Exposition of Revelation 1-3 (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2003).