Abelard, Peter
Alternate Labels
Peter Abelard
Peter Abélard
Petrus Abaelardus
Petrus Abailardus
Pierre Abélard
Web Links
Wikipedia: Peter Abelard
Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Peter Abelard
Jacques Maritain Center: Abelard
Key Passages
Reading List
Wikipedia: Peter Abelard
Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Peter Abelard
Jacques Maritain Center: Abelard
Peter Abelard
| The Dictionary of Historical Theology
Peter Abelard
| Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters
Abelard, Abbaud, William of St. Thierry
| A History of the Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist, Vol. I
Peter Abelard
| The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
Peter Abelard
| The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 3: The Medieval Church
Historia Calamitatum: The Story of My Misfortunes
| .docx file available
The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise
Logica ‘ingredientibus’
Introductiones parvulorum
Logica ‘nostrorum petitioni sociorum’
Tractatus de intellectibus
Sententiae secundum Magistrum Petrum
Ethica seu Scito teipsum
, “Ethics, or, Know Yourself.”
Dialogus inter Philosophum, Iudaeum, et Christianum
Carmen ad Astralabium
Philosophical theology
Theologia ‘summi boni’
Theologia christiana
Theologia ‘scholarium’
Expositio orationis dominicae
Expositio symboli Apostolorum
Expositio fidei in symbolum Athanasii
Commentaria in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos
Problemata Heloïssae cum Petri Abaelardi solutionibus
Sic et non
commentary on Ezekiel
Anthologies and Studies
Chapter 12: Peter Abelard (ca. 1079–1142)
| Christian Apologetics
NNDB: Peter Abelard: Bibliography
Jeffrey E. Brower; Kevin Guilfoy (editor).
The Cambridge Companion to Abelard
. Cambridge University Press. 2004. 362pp.
James Burge.
Heloise and Abelard: A New Biography of History’s Great Lovers
. Harper San Francisco. 2003. 319pp.
M. T. Clanchy.
Abelard: A Medieval Life
. Blackwell Publishing. 1997. 416pp.
Gabriel Compayré.
Abelard and the Origin and Early History of Universities
. Greenwood Press. 1969. 315pp.
Etienne Gilson.
Heloise and Abelard
. Regnery. 1951. 194pp.
Leif Grane.
Peter Abelard; Philosophy and Christianity in the Middle Ages
. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World. 1970. 190pp.
Roger Bradshaigh Lloyd.
The Stricken Lute: An Account of the Life of Peter Abelard
. L. Dickson. 1932. 221pp.
David Edward Luscombe.
The School of Peter Abelard: The Influence of Abelard’s Thought in the Early Scholastic Period
. University Press. 1970. 360pp.
Marion Meade.
Stealing Heaven: The Love Story of Heloise and Abelard
. William Morrow. 1979. 415pp.
C. J. Mews.
Abelard and Heloise
. Oxford University Press. 2005. 308pp.
Constant J. Mews.
The Lost Love Letters of Heloise and Abelard: Perceptions of Dialogue in Twelfth-century France
. Macmillan. 2001. 400pp. With translations by Neville Chiavaroli and Constant J. Mews
Albert Victor Murray.
Abélard and St. Bernard: A Study in Twelfth Century “Modernism”
. Barnes & Noble. 1967. 168pp.
Roberto Pinzani.
The Logical Grammar of Abelard
. Springer. 2003. 242pp.
Charles de Rémusat.
. Paris: Librairie Philosophique de Ladrange. 1845. (2 vols.) 509pp. + 563pp. Language: French.
Durant Waite Robertson.
Abelard and Heloise
. Dial Press. 1972. 238pp.
Kathleen M. Starnes.
Peter Abelard: His Place in History
. University Press of America. 1981. 151pp.
Paul L. Williams.
The Moral Philosophy of Peter Abelard
. University Press of America. 1980. 191pp.
Marjorie Muir Worthington.
The Immortal Lovers: Heloise and Abelard
. Doubleday. 1960. 238pp.
Last modified
2013 February
by MJ. Smith
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