Key Passages
- There is an old Russian saying, “You are born, You suffer, and You die.” Why? The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. Everyone has sinned so all deserve death. Except one man, Messiah Yeshua, who lived a perfect sinless life. So then, why did Yeshua suffer a cruel crucifixion and death on a cross? Most of Christianity believe that the Messiah became their sins and suffered the death they deserved. Christians believe that Messiah Yeshua was a substitution sacrifice and paid their sin debt to save them from Eternal Damnation. But, the sorrowful burden of bearing the Truth belongs to Messiah Yeshua. So, what is Truth?
- Genesis 6:3; 5; 6; The Spirit of Yehawah contends with mankind by pulling at their conscience and convicting sinners of their lawlessness. Yehawah’s heart was
- נָחַם | Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon [Nacham =sorrowful] and weary of bearing the
- עָצַב | Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon [Atsab =pain] of mankind’s rejection of His Spirit of Holiness.
- (Acts 7:51; 52; 53;Psa 51:6-7; 9-11; 12-13; 16-17; Eze 11:19; 18:31; 36:26; )
- Isaiah 1:11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; Yehawah Eloheyem was not pleased with Israel’s sacrificial offerings that did not produce true repentance or return their hearts to obey the Covenant 10 Commandments. Yehawah was
- טֹרַח | Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon[Torach = burdened] and
- לָאָה | Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon [Leah = weary] of
- 5375 נָשָׂא | Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon [Nasa = bearing] their sin, because the Israelites continued in disobedience and did not truly love Yehawah’s laws. Yehawah’s Merciful Lovingkindness was intended to turn the Israelites away from their sins and direct them toward Faithful Obedience. but, Israel’s hands were full of bloody animal sacrifices that could not save them from their sins. The animal sacrifices only symbolically represented Yehawah’s willingness to show mercy and forgive sin. Yehawah offers forgiveness to anyone that turns from evil and learns to do good.
- see also:
- abibletopic: COVENANT of Life or Death
- (Isa 1:15; 16; 17; 18; 19-20; Eze 18:27-28; 29; 30; 31-32; Heb 10:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9; Jn 8:3-4; 5-6; 7; 11; 1 Ti 2:3-5; 2Pe 3:3; 4; 5-6; 7; 8; 9;)
- Ezekiel 4:4; 5; Ezekiel prophetically portrayed the “Son of Man”
- 5375 נָשָׂא | Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon [Nasa = bearing or suffering] because of Israel and Judah’s
- עָוֹן | Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon [Awon = iniquities].
- Ezekiel symbolically carried the burden of sorrows that represented the, ” Son of Man” who suffered because of the sins of the covenant people. Both, Ezekiel and the “Son of Man” would call Israel to repent and return to obey Yehawah.
- (Eze 3:18; 19; 20; 33:6; 7; 8; 9; 18:20; 21; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31-32; 33:16; 17-18; 19-20; Dt 18:15;16; 17; 18; 19; 24:16;
Jer 31:28; 29-30; 31; 32; 33; 34;)
- Yehawah’s justice requires that everyone shall die for their own sins. Sin cannot be transferred from one person to another.
- (Lev 26:40; 41; 42; 43; Dt 10:16; 30:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; Isa 2:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 40:1; 2; 5; 9; 10; 11; 59:20; 21; Eze 20:41; 42; 43; 44; 37:1; 11; 12; 13; 14; 23; 26; 27-28;)
- Romans 2:12-13; 14; 15; 16; 11:26; 27;
Heb 10:15; 16; 17; The conscience of mankind will
- συμμαρτυρέω | Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon [Summartoreo = bear witness] of the convicting authority of Yehawah’s laws and words of truth. Yehawah has placed His moral laws within the conscience of all mankind. A person must be convicted in their mind of their transgression of Yehawah’s laws, before there is true repentance and a desire to turn away from lawless disobedience. The Spirit of the Father convicts sinners and leads them to righteous obedience that is the Salvation proclaimed by Messiah Yeshua.
- (Jn 6:43-44; 45; 46-48; 4:21-22; 23; 3:36; 12:49-50; 15:9-10; 17:3; 1 Jn 1:6; 7-8; 9-10; 2:1; 2-3;4-5; 6-7; 3:1; 2; 3-5; 6-7; 8; 9; 10-11; Ro 1:1-3; 4; 5; 2:5; 6-7; Lk 9:23-24; 25-26; 27;)
- Hebrews 13:11; 12-13; Messiah Yeshua’s sacrificial death on a cross became an offering for sin. Followers of Messiah also bear the reproach that Yeshua suffered as He was rejected by the lawless and unrepentant people. Messiah’s disciples must also take up their own cross as they bear the sorrows caused by human sinful rejection of Yehawah’s Covenant 10 Commandments.
- (Psa 35:18; 19; 27; 69:7; 9; 13; 21;
Jn 15:18-19; 20; 21-23; 24-25;
Mt 10:22-23; 24-25; 26-27; 28; 34; 35-36; 37; 39;
Acts 2:21; 22; 23; 24; 32-33; 34-35; 36; 38;)
- 1 Peter 2:21-22; 23; 24; 25; 3:13-14; 15; 16-17; 4:1; 2; Ro 6:4; 5; 6-7; 8-9; 10-12; 13; Messiah Yeshua’s Faithful Obedient life became an example of Holiness for disciples to follow. Messiah Yeshua trusted His Heavenly Father to vindicate Him from all false accusations and restore His life after suffering an unjust crucifixion. The Father proved His Son to be the sinless Messiah by His resurrection to Eternal Life. Messiah Yeshua is the true Shepherd of Righteousness, who leads His repentant disciples into obedience that is freedom from sin. Messiah’s disciples learned to put to death their sinful nature by living a renewed life of righteous obedience.
- 1 Peter 2:24; The apostle Peter is quoting from Isaiah as he describes the Messiah suffering cruel rejection.
- ἀναφέρω | Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon [Anaphero = bearing] the burden of mankind’s sins. The Greek word, “Anaphero” does not in any way mean to become the sins of others.
- Isaiah 53:3; 61:1; 2; Lk 4:14-15; 16-17; 18; 19; 43; Mt 4:23; 9:35; 36; 11:5; 12:18;
Jn 3:34; Messiah Yeshua began His ministry of proclaiming the, “Good News” of the Kingdom of Yehawah that will set the captives free from the bondage of sin.
- Isaiah 6:1; 2; 3-4; 5; 6-7; 8-9; 10; Dt 32:15; Psa 69:8-10; 13; Jn 1:11; 2:13; 14; 15; 16; 17-18; 19-20; 21-22; 12:37-38; 39; 40; 41; 15:22-23; 24-25; Mk 7:6; 7-8; Isa 29:13; 14; 23; 24; The Pharisees and teachers of the law felt secure in their traditions and sacred rituals. Miraculous works of the Spirit of Holiness in Messiah Yeshua did not turn their hearts to faith in Yehawah or repentance from their sinful disbelief. Messiah Yeshua was despised and rejected by His Covenant people.
- Isaiah 53:4; Zep 3:17; 18; 19; 20; Mt 23:37-38; 26:63; 64; 65-66; Heb 3:12-13; 14; 15;4:1; 2; 6; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; Messiah Yeshua was
- 5375 נָשָׂא | Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon [Nasa = bearing or suffering] and grieved when he saw their hearts turn away from the promise of salvation. The deceitfulness of sin and the spirit of Satan veiled their hearts as Yeshua was condemned for saying He is the promised Son of Yehawah Eloheyem.
- Isaiah 53:5; Acts 2:22; 23; 24; Heb 10:29; The Pharisees and teachers of the law convinced the people that Messiah Yeshua was a false prophet and deserve death. The people treated Yeshua as a profane thing that is rejected by Yehawah. But, He was pierced “because of” our lawlessness, crushed “because of” our injustice. Peter correctly understood that Messiah unjustly suffered crucifixion by the hands of wicked and lawless mankind.
- Isaiah 53:5 NASB; should continue to read: “the discipline of peace is within him, and out of wounds there is healing for us. Messiah Yeshua suffered in a sin filled world, because He Perfectly Obeyed the Covenant Commandments and Trusted in His Heavenly Father’s Faithful Love. Messiah Yeshua learned the Discipline of Peace by Loving Yehawah’s Words of Truth. Followers of Messiah Yeshua must turn away from sin by disciplining their lives through obedience to Yehawah’s Covenant 10 Commandments. The healing restoration of Merciful Forgiveness is received through the pouring out of Yehawah’s Spirit of Holiness.
- (Psa 119:165; 40:7-8; 9; 10; 11; 16; 17; 22:22-23; 24; Heb 1:1; 2; 3; 8; 9; 2:9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14-15; 5:7; 8-9; 10; 7:15-16; 24-25; 26; 27; 28; 10:1; 2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9; 15; 16; 17; 12:1; 2; 3-4; 5; 6; 7-8; 9; 10; 11;)