Reading List
The Benedictus, or Song of Zechariah, is Zechariah’s prophesy on the occasion of his son’s, John the Baptist’s, circumcision, in Luke 1:68-79.
Key Passages
- Luke 1:68-79
- Odes 10:52-88
- Benedictus | The New Bible Dictionary, Third Edition
- Benedictus | Eerdmans Bible Dictionary
- Hymn | Harper’s Bible Dictionary
- 7927 hymn | Zondervan Dictionary of Bible Themes
- εὐλογητός | Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
- 1:67-79. | The Bible Knowledge Commentary
- Luke 1:68–79 | Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
- Luke 1:68 | Word Pictures in the New Testament
Bible Lessons
- Lesson Aims | The KJV Standard Lesson Commentary, 2007-2008
Hymns and Songs in Scripture