Key Passages
First Sunday
First Reading Isaiah 2:1–5
Second Reading Romans 13:8–14
Gospel Matthew 24:37–44
Second Sunday
Psalm Psalm 72 or Psalm 72:1–8
First Reading Isaiah 11:1–10
Second Reading Romans 15:4–13
Gospel Matthew 3:1–12
Psalm Psalm 146 or Psalm 146:5–10
First Reading Isaiah 35:1–10
Second Reading James 5:7–10
Gospel Matthew 11:2–11
Psalm Psalm 24 or Psalm 24:1–7
First Reading Isaiah 7:10–17
Second Reading Romans 1:1–7
Gospel Matthew 1:18–25
The Episcopal Church. (2010). Book of Common Prayer (1979) Sunday Lectionary. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.